What is honor? according to defenition honor is honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions. Now i agree with this but it's something more it's something that only you can answer for yourself. Honor for me... is difficult i once thought that the only way for me to have honor and to have the respect of all would be to acheive something few can and sacrafice my life for another. my dreams consisted of death on the battle feild, they pushed me towards my goals they drove me. but now somethings changed those dreams of death that once made me shake with joy now seem meaningless when i compare them to the dreams ive been recently haveing. Dreams of being a father ,a husband , haveing a family. i know now that the greatest honor will be to win the women of my dreams hand in marriage and raise children with her even if thier dragon babies. simply put my entire way of thinking has changed i don't have to be tuff i don't have to hide the true me behind my once indestrucable armor. everything has changed now. im not my own armor any more i don't just exist to die i have a purpose and it both excites me and scares me. puresueing a dream is a hard thing ultimately choices are made, sacrafices are made but................i will do anything to pursue my new dream no sacrifice will be to great. the thing that scares me.......... my own and only fear in this corporeal world is that some how i...... will mess it up. once my mind is made up very few things could change it, this not only changed it but turned my entire world around. so i know that this is real that it's not just a dream that i really do have a purpose now my life isn't just here to be extinguished. I thank you for what youve done to me i thank you for changeing me......i thank............... my future wife. my life is now yours use it as you see fit what ever brings you joy. Mind,Body,Soul..........Sword,Armor,Sheild..........it all belongs to you. i will protect you till the day i die. All i ask is that i am never forgotten that is all i ask

thank you for hearing my crazy rant lolz jk .....no seriously lol thanks for reading