"Well, I could agree. But, I just met her. Did she know me before? Who is she?" I thought to myself. "Hokasha, how did you find your brother?" Said secilia. "BROTHER!!!" Me and Ike both said at the same time. "Yes, I thought you would at least know Ike. You found out yourselves though. Ike is a warrior with super strength. Hokasha, the love of my life, is half demon. You're both also this worlds protectors." Secilia explained. "Wow, super awsome for realz in the hizou!" Ike said trying to act cool. "Um... Ike... NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!!!!!!" I yelled at Ike.
"So, secilia. Can I ask a question?" I asked. (...Well, almost.) "Sure, you are my future husband. I just know it." "Right... Well, if I'm half demon, but I'm a protector of this world, then why did you say you were gunna turn me back?" I asked. Secilia answered with "I lied. I hope you forgive me." "Sure. why not." I said. So, we all went to my apartment. (well, not secilia. she *poofed* away again. I eventually found out that I was destined to fight a monster named 'Xa Gante' (ZA-gaunt) Who has seven forms and is to take over this world. I have to stop him. The part that sucked was that I had to do it by myself. That part was just so messed up. So I started training while Xa Gante gained his seven forms. So, the race starts.