Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.. No cheating
1. Sam 2. Sunday 3. Tuesday 4. Kayleen 5. Kaitlynn (sp?) 6. Megan 7. Vance 8. Ryan 9. Randi 10.Adrian 11. Jaxon
1. Where did you meet number 4? School
2. Have you ever kissed 2? AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! gonk no
3. What would you do if you hadn't met number 1? not much, probably not have any friends
4. What would you do if number 6 and number 2 were goin out? cry a little... then I'd wonder how it was possible, 6 lives out of town... niether of them have met... thank god
5. How did you meet #8? Sam
6. Is #5 one of your bestfriends? ... yeah
7. Whos #10s best friend? everyone, he's pretty cool like that
9. Do you miss number 4? not really, I saw her just yesterday xd
10. What do u think of number 6? I miss her a lot... a lot a lot a lot... a lot!
11. Is number 9 a cool person? kind of... she's kind of mean sometimes though
12. Who does number 3 like? I have no earthly idea
14. Do you love number 1? ... uh
16. do you trust number 11? to an extent
17. Have you ever gone out with 7? lol xd no!
19.Ever done anything illegal with 1? not that i know of
20. Do you think you and 3 will still know each other in 5 years? I hope so... she's pretty awesome
Repost as: Can YOU name 11 people
Nancy Saturday · Sat Aug 23, 2008 @ 04:32pm · 0 Comments |