Character Name: Josh and Matt Summer
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 18 and 16
Sexual Preference: Females (Strait)
Biography: When Matt and Josh were young his parents adopted a stupid idea of sending them to military school. They ran away together looking for adventure and excitement.
Personality: Kind, sometimes a jester. He hates when people cry, regardless of age, reason, or gender. He can’t stand it.
Likes: Being free (away from adults who tell them what to do), quiet evenings, sunsets, and loud music- Death metal, metal, rock, ect.
Dislikes: When people cry, loud or annoying people.
Weapons/Powers: Can manipulate fire.
Appearance: Brown hair. Wearing a maroon/brown shirt with a white design and forest green shorts with a brown belt and silver ring. One arm is bandaged to a few inches lower than his elbow because it looks badass. He has a scar that goes about two inches above and below his left eye. His skin is a tan color.