I got this from my friend Kodies journal who got it from my other friend rachel.
It looked fun so I jsut said "hey why not no ones posting anyhow".
1) Do you think axe smells good on them?
Um... No but I don't like the smell of sweat either. So i guess its a little better.
2) Is it cute when they call you just to say hi?
Kinda but I just hope they wouldn't have OCD with calling me. Haha!
3) Holding hands or his arms around you?
Both just because something of the same thing gets old.
4) Is playing an instrument a turn on?
I could care less if he does thats great, if not okay.
5) Is playing a sport a turn on?
No but if he does play a sport I'll support it as long as he never makes fun of me in Guard.
6) Is it awkward when no ones talking?
Not really silence is good otherwise a relationship can get boring.
7) Is eye contact awkward?
No becuase you should as keep eye contact, but again too much of one thing is annoying.
8.) Is it a good thing when they come up and talk to you randomly?
Hale Yeah!
9) Does it matter if they wear make up?
Not really as long as he shares.
10) Does it matter if they straighten their hair?
Once again I don't care! But a prefer fluffly cloud-like-jasper hair.
11) Long hugs or the short cute ones?
12) Do they have to be good looking?
As shallow as this sounds yes, but if their really sweet then who cares.
13) Is it cute if he shows off ALL the time?
Hale No! Once in a while yes but I don't want a Jacob.
14) Would you kiss your boyfriend in front of your friends?
Not like make-out kiss but a peck when they come up to me or leave then yeah.
15) Do you believe in love at first sight?
Hahahaha! Oh wait you were serious, no. It needs depth.
16) Do you fall for people because of their looks?
When I was little.
17) Have you ever had your heart broken?
Not really.
1 Is it nice when a boy texts you just to say good night/good morning?
Hale Yeah!
19) How long should you make a boy wait before you kiss?
Hmm... Never one a first date I like old fashion. And I even know of a guy whos been dating a girl for like three or five months and has never kissed her. That's sweet.
20) How long should you make a boy wait before you sleep together?
I prefer that I not sleep with someone before marriage.
21) Do you prefer boys with long or short hair?
Longish-short, you know the flippy hair.
22) Do they have to be taller than you?
Hale Yeah! but if I really liked them it wouldn't matter.
23) Is it a turn on if they smoke?
Hale No! Smoking kills!
24) Do you expect them to pay for everything, always?
No that isn't a goooood relationship unless they always insist. But you should always help out.
25) Is it important for your boyfriend to be in contact with you EVERY minute ?
I don't like clingy people.
26) Kiss on a first date?
Must i repeat myself twice?
27) Do you prefer to be called babe, baby, darling or honey?
I prefer love, not even listed on this quiz, or darling.
2 Kissed someone in the past week?
29) Kissed someone in the past month?
-glare- no.
30) Are you confused/frustrated with a boy right now?
I have no boy I like so not really.
Love sucks... Indeed.
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Haha =]