Yeah, I know.
"Hawkeye, why haven't you updated in so long?!"
"Hawkeye, where have you been?! We missed your greatness!"
"Hawkeye, who the hell are you?!"
Quit your bitchin', kiddies. Hawk's kinda back and still alive. However, there's been tons of stuff happening in the Demi Gord's life that's been keeping him away from the computer. For instance...
So, this past Sunday, I became the Assistant Manager of my EB Games store. It's nothing different than what I was doing before so far, but I did get one helluva pay raise for the title change. It basically just means that I get to crack the hammer and whip on people while being one badass mother fudger at the store. Spiffy, neh?
Anywho, there's other news to be had! For instance...The Best Sex Ever...Because I'm apparently "The Man," as it were. surprised heart
Speaking of the store and not to completely change the topic, we've got a county wide thief going around to our stores and trading stolen Blockbuster games in for cash. They've hit our store about three times now and a coup-le other stores of ours for hundreds of dollars. Luckily, we Think the police are finally getting involved and working to track them down. If not, we're boned as far as the money we gave out for the games. My week's been kinda like that since I became ASM.
In other-other news, we bought Monica a car today. More specifically, we bought her a Nissan truck so that she has something to get around in and so she can have a life of her own.
...That, and my parents keep "Hinting" at her to get a job. xp
It's a pretty nice truck too, a standard shift like she's used to and a nice paint job. Plus, she gets to teach me how to drive standard once I get the balls (AKA; I'm not too lazy) to learn.
In the last other-other news, Monica made me get my hair cut Tuesday. When we went, I was thinking it would be some simple haircut with nothing to worry about. Oh...How wrong I was...You see, Monica decided I need something More to make myself the ultimate sex machine. So...She had me get blonde highlights. gonk
Monica: PSH! He likes them. biggrin
Hush you, with your truthfulness!
Anywho, my hair is now more Rufus ShinRa-like so as to please her physically and visually. Speaking of which, we watched FFVII: Advent Children last night. It was a damn fine movie with a good plot, but don't let crazy fanboys/girls tell you it's the greatest movie ever made. But, we both agree it was a damn pretty movie with some damn pretty action sequences in it. We're in the process of getting Last Order as well so we can send copies out to some friends.
And now, Monica's going to play her damn Sims 2 game I bought her. Uggh...The Sims...On MY computer! I'm so ashamed, but you just can't fight it when your love someone. heart
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Hawk's World of Wonder! No, I don't sell MODchips...
Wherein Hawk drove back the oppressors with a pointy stick.
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I'm gonna be The Guy
I'm gonna be The Guy
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But I'm glad you guys are settling into your lurve nest. :3