well yeah
this is the first part...
so... umm....
Chapter 1 I guess....
"Wow Adam I can't beleive you one that contest!" Martin said laughing
"Shut up! I'm well aware of my disability to win anything, but luck was on my
side today!" I said in between dirty looks.
My name is Adam Marshall i'm 23 years old, and this is the story of how I died, and how I lived...
It was just one of those days where you wake up and feel like s**t... were your first thoughts are "Damn, why couldn't I just stay asleep?"
"Friday, and no where to go. How pathetic are we?" I sighed at my best friend as we played Halo 2 on Xbox--the score was 32-4 with me in the lead-- and drank out of our Jumbo Gulp cups we had picked up at a seven-11 on the way to his house. Martin just looked at me like I had said something like "we should eat your couch right now."
Martin returned his attention to the game, but still wore the same face. "You know me... I do this every weekend, you on the other hand have a really hot girlfriend to do things with; your here by choice my friend."
"Dude, you dont think I know that?" I smacked him in the back of the head. "plus, I gotta play my cards right with her mom if I want her to come on the cruise with me, her mom's crazy over protective, ya know?"
"Adam, I would be more worried about her killing herself in some crazy accident, your girlfriend might be hot, but she is about a coordinated as a potato."
I laughed. "Yeah your right." I looked down at the coffee table my feet were rested on and started at the document that said I could take 50 of my closest friends on a two week cruise to Jamaica.
A few weeks after that night I, along with 50 friends, and family members on a port in Los Angeles. My boss, Mr. Mallone, was standing right next to me--I had hoped that if I took him with me, I might have a chance of promoting--giving me a look of suspicion, then opened his mouth to speak.
You know Adam, taking me on this cruise is really nice of you, and i'm flattered, but it will not give you any traction on the wrungs of the workplace power ladder--my hopes hopes were in vein after all-- only hard work will ever do that, you have to earn your standing..." I stopped listening after that.
I moved away from Mr. Mallone eventually, and moved through the croud of family, and friends to the one I was really interested in seeing. I put my arm around the most perfect girl in the world, my girlfriend: Kathrine Sable.
"Hey there beautiful" I smiled my crappy lopp-sided smile, and looked down on her as she moved the hair out of her face.
The moment I saw her face the wind was knocked out of me, and my brain stopped thinking.
"I'm scared... I've never been on a boat before, and you know i'm afraid of the water..."
I sighed, and held her closer. "Don't worry, we wont ever actually be in the water, we'll be on the boat the whole time, nothing bad will happen."
I could still see genuine fear in her eyes when she responded. "I know I shouldn't be worried, but what if something happens?"
My bags hit the floor with a "Thud", then I cupped her perfect face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers. Her lips were so soft, I wouldn't complain if God saw fit to keep me there for all eternity. But I pulled away reluctantly to console her.
"If anything happens, i'll save you... I promise" My eyes searched hers, for some sign of acceptance. "Kathrine, I love you, and I would never let anything happen to you, you know that... don't you?"
She shook her head. "Of course I know that... I love you too."
I moved my head in for another reassuring kiss, but just then a large horn sounded in the distance, and a ferry arrived to take out to the cruise ship.
Chapter 2 I suppose...
I smiled at the coming voyage. As the ferry moved closer to us I was astounded by it's shear(sp?) size. If it hadn't said "Cruse Boat Ferry" in bold red letters along the side I might have thought it was our actual cruise ship.
A rather pudgy man—for lack of a better word—waddled out from the bridge of the boat.
"Drop anchor, and tie this fat bi†ch down!!" he yelled at the crew. Even though he was a "well fed" man when he talked it sounded as if he were actually a woman with a gland disorder.
I felt Katherine flinch in my arms, her eyes were following the capitain of the ferry. She looked as though she might vomit at any moment.
I couln't help but giggle a little, "What's a matter?"
She sort of squeeked and looked at me. "He's creepy!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
"He's just fat Kathy, not creepy, just fat" I laughed again and grabbed our bags. I only had one bag full of clothes, but Kathy's numerous bags felt as though they were full of bricks and iron slabs. I gasped and dropped the bags.
