are family!

Bestest fwiends!

What could i say.........when you gatta go,u gatta go. XD

Im trying to make a sale...but she is upsested wit the stinkin computer!! D:<

Its me on T.v!!

people cant hurt while im wit my man of steal!! XD

this girl takes an housr just to get a fricken candy bar!!!!! |:<

it really did look like his but needed a kicken. > biggrin

I guess we were both high that night. sweatdrop

i wish i never took that cake. :

Hot twins in da pool!!!

I didnt listen to my mommy. Then i barfed D;

I scream You scream WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE-CREAM!!


Idk bout u but...... i dont like to be nude. (in public) XD

Bestest Fwends 2

Hot twins!!!!

Evil twins!!Even hotter. XD

Weeee r the boxes My friend. n we'll keep on boxing till the end!!!

This pic is borring. i meen, u cant even see me. wats the cool if u cant see me?

You gatta have your soda wit a pizza! ;D

He doesnt want your box!! my box is smexier!!!

Im the sexy clothes. hang me up fast! biggrin

Sally=Bubbles...Suzay=Butercup...Rikki=Blosum... together we are the POWPUFF GIRLS!!!