Ordered by newest = first.

From Ssy moon.

From takino.

From Law Like Love.

From Kuro Sushi Kun.

From Ciwish

From Ivalice
By xXxBloodshotEyesxXx:

By Jenovaproject_12:

By Korean-Scholar

By GanjaPhish:

By Winklebee.

Linked to maker's profile.

This is from Melon XIV:

Easter-themed freebie from zeldafreak17 x3 :

Art from xx iRawrr:

HOLY CRAP. Freebie from Baitou:

One huge freebie from Tagoka
This is by Lin Inazuma:

Savage Amusement did this:

Lawl. :B

Tempest Of Wind did this (link is to dA page of original image):

PrincessPussypants did this:

Afkzor did this one!

Lilfrizzy did this!

CK the Ninja did this one:

Shintouyu did this for me:

Parapara Pa made me this one!

Nite-Nite Panda made me this:

Dis from Ponts:

This one's by max357:

YugiL did this one!

punkett_459 did this one.
Bodilla did this:

chewed unicorns did this for me!

fluffyducky did this one:

Anko14Hatake did this one:

S T E F Y K I T T Y did this one:

riikon did this one!

SuperLemon did this~!

INCARDYNE did this little number here:

This was done by HoHo the Kat:

MetalliciaN did this:

P a n d i i i - c h a n did this one:

YelloMellox3 did this one:

Sheiko did this one:

I did this one:

Hikaru_Kuuran_Ishino did this one:

xXNeko_NatsukiXx did this one. =3
Silverfang, my Gaia rival, did this for me. Long live good sportsmanship!
HellishPenguin did this~!
Raka_Putra did me this nice piece of art~!

Magic Mushrooms` did me Batman art~!

Magic_Prune did me Batman art as well! <3

treeko lupe did this one:

And Marie Bloodrose did one of me and the Bat! Woot!

MUAHAHA. Tierre`Serenity made me Batman art.

Hows Your Trousers did this:

Jeyboye sent me this. Linked because it's large.
Boulevardier made this one:

kira of the light was so kind as to make this one:

Marie Bloodrose did this one:

Tropical Weather did this one:

iHexadecimal did these for me.

Soleil Loreli did this:

Neko-Shippo did this little number here.

OrsumParis did this one for me. Isn't it cute?

heenad was kind enough to make me this one:

Chiemi_Umi is now my new god. *points down*


Totalanimefancaseclosed did this little doodle for me!

RyokoBunny did this cute one here:

Datura Stramonium did this one~!

. [ The Start of Cool ] . did this for me~!

One of my RP charries! Dearien "Dee" Martin and his gecko, Isz! Image was done by elf_skye !!!


Hee, thank you, Nyebe!
More wonderful art, this time by Frankiebanki!
And even more art~! This time from [pork_chop]!

GASP! Lover_of_Sunkist made me some art too~!

Some art of me from Squishy_Bunny~! She also did some art of my awesome boyfriend~!

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