"How did you manage these bags all the way over here?! They weigh a freaken ton!!"
She sighed and walked over to my side. she grasped the handles and tried to lift the bag, but to no avail. She almost fell over backwards when she let go of the handles.
"It was light enough for me to carry this morning!" she looked at me with questioning eyes. "I don't know what happend!"
I bent, and started to unzip the bag. Kathrine bent down next to me, and unziped the opposite direction. Before flipping the lid open, I caught sight of something that looked out of place in a bag... I didn't pause again to ponder it.
In one fluent motion I pushed the lid up, and over Kathy's luggage.
We both stared open mouthed as her mom stared up at us from out of Kathy's luggage.
Kathrine was the first to speak. "MOM!! What are you doing here?! You were supposed to stay home!"
She smiled and climbed out of the bag, how she managed to fit there I didn't know, and I wasn't about to question it.
"You expect me to let you go on a two week cuise with you boy friend?!" she laughed just one very audible "HA" then looked around.
"Well now you know i'm here, i'm going to go sneak on board the ferry, see you later Kathy." she smiled, then turned and ran through the crowd crouching rather conspicuously.
Both Kathrine and I could do nothing more than stare after her.
The horn to the ferry blew again, and the pudgy man's voice could be heard through a loud speaker.
"The ferry will be departing in 3 minutes, please get your bodies and posessions on board"
Kathy sighed again, and picked up her — now substancially lighter— bags.
"Well come on then we should get going right about now."
I nodded, then picked up my own bag and followed behind her.
umm chapter 3.... I think....
oh, Kim, Mell, I lied... your not guys, "Adam" is Alex. So yeah... don't get all bummed that your guys... cause your not...
The ferry was dirty, and in disrepair; I was surprised It was sea-worthy at all. The old wooden floor boards groaned in protest to so much weight involentarily pushed on the deck they made up. I could smell the brine on the water, and crinkled my nose at the stench. I had never liked the ocean, particularly the smell.
The lot of us stood on the deck, bags in hands, waiting for some sort of signal that we would set off soon. We didn't have to wait long.
"We will be departing from port now" the pudgy man's voice echoed from old megaphones around the bridge of the ship. "Anybody who's not on board right now is being left behind, and is S.O.L. sorry folks"
We hardly noticed him, we were too concerned with the sudden movement of the ferry. I was a hard jerk at first — I don't think it was a jerk, it's just that we were so off balance to begin with — then moved with a more quickened pace. It's speed was surprising when considering the age of the old boat.
I stared at the pudgy man through the glass of the bridge; he was smiling — not one of those "I really love sailing" smiles, but one of those "I'm a really creepy person" smiles... if you know what I mean.
I sat down on the floor leaning against the wall of the bridge with my bag next to me. I stared at a small bug crawling along one of the cracks in the wood, the a foot suddenly occupied the space where the bug had just been. I stared at the foot for a while befored examining it a little further. I descovered that the foot led to an ankle, and the ankle led to a leg, the leg led to a pelvis, the pelvis led to an abdomen, the abdomen led to a chest, the chest led to a face...
"What are you doing?" said Stephanie in a cheery voice "Are you having a deep and meaningful conversation with the floorboards there? haha"
I smiled and talked with her about my fortune in winning this trip for a while, but then we heard someone call her name and she ran off to meet them laughing. I returned to stareing at the mutilated body of the bug. I had studied it for quite some time before once again a foot obscured my eye-contact with the bug's carcass. I smiled. It was Kathrine.
"Mind if I sit next to you?" she asked looking down at me.
"Not at all, sit anywhere you please" I smiled and patted the spot to my right, then to my left. "We've got plenty of space for you to choose from."
She laughed and sat on my left. I put my arm around her and pulled her to my chest. I was silent for a while, then she sighed and looked at me.
"Why do you love me so much? I'm disgusting, how can you stand to be around me and not vomit?!" she asked sadly.
yes i'm aware that this sounds like Edward's thing, but I swear I made it up last night while talking to Rebecca on the phone and looking out the window trying to look for the little dipper"
"Kathy, I love you..." I kissed her softly on the lips "My life is as the night sky — so large and vast that it's impossible to focus on any of the distant stars for more than a while. Before I met you it was like that, some stars brighter than others, my parents, my friends, but it was impossible to stay focused on them for more than a short time." I moved the hair out of her face so I could look her strait in the eyes, it didn't work for more than about 3 or 4 seconds. I smile and contiued hugging her closer. "When I met you, it was like some one had brought out a telescope for me.
