Your name: Aksi Slacktor (D:< Accept it)
Your eyecolor: Brown, but if I stare into the right kind of natural light they're yellow and/or red. Doesn't happen too often, though sad
Last person you missed: Maus/Caleb
Last person to call: Andrei via Skype.
Last person to IM you: Sugarbutt
What you're doing right now: Brushing my hair/WAITING FOR THE STUPID PIZZA GUY TO GET HERE. *whine*
What you're good at: I'm talentless.
Something you enjoy: Complaining, cats, scribbles, being late for things that make people cranky
Last thought: "I hate paying for food, I'd rather be punched"
Know somebody with a good talent: Not really...
Favorite networking site: Gaia for avatars/New people that don't scare me, Myspace to keep in touch, Livejournal for snark.
recently mad about: My clothes, my brother's doucheness, my inability to help, the fact the phone is ringing and I'd rather sit here and do this than answer it (I happen to know it's not important)
Know any languages: Decent french, trace amounts of Spanish and German, and like 5 words in Romanian.
Last person to compliment you: Some dude from Bearshare; I really wish they'd stop doing that.
Last time you cried: I dunno, like a few days ago.
Last time you ate: About 5 1/2 hours ago... And I'm really not interested in pizza right now so I'll probably not eat again until tomorrow (and knowing my family there won't be any nom and I'll have to cook)
Love: My friends, my family, my pets, Rockstar and random antiques.
Hate: My skin, my weight, my hair my nose, people who don't call when they say they will, homophobes, racists and scene kids.
Copied from: J
Who will repost: That would imply I cared...
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A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
Something to say?
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
Something to say?