So I popped into Gaia today and saw I had a PM. Wondering what it could be I opened a message from someone called 'Inuyasha the best dog' who asked the following: can i have ur shirt im very poor i only have 10g
First of all learn to spell little person, second learn the wonders of punctuation and thirdly no you bloody well can't have anything of mine you little scab! scream
You have to see it from my pov, this avi was wearing Shinto priest's trousers, a Fai coat, and waving about an ubi parasol and fan. Now you expect me to believe that you're poor?! talk2hand
Next time try creating a mule that at least looks poor before trying your next Oliver Twist impersonation.
This really pisses me off, in case you hadn't noticed. Don't go around asking for things from complete strangers, earn your gold like everyone else. You wouldn't do this in the real world . . . I hope. Have some bloody pride.
I'm not saying that I've earned everything I have in Gaia, some people (May La Nee I love you budski heart ) have been very kind and given me things, but I've never expected let alone asked for this.
*deep breath* Whew, rant over. I feel much better now! lol
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The Rambling Musings of GeekyTanta
Call it a 'stream of consciousness'. It can be anything, anytime, mostly here.
A bit of rambling, some ranting and general stuff I stumble across through the net.
And, hopefully *fingers crossed* some writing, too.
Absinthe makes the mind go wander.