When I looked through it a single star blinded me me with it's beauty. The rest of the dark night sky seems meaningless next to that little star. The one point in the sky worth looking at. Even in the daylight it's beauty shines brighter than the Sun."
I once again moved the hair from her face, I leaned in and kissed her forehead.
"Kathrine, you are my bright star; the focal point of my sky."
She stayed silent, and looked away.
After a about 5 minutes of silence on her part she mummbled: "I love you too"
I smiled wide, and closed my eyes. I could feel her breathing become deeper, and more shallow. Soon enough she was asleep on my chest. I leaned in on her and fell asleep too.
I was suddenly awoken by Katherine when she screamed. I panicked(sp?) and jumpped up in a ready stance.
"What!? What's a matter?! What's wrong?!" I looked around only to see other faces staring at me... Then I searched for the only face that really mattered; Katherine was staring horrified and awestruck at the sky. The face of the devil was huge and overtaking the blue which had been the color of the sky when Katherine and I had fallen asleep. The portions of the sky that were not occupied by the life-like face of Satan was a disurbing hue of crimson.
I ignored the abnormal sky and bent down. I grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to shake her out of her helpless trance.
"Katherine! Kathy!! Katherine love, you need to wake up now! come on! Kathrine!"
All I could really do is call out her name and hope she responded...
I was about to call for help, when she looked from the face of the devil and looked into mine..
I held her close. "It's ok, It's not real, it's not real!"
Then she pushed me away and inspected me as though I was slightly retarded...
"What are you talking about?" she said in a questioning tone.
I pointed to the face of Satan in the sky and said to her: "You screamed! Isn't this why?!" asked with searching eyes.
She looked at me again then looked at the floor by her leg. There was a brown smudge on the wood of the ferry.
She grimaced. "There was a cockroach on my leg..." she whined while swating the spot of skin on her thigh where the cockroach had apparently been several moments before.
I stared at her smooth thigh for a second and then trained my eyes on the giant face of the devil in the sky. The more I studied it I realized that it was not actually very life-like, it was cartoon-like in reality. No sooner than I realized that the devil was a cartoon that had slicked-back black hair, mustach, and smoked a cigar, did an earspliting howl echo from somewhere in the sky.
It was the loudest noise I had ever heard and it came from the sky...
I looked up and realized that the Crimson of the thing--for yes it was a thing and not the sky I now realized--ended up somewhere in the sky.
Whatever this thing was it was as tall as a sky scraper and atleast 20x that of one in length.
Without warning the mouth of the cartoon Satan opened and a tall thin man wearing all white and a black top hat extended a bridge to us all.
"My name is: Conductor Vanard!" he took off his top hat, and threw it on the floor behind him, did some fancy hand motion then placed his hand on his waist and bowed rather deep. "And! This is the Royal Cruise Ship Clair!" he said with such enthusiasm that a few of us actually clapped at this random man who just emerged from Satan's mouth...
My curiosity overwhelmed me, and I yelled out withough thinking.
"If the name of this cruise ship is 'Clair' then why is there a cartoon depiction of Lucifer on the hull--yes that was the hull... the giant 400million feet long hull-- right here?!"
Vanard looked around for a moment and then asked: "Who asked that Wonderful question?"
I felt too embarassed to raise my hand so he just looked around and then let it slide...
After a while of safty rules and regulation speaches, disclaimers, and notices Vanard told us to start coming on board and once inside to pick anyone of the countless elevators that led to the housing floor, then to pick any room we wish.
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meke me a sammich fool!

This is me... yeah I know I'm ugly, I only put it so that people know who they're talking to.
you couldn't hurt me if you tried......
I love you Rebecca till the end of forever.
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This is me... yeah I know I'm ugly, I only put it so that people know who they're talking to.
you couldn't hurt me if you tried......
I love you Rebecca till the end of forever.
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