To whom it may concern,
i've been thinking allot lately about friendships, companionship's, and family bonds. Its quite strange when you dissect each one of them, everything is so different in each relationship, for example when you love someone in a companionship, you can always tell what the other is thinking how their feeling and what sort of pain or joy their in; an unspoken bond as many specialists describe it. people look at love relationships and always tend to think, how does one go about making that work? their so different yet so alike. Well in order for one to answer this question, they might wish to look at their own love life, did they fight for their relationship? Did they truly love one another? Did they really work and wait for the relationship to blossom? You see no one ever looks too deeply in these things, love is like a child, you have to want it to grow, you have to take care of it. When someone truly wishes to be with someone they will not just sit back and wait for it to happen for them, they have to take action, they need to help nurture the relationship into a full grown love fest. I learned this thanks to watching many relationships of people i know and care about. They started off rocky and built from there, its quite interesting to watch love blossom. Things like that are truely a Kodak moment.
the same thing goes for friendships, when you wish to be friends with someone you have to be willing to keep the friendship going, and normally once you get to know someone better its easier to relate to them as a friend, take it from me i have a friend whom when we first met we hardly said a word to each other. But soon we started being around the other more and got to know one another till the point we where best of friends, she knows almost all of the ways to calm me down tick me off and make me happy as i her, though she has dissected my personality more than i have hers, but then hey mentally she is way ahead of me which gives her the advantage she needs to know allot more about me. Then we have other friendships i've been in where its someone who claims to be your friend but deep down their after something of yours, money, sex sometimes, an item of value to you or their just out to make friends with you then mentally tare you apart. those are the friendships i suggest you avoid, if i could warn myself in the past about these friendships i would, it would probobly save me allot of mental destruction, but then i probably wouldn't be the lovable oaf i am today, hehe. then we have the friendships where you know their gonna last forever those are the ones you have to work at for years, like me and my friend irl are working at now. These are friendships you will want to cherish, and their not just people you can have friendships or family bonds with you know, pets can sometimes fill those slots easily, i have proof i have an unspoken bond with my cat kael, in my own view he is like a son to me and a best pall i tell him everything though sometimes i'm sure he's not listening ^^ but then he is a cat he has his own things on his mind like all animals and human beings.
Then we have out family bonds these ones you normaly don't have to build up so much, but you still have to work at them. Sometimes families aren't the best, they can be hurtfull, uncaring and abusive at times, but when their like that, well i dono what you can do besides calling child services or the police. As for good family bonds, sometimes they start off rough but you just have to give them time and work at them soon they become a great relationship the best family bond i ever had was with my mother, she tought me to view the brighter side of things and gave me a beautiful smile to share with the world. She raised me as a happy go lucky child and for that i thank her. And sometimes those sort of bonds can back lash at you too, i know this full well cause my mom died and when she died i was broken for a very long time, but slowly i realized she would want me to continue to smile and be who i am instead of dwelling in the past and so i did, and no body in all this world can change that in me. when you have a bond like that with any family member please take my word and advice always cherish them and the moments you have with that family member
the same thing goes for friendships, when you wish to be friends with someone you have to be willing to keep the friendship going, and normally once you get to know someone better its easier to relate to them as a friend, take it from me i have a friend whom when we first met we hardly said a word to each other. But soon we started being around the other more and got to know one another till the point we where best of friends, she knows almost all of the ways to calm me down tick me off and make me happy as i her, though she has dissected my personality more than i have hers, but then hey mentally she is way ahead of me which gives her the advantage she needs to know allot more about me. Then we have other friendships i've been in where its someone who claims to be your friend but deep down their after something of yours, money, sex sometimes, an item of value to you or their just out to make friends with you then mentally tare you apart. those are the friendships i suggest you avoid, if i could warn myself in the past about these friendships i would, it would probobly save me allot of mental destruction, but then i probably wouldn't be the lovable oaf i am today, hehe. then we have the friendships where you know their gonna last forever those are the ones you have to work at for years, like me and my friend irl are working at now. These are friendships you will want to cherish, and their not just people you can have friendships or family bonds with you know, pets can sometimes fill those slots easily, i have proof i have an unspoken bond with my cat kael, in my own view he is like a son to me and a best pall i tell him everything though sometimes i'm sure he's not listening ^^ but then he is a cat he has his own things on his mind like all animals and human beings.
Then we have out family bonds these ones you normaly don't have to build up so much, but you still have to work at them. Sometimes families aren't the best, they can be hurtfull, uncaring and abusive at times, but when their like that, well i dono what you can do besides calling child services or the police. As for good family bonds, sometimes they start off rough but you just have to give them time and work at them soon they become a great relationship the best family bond i ever had was with my mother, she tought me to view the brighter side of things and gave me a beautiful smile to share with the world. She raised me as a happy go lucky child and for that i thank her. And sometimes those sort of bonds can back lash at you too, i know this full well cause my mom died and when she died i was broken for a very long time, but slowly i realized she would want me to continue to smile and be who i am instead of dwelling in the past and so i did, and no body in all this world can change that in me. when you have a bond like that with any family member please take my word and advice always cherish them and the moments you have with that family member

From E-kun to you fair well