Link to a list of people that shi has donated to since Jan.06
Hippie Zombie - 10k + Deluxe Blue Daffodil - Black Bouquet with Blue Ribbon
kura-chan - (tomb rommber bakura) Egyptian Gold Armlet , Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals , Shinto Priest's Jacket Black , kura hakama
Piggu-chan - ( Pengizilla ) -- 0ct 2007 letter
Sora sempai - 20k + long stemmed rose
Deviouswayz - sept.07 letter (christmas gift <3 )
Most recent - steve_the_crazy_pirate - 5k, clothes (10kish), housing stuff (1-2k)
Deviouswayz | Sealed (march 07) | Birthday Gift ^-^
Minion' | nitemare collar | birthday gift ^^
Ladydiie 150g, school girl skirt (1000g), 900g. 3 ghost outfits
satiniam 1200g
randy_ragdoll anti bite mask, 159g
Sinful_redemeer Outlaw biker pants troussers, mini ghost sheet + 3 other sheets
RiXx_69 1700g
jacksonmichael 60g
vampyface69 3 ghost outfits
hyuga_neji_1990 168g & jack uniform pants
faf13 300g
Kagome_Ito 6 ghost sheets
tommyviet 1300g + 935 + 1228g+ basic rod + regular ghost sheet
RixX289 4.5k
The Beat Em Charity Space monster mask, red face veil, 1698g
minion289 1.5k
Angelic~silver~wolf 840g, various bugs *glomps Silver* thankies-you for everything you've done, Silver ^^
Gold given at random: cant remember all of it ^_^ Also, a few items given as well
b-day presents given to: minion289 (pure gold amount N/A) & Angelic silver wolf (several different items) Voluptuous jon (several items - about 4-5k-- cant post yet as giving to him on the 17th ^^)
gaian anniversary presents given to:
Malignant_Spirit (Mar 06 letter)
Charinje (red gunner coat & pale blue scarf)
VoluptuousJon (Blue magical hat & coat)
Narutard221 (Zorro mask + outlaw biker jacket ash)
If you are a friend of mine (close, as in, we actually speak still ^^) and you have a IRL b-day or gaiananniversary comming up, just send me a pm, kay? ^^
Below are those who recieved gifts from my giveaway ^^

Donatees to date:
cherryberries : blue paper cat band, holo-grid floor tile, 230g
Ninja zeo 250g, construction barricades
Windum 300g, gaian 2nd anniversary hat
Aisha Woku 600g, white paper cat band
~xX[Twilight.Shade]Xx~ 750g big ghost sheet
Keiko_Rei 650g
neo_aisha_girl ~charged us half-price for teh banner so I decided to donate ^^~ 600g total
steve_the_crazy_pirate 350g
Sheep Farmer 22 1200, blue paper cat band
im_a_monkey 1500g, single yellow daffodil bouquet
Sweetkitty 850g
mikomihino_25 single pink daffodil bouqyet, 1500g
Linquis 2000g
Unrewarding Love 1500g
Steve The Garden Hose 2.5k
Voluptuous Jon 1k didnt want it ;-; XD *luffles*
_Minion289_ 4k
Smexi_lexi nurses hat, basic fishing rod, grunny walltile,
Alec Ikiiki 2500g
Plastic Flower 2k
Bello girl 2k
HtheDarkStealthDude 1.5k
Bello girl 2k
Sheep Farmer 22 7k
Aria Fanel 2k
_Minion289_ bone dragon helm
Sweetkitty 5k
Steve The Garden Hose 7k
steve_the_crazy_pirate 2k
Contest Winners to date:
Batsutousai 8k - quiz winner
+ over 15k given to other winners (unlisted)
Feedback on Shi & The Events xd

& also--- O-0 Saying shi ish awsome can no longer be quoted here XD o.o you seem to have turned it into a secret password without telling me XD
Hippie Zombie - 10k + Deluxe Blue Daffodil - Black Bouquet with Blue Ribbon
kura-chan - (tomb rommber bakura) Egyptian Gold Armlet , Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals , Shinto Priest's Jacket Black , kura hakama
Piggu-chan - ( Pengizilla ) -- 0ct 2007 letter
Sora sempai - 20k + long stemmed rose
Deviouswayz - sept.07 letter (christmas gift <3 )
Most recent - steve_the_crazy_pirate - 5k, clothes (10kish), housing stuff (1-2k)
Deviouswayz | Sealed (march 07) | Birthday Gift ^-^
Minion' | nitemare collar | birthday gift ^^
Ladydiie 150g, school girl skirt (1000g), 900g. 3 ghost outfits
