I'm glad that my dad spent the money on Anger Management, otherwise I would have killed my boss, one of my best friends, and random people that just got in my way.
I'm not happy right now, and I haven't been for quite some time.
Its about time people figured out that my stupid jokes and half a** remarks are nothing but a simple coverup to how I actually feel most of the time.
I'm sick of people pushing what they think upon me and judging me accordingly. I'm not like you, and because of that I'm lazy? Well ******** off a*****e.
I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now, most of which when mixed together are very volitile.
One of my bosses at work is singling me out for some reason, and I have yet to find out why. My close friends are having wonderful luck in the relationship category when I am still sitting in the dust. Nor does it help when they call me "pretty" when obviously no male in their right mind thinks that way.
One of my oldest friends neglected to tell me that she was leaving for Utah at the end of the month, but somehow told two of my other friends last week.
Doesn't that make me feel like s**t. Because it does. And it pisses me off.
My parents won't ******** let up. I get off work late, and they expect me to do all my ******** chores before going to bed.
I only get 6 hours a sleep a night, at most and they don't understand how valuable that time is to me.
Tomorrow I work 5-11 again. Thankfully I don't have class on Fridays.
I have the feeling that I won't be able to see Tiffany on Friday since Jason will cry if he doesn't see her every ******** day of the week.
I'm pissed off right now.
All I want is someone to give a damn about me. Some of the most ******** up people have someone that will love them, while I on the other hand have the hardest time getting a goddamn date.
If someone like RAYMOND can get a ******** girlfriend, why can't I get a date?
I slam my head against hard objects due to the constant nagging inside my head.
I just have to keep smiling and laughing. They'll never know.