All thoughts that I get in a day... or a day I write...w/e. nothing fasinating just my rant on what sucks and what's not bland... my second diary XP
~Madman of Layla~
Really weird but dunno, I think his poems are sweet but liek Romeo and Juliet, their grammar sucks. but I know it's meant that way but I wish it was like much more easier to read my god. Oh well. 9^9 Im somewhat thinking to make like blogies like things on here as a journal well in my journal. Boring as it might seem, Im gonna write stuff from now on about random things Im thinking of while trying to finish my homework. Well, some of people know alot of stuff and some...not really anything. If any one nice enough to tell me what blog means that would be specially nice m(. .)m. well actually nevermind, I sorta got an idea of it but all of you don't really have to read any of this, it's long and sorta pointless but really just everything Im thinking of. So this is just part one ^u^