Cuz they have no clue what it is like to have an addiction, or be in abbusive relationships. I have gone through alot more then i have told any one cuz i can't trust them not to use it against me.
I am a single parent. My friends have no clue how hard it is to do it alone. Yea one parent is there you know constantly, but there is the emotional support and the help when you need to scream and get away. They have someone they can go to at night and let off their chest the events of the day. And there are things a mother cant do for a daughter. No one understands you need two parents. A mom for the love and comfort. A dad for the strength and toughness.
If and whenmy friends read this they still will not understand. but i dont care i am here on my own to feet after having a gun pointed at me, being held at gun point, and having been beaten and raped repeatedly.
I have been through the worst and I see the light at the end of the tunel. Soon my life with be stable again. I will have a job to support my famliy and have the people that I love surround me. My family is the most important people in my life. Friends they come and go. Boyfriends they come and go. A family is there for you no matter what they forgive you and they are yours no matter how much you think they screwed up or they think you screwed up. In the end thats all you will have. So even if you think they was wrong and you was right still say