satiniam 1200g
randy_ragdoll anti bite mask, 159g
Sinful_redemeer Outlaw biker pants troussers, mini ghost sheet + 3 other sheets
RiXx_69 1700g
jacksonmichael 60g
vampyface69 3 ghost outfits
hyuga_neji_1990 168g & jack uniform pants
faf13 300g
Kagome_Ito 6 ghost sheets
tommyviet 1300g + 935 + 1228g+ basic rod + regular ghost sheet
RixX289 4.5k
The Beat Em Charity Space monster mask, red face veil, 1698g
minion289 1.5k
Angelic~silver~wolf 840g, various bugs *glomps Silver* thankies-you for everything you've done, Silver ^^
Gold given at random: cant remember all of it ^_^ Also, a few items given as well
b-day presents given to: minion289 (pure gold amount N/A) & Angelic silver wolf (several different items) Voluptuous jon (several items - about 4-5k-- cant post yet as giving to him on the 17th ^^)
gaian anniversary presents given to:
Malignant_Spirit (Mar 06 letter)
Charinje (red gunner coat & pale blue scarf)
VoluptuousJon (Blue magical hat & coat)
Narutard221 (Zorro mask + outlaw biker jacket ash)
If you are a friend of mine (close, as in, we actually speak still ^^) and you have a IRL b-day or gaiananniversary comming up, just send me a pm, kay? ^^
Below are those who recieved gifts from my giveaway ^^


Donatees to date:
cherryberries : blue paper cat band, holo-grid floor tile, 230g
Ninja zeo 250g, construction barricades
Windum 300g, gaian 2nd anniversary hat
Aisha Woku 600g, white paper cat band
~xX[Twilight.Shade]Xx~ 750g big ghost sheet
Keiko_Rei 650g
neo_aisha_girl ~charged us half-price for teh banner so I decided to donate ^^~ 600g total
steve_the_crazy_pirate 350g
Sheep Farmer 22 1200, blue paper cat band
im_a_monkey 1500g, single yellow daffodil bouquet
Sweetkitty 850g
mikomihino_25 single pink daffodil bouqyet, 1500g
Linquis 2000g
Unrewarding Love 1500g
Steve The Garden Hose 2.5k
Voluptuous Jon 1k didnt want it ;-; XD *luffles*
_Minion289_ 4k
Smexi_lexi nurses hat, basic fishing rod, grunny walltile,
Alec Ikiiki 2500g
Plastic Flower 2k
Bello girl 2k
HtheDarkStealthDude 1.5k
Bello girl 2k
Sheep Farmer 22 7k
Aria Fanel 2k
_Minion289_ bone dragon helm
Sweetkitty 5k
Steve The Garden Hose 7k
steve_the_crazy_pirate 2k
Contest Winners to date:
Batsutousai 8k - quiz winner
+ over 15k given to other winners (unlisted)
Feedback on Shi & The Events xd
Unrewarding Love

- The sound of a TV turning on -
- Static, then a connection to a show picks up -
- The weird TV annoucers voice speaks -
In a world... That is not ready for greatness...
In a time... Of corruption and greed...
Only one person can stand in the way of the pocky-flavored-muffin warriors of doom...
And that person is...
- now yelling like in a WWE smackdown match -
LadyShi! At only 16 years old, she is already in love with many things! INCLUDING: YAOI! ANIME! DONATING AND DOOM!
Her only known weaknesses are cookies, preps and EMOS!
With her Flying Muffin by her side, and her crappy avi art in hand, only she can defeat the evils of the SUSHI ERROR!
- insert random ninja noises -
Think YOU can defeat LadyShi?!
Then come hang around, and try your luck.
- mumbled words sounding like "LadyShi, pocky-flavored-muffin, Flying Muffin, and doom are all owned by the Lady Shi worshiping committe of Gaia Online. Any attempt to copy these will result in up to a 120,000 gg fine. Lady Shi, Master of Doom, coming to threaters near you on August 25, 2006! DON"T MISS IT! -
- TV turns off -
- Static, then a connection to a show picks up -
- The weird TV annoucers voice speaks -
In a world... That is not ready for greatness...
In a time... Of corruption and greed...
Only one person can stand in the way of the pocky-flavored-muffin warriors of doom...
And that person is...
- now yelling like in a WWE smackdown match -
LadyShi! At only 16 years old, she is already in love with many things! INCLUDING: YAOI! ANIME! DONATING AND DOOM!
Her only known weaknesses are cookies, preps and EMOS!
With her Flying Muffin by her side, and her crappy avi art in hand, only she can defeat the evils of the SUSHI ERROR!
- insert random ninja noises -
Think YOU can defeat LadyShi?!
Then come hang around, and try your luck.
- mumbled words sounding like "LadyShi, pocky-flavored-muffin, Flying Muffin, and doom are all owned by the Lady Shi worshiping committe of Gaia Online. Any attempt to copy these will result in up to a 120,000 gg fine. Lady Shi, Master of Doom, coming to threaters near you on August 25, 2006! DON"T MISS IT! -
- TV turns off -
& also--- O-0 Saying shi ish awsome can no longer be quoted here XD o.o you seem to have turned it into a secret password without telling me XD
Writing Contest | Selaena | coco kitty
(Special-mentions to be sent out as well ^^)
Erotic Octopus 5k (Several good entries submitted)
Hardcore!Blau 5k (You were almost the winner XD I personally loved it anyway ^^)
joe_joe_511 5k (Again, you were one of the best entries! Loved it ^^)
Emperor Kitsune 5k (wrote an entire series @_@ ^^)
I wish I could give out more prizes ~ we had some lovely entries!~
Fancy Dress Contest | Bellevi (ghostly bride entry-I loved the theme! XD) 10k
Quiz | Dream_the_Endless | 10k
Bump Contest | No0dL3z | Oct 06 letter
Scavanger Hunt | No winner ~no entries~
Ball awards
Best Ball Outfit |
Most Amusing Person | Mighty Muffin XD (award being accepted on behalf of mighty muffin by Steve The Garden Hose ) 10k
Most helpful Mod | Tsukiyomi Morningstar (despite not-being-on as much as anticipated, you were the most dedicated volenteer hun ^^ thankies) 10k
Most Annoyingly Talented Entrant | joe_joe_511 (You were a writing-runner-up, almost won the fancy-dress & were one of the few to enter the art contest as well XD) 10k
People who stuck it out:
xX.[.Archon.].Xx | Phsycodelic | Tomb robber Bakura | 'minion | 2k each ^^
~over 98k pure in prizes + cocos & letters ^^~
Writing contest Winning Entry:
Writing Contest | Selaena | coco kitty
(Special-mentions to be sent out as well ^^)
Erotic Octopus 5k (Several good entries submitted)
Hardcore!Blau 5k (You were almost the winner XD I personally loved it anyway ^^)
joe_joe_511 5k (Again, you were one of the best entries! Loved it ^^)
Emperor Kitsune 5k (wrote an entire series @_@ ^^)
I wish I could give out more prizes ~ we had some lovely entries!~
Fancy Dress Contest | Bellevi (ghostly bride entry-I loved the theme! XD) 10k
Quiz | Dream_the_Endless | 10k
Bump Contest | No0dL3z | Oct 06 letter
Scavanger Hunt | No winner ~no entries~
Ball awards
Best Ball Outfit |
Most Amusing Person | Mighty Muffin XD (award being accepted on behalf of mighty muffin by Steve The Garden Hose ) 10k
Most helpful Mod | Tsukiyomi Morningstar (despite not-being-on as much as anticipated, you were the most dedicated volenteer hun ^^ thankies) 10k
Most Annoyingly Talented Entrant | joe_joe_511 (You were a writing-runner-up, almost won the fancy-dress & were one of the few to enter the art contest as well XD) 10k
People who stuck it out:
xX.[.Archon.].Xx | Phsycodelic | Tomb robber Bakura | 'minion | 2k each ^^
~over 98k pure in prizes + cocos & letters ^^~
Writing contest Winning Entry:
Username: Selaena
Entry Type: Prose!
Notes: I'm going to try and squish this in before deadline.
". . . And one day, Johnny Depp will come up to me, and say, 'Shi. I love you. Marry me,'" the Lady Shi predicted, balancing on the rail. She had a sharp knife in one hand and a butchered pumpkin in the other, and pieces of pumpkin piled up around her, like they were paying homage to their destructor.
"And then, of course, I will say yes. Because I cannot deny such a hunk of love such as Johnny Depp," she finished, and eyed the pumpkin. It looked nothing like a jack-o-lantern.
"I doubt that'll happen," Tsuki said, from next to her. She was reading a newspaper, flipping through the comics. "Heh. That Garfield."
"No. Seriously. I have, chained up in my closet, dozens of Johnny Depp look-a-likes." Lady Shi had a dreamy look in her eyes. "It will be perfect, Tsuki. Think about it. Think about it."
"Listen, lady, even if I went to jail and back, and you should know there's a fifty-percent chance of that, I doubt Johnny Depp will go down on one knee to propose to you," Tsuki mumbled.
"I am not listening to this from the girl who wrote that story about the guy getting his HEAD chopped off. Creepy, much?" Shi shuddered at the thought. It still gave her nightmares, and shivers, and spooks.
"It's Halloween. And all the creepiest things happen on Halloween." Tsuki spoke with an air of pure, unadulterated knowledge.
"JONathan doesn't think so," Lady Shi said, and accidentally poked through the eye of the pumpkin. Now the pumpkin's face was falling inside itself. The pumpkin pile grew higher. "I don't anybody smart say that, anyway Except I thought I once heard a muffin say that to me . . ."
"What about Snape, then? You know. Sleet Tempest. She has a bunch of pets. She'd know things. Like fornification."
"Ew. And she doesn't count, either. She breeds her pets like rabbits." Shi stopped to give Tsuki a wide-eyed look. "RABBITS."
"Wife and three kids. What do you expect?"
"Homotastic? Narutard?"
"Yes, no, yes, NO. Give it up already. The only person I'd think who'd know would be that one guy," Shi said, smiling at the perfect nose she carved. "The guy who came around here a lot, remember? He liked muffins too. Except he kept on trying to steal mine, that stupid idiot."
"Didn't he . . . die last summer?" Tsuki had the wide-eyed-they-breeded-like-rabbits look in her eyes. "The guy who tried to court you? With that creepy stare?" She flung back her hair and raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"He was a jerk, but he knew stuff." Shi furrowed her brow. "But hopefully not about fornification. Unless it was yaoi fornification. Then I'm okay with that."
"Maybe that's what he taught Lumos and Omega . . . " Tsuki mused, but then shook her head and sprang up. "I know where you keep an Ouija Board!" She ran off, and ran back just as quickly.
"Here, here, here."
"I don't really want to do this," Shi said reluctantly, hugging the pumpkin to herself. "It's creepy . . . "
Tsuki hummed the Twilight Zone song as she opened up the black board. It opened up with ease, but smelled like age and spirits and cooped up closets with secrets to hide. Shi shuddered, but Tsuki blandlessly sat cross-legged behind it.
"We'll do a quick one, then," she promised, "Since I have to go soon. Ask a question, any question."
Shi rolled her eyes, trying not to stare at the spinner. "Um . . . Will Lumos and Omega adopt before Christmas, then?" There were chills running up and down her skin, and she felt sick to her stomach. Memories of a kindly young man with flowers, with the beaky nose and gawky glasses but an honest smile, they flashed before her eyes. And she could see his severed head, staring back at her, blood coating his neck.
"Right." Tsuki touched the Ouija board easily, but Shi would never have touched it. It was too frightening. Inside that board lurked evil, and she knew it.
"Don't we have to sit down and hold hands or something?" Shi tried to ask, tried to prevent it.
"You're stupid. Sit down, shut up, and let the spirits talk." Tsuki closed her eyes and moaned. "Ommmmmm . . . Ommmmmm . . . Oh, great spirit beyond the unknown, we call you back to spin the spinner to answer our great question."
He'd been a nice young man. Such a nice young man. Except she hadn't liked him creeping around the house all the time, standing there, staring inside blandly with the same bland smile, never moving an inch throughout the day. She could still feel his gaze on her, day in and day out.
". . . before Chritmas?" Tsuki peeked through one eye, frowning a bit. The spinner lightly twitched, probably from the open window. But as they both watched, it twitched again. And again. and again.
K. It wandered to the K, and stopped for a moment. Tsuki gasped happily, but Shi wasn't nearly as happy. "Maybe we can just go watch anime on TV?" she asked, twitching her fingers. "Slash some fangirl fandom yaoi fun?"
I. Tsuki ignored Shi, leaning over the Ouija board.
Shi gasped, her mouth opened in fright. Her hand flew over the board and smashed it away, smacking it against the wall. Her hands were twitching and she was trembling, trembling badly, with a cold fear gripping her heart.
They didn't say anything for a while, surrounded by pumpkin pieces, staring at the board.
"I'm sure it was the wind," Tsuki said finally, her voice steady. "I mean, he liked you, after all."
"It's an evil spirit," Shi muttered. But then she looked up and smiled. "Don't worry. I've handled worse. I mean, have you ever read fanfiction?"
Tsuki laughed, and helped Shi up. "Hey, I've gotta run. But you'll be all right, right?"
"Of course! The death of me will be cookies, if anything! Evil cookies!"
"Cookies!" Tsuki obediently cheered as well. "And nobody steals your muffins."
"Muffins," Shi said solemnly. With that ritual done, they both smiled and went their ways. Or, rather, Tsuki went out the door. Shi stared at the Oujia board for a while, and then kicked the pumpkin. The innards easily bent inside, so that pumpkin blood stained the walls. Disgusting chunks of pumpkin lay on the tarp, and she exited the kitchen.
She went upstairs. She went all the way upstairs, passing all the signs of "EVIL COOKIES BEWARE!" and "WHO STOLE MY MUFFIN?" until she got to her closet, which she opened to get her gloves.
On the top shelf was the severed head of the creepy young man, still with the same bland stare and the same bland smile, except now coated with blood. And missing his body.
"Shut up," she told him, and closed the door.
Entry Type: Prose!
Notes: I'm going to try and squish this in before deadline.
". . . And one day, Johnny Depp will come up to me, and say, 'Shi. I love you. Marry me,'" the Lady Shi predicted, balancing on the rail. She had a sharp knife in one hand and a butchered pumpkin in the other, and pieces of pumpkin piled up around her, like they were paying homage to their destructor.
"And then, of course, I will say yes. Because I cannot deny such a hunk of love such as Johnny Depp," she finished, and eyed the pumpkin. It looked nothing like a jack-o-lantern.
"I doubt that'll happen," Tsuki said, from next to her. She was reading a newspaper, flipping through the comics. "Heh. That Garfield."
"No. Seriously. I have, chained up in my closet, dozens of Johnny Depp look-a-likes." Lady Shi had a dreamy look in her eyes. "It will be perfect, Tsuki. Think about it. Think about it."
"Listen, lady, even if I went to jail and back, and you should know there's a fifty-percent chance of that, I doubt Johnny Depp will go down on one knee to propose to you," Tsuki mumbled.
"I am not listening to this from the girl who wrote that story about the guy getting his HEAD chopped off. Creepy, much?" Shi shuddered at the thought. It still gave her nightmares, and shivers, and spooks.
"It's Halloween. And all the creepiest things happen on Halloween." Tsuki spoke with an air of pure, unadulterated knowledge.
"JONathan doesn't think so," Lady Shi said, and accidentally poked through the eye of the pumpkin. Now the pumpkin's face was falling inside itself. The pumpkin pile grew higher. "I don't anybody smart say that, anyway Except I thought I once heard a muffin say that to me . . ."
"What about Snape, then? You know. Sleet Tempest. She has a bunch of pets. She'd know things. Like fornification."
"Ew. And she doesn't count, either. She breeds her pets like rabbits." Shi stopped to give Tsuki a wide-eyed look. "RABBITS."
"Wife and three kids. What do you expect?"
"Homotastic? Narutard?"
"Yes, no, yes, NO. Give it up already. The only person I'd think who'd know would be that one guy," Shi said, smiling at the perfect nose she carved. "The guy who came around here a lot, remember? He liked muffins too. Except he kept on trying to steal mine, that stupid idiot."
"Didn't he . . . die last summer?" Tsuki had the wide-eyed-they-breeded-like-rabbits look in her eyes. "The guy who tried to court you? With that creepy stare?" She flung back her hair and raised a skeptical eyebrow.
"He was a jerk, but he knew stuff." Shi furrowed her brow. "But hopefully not about fornification. Unless it was yaoi fornification. Then I'm okay with that."
"Maybe that's what he taught Lumos and Omega . . . " Tsuki mused, but then shook her head and sprang up. "I know where you keep an Ouija Board!" She ran off, and ran back just as quickly.
"Here, here, here."
"I don't really want to do this," Shi said reluctantly, hugging the pumpkin to herself. "It's creepy . . . "
Tsuki hummed the Twilight Zone song as she opened up the black board. It opened up with ease, but smelled like age and spirits and cooped up closets with secrets to hide. Shi shuddered, but Tsuki blandlessly sat cross-legged behind it.
"We'll do a quick one, then," she promised, "Since I have to go soon. Ask a question, any question."
Shi rolled her eyes, trying not to stare at the spinner. "Um . . . Will Lumos and Omega adopt before Christmas, then?" There were chills running up and down her skin, and she felt sick to her stomach. Memories of a kindly young man with flowers, with the beaky nose and gawky glasses but an honest smile, they flashed before her eyes. And she could see his severed head, staring back at her, blood coating his neck.
"Right." Tsuki touched the Ouija board easily, but Shi would never have touched it. It was too frightening. Inside that board lurked evil, and she knew it.
"Don't we have to sit down and hold hands or something?" Shi tried to ask, tried to prevent it.
"You're stupid. Sit down, shut up, and let the spirits talk." Tsuki closed her eyes and moaned. "Ommmmmm . . . Ommmmmm . . . Oh, great spirit beyond the unknown, we call you back to spin the spinner to answer our great question."
He'd been a nice young man. Such a nice young man. Except she hadn't liked him creeping around the house all the time, standing there, staring inside blandly with the same bland smile, never moving an inch throughout the day. She could still feel his gaze on her, day in and day out.
". . . before Chritmas?" Tsuki peeked through one eye, frowning a bit. The spinner lightly twitched, probably from the open window. But as they both watched, it twitched again. And again. and again.
K. It wandered to the K, and stopped for a moment. Tsuki gasped happily, but Shi wasn't nearly as happy. "Maybe we can just go watch anime on TV?" she asked, twitching her fingers. "Slash some fangirl fandom yaoi fun?"
I. Tsuki ignored Shi, leaning over the Ouija board.
Shi gasped, her mouth opened in fright. Her hand flew over the board and smashed it away, smacking it against the wall. Her hands were twitching and she was trembling, trembling badly, with a cold fear gripping her heart.
They didn't say anything for a while, surrounded by pumpkin pieces, staring at the board.
"I'm sure it was the wind," Tsuki said finally, her voice steady. "I mean, he liked you, after all."
"It's an evil spirit," Shi muttered. But then she looked up and smiled. "Don't worry. I've handled worse. I mean, have you ever read fanfiction?"
Tsuki laughed, and helped Shi up. "Hey, I've gotta run. But you'll be all right, right?"
"Of course! The death of me will be cookies, if anything! Evil cookies!"
"Cookies!" Tsuki obediently cheered as well. "And nobody steals your muffins."
"Muffins," Shi said solemnly. With that ritual done, they both smiled and went their ways. Or, rather, Tsuki went out the door. Shi stared at the Oujia board for a while, and then kicked the pumpkin. The innards easily bent inside, so that pumpkin blood stained the walls. Disgusting chunks of pumpkin lay on the tarp, and she exited the kitchen.
She went upstairs. She went all the way upstairs, passing all the signs of "EVIL COOKIES BEWARE!" and "WHO STOLE MY MUFFIN?" until she got to her closet, which she opened to get her gloves.
On the top shelf was the severed head of the creepy young man, still with the same bland stare and the same bland smile, except now coated with blood. And missing his body.
"Shut up," she told him, and closed the door.
Sadly, this is the end of our christmas thread *sniffles* ... *already wants to host another one* ...*twitch* No! I must resist!
Unfortunatly our writing contest had to be posponed *nod* That will be around easter (hopefully) or eairler if possiable.
Our banner-contest did not recieve enough entrys to qualify for prizes, however I'm giving one out anyway ^^ The winners of all the contests are as follows:
Banner (3k but altering to 5k ^^) joe_joe_511
Avi contest (10k) Dream_the_Endless
Bump contest (10k) Minion`
Awards(10k each) Tsukiyomi Morningstar Steve The Garden Hose Bellevi Tomb robber Bakura
Over 105k given out this time around ^^
Trades will be sent to winners over the next 4 hours *nod*
Unfortunatly, untill Shi has completed her quest for smexey-d-tail-goodness, Shi will not be hosting any more charities...however, if shi's calculations for the amount of time it will take shi to achieve the d-tail are correct, shi should cave in sometime withing the next month or three and host another charity ^^
Shi is however hosting a birthday thread for her 17th in the exchange (man, isnt that sad? ;- wink Please feel free to come by ^^ pm me for a link if you're interested, or if already on my friendslist, I'