copywrite 2008 HED
Miley awoke to the intolerable screeching of the fire alarm. She was half asleep when her mother, Lilly, dashed to her room and told her to start running. The flames had already spread through the kitchen to the dining room and was now headed her way. Miley's mother screamed over the roar of the inferno. Desperate to escape a house that was falling all around them. Finally they met up with Ali, Miley's older sister, and bolted for the exit. Not a word was exchanged as their sprint went on for what seemed like ages. Just as they were about to make it, there was a deafening crack as the ceiling caved directly above were Ali was standing.
Time seemed to slow. seconds turned to minutes. Miley was too far away to make it there in time, but then happened...Miley could only look on as her mother shoved Ali out of the way, but it wasn't enough to clear the rubble. “Nooo!” Miley screamed she saw her only family disappear beneath tons of falling debris. Miley froze for a moment, unsure what to do, but she leaped forward and began to dig through it. She knew it was probably too late; she knew she was not strong enough to move anything and she knew that she might die if she stayed much longer, but she didn't care, she had to do something. A fireman hacked through the door and dragged her from the house trying to convince her that she must go. Miley screamed her mother and sister's names all the way to the street and for a good while afterwards some people tried to comfort her after the screams stopped, but she would just nod and cry by the firelight of her home.
Minutes passed and somewhere inside the house, Ali still drew a sharp breath buried underneath tons of rubble. "How can I be alive?" she wondered, "That kind of weight should have killed me." She looked around and tried to make sure she was still all there. Not even a broken bone. Miraculous. Then she noticed something very odd. It was a root by her left shoulder. After struggling a bit she was able to turn her head and saw a small tree holding up the dilapidated roof that should have been crushing her spine right now. A tree? That was impossible. They were inside a house and it had never been there before. Before she could consider this any longer a fireman came through the door. Ali yelled for help and soon was plucked out from beneath the brick and rubble but before she went she grabbed Mom's necklace from off the floor."Mom must be waiting outside with Miley"she thought Miley glanced up towards the door.
A silhouetted fireman appeared from the smoldering what now were looking more like the gates of hell than the doors to a cozy little house. He was holding something. It was Ali!The fireman lain Ali in the grass in front of her little sister as she coughed up soot. Ali looked up expecting to see her mother and Miley side by side but Lilly was nowhere to be seen. “Where is Mom?” she asked. Miley dint say a word. She didn't need to. Ali could see it in her limpid blue eyes glistening with tears. Their mother didn't survive. All they could do was hold each other and wait as an officer came to escort them to their new home at the Harper Orphanage... Neither of them knew that this was the beginning of something that would change the history of several worlds.
![]() Rachel Solis Community Member ![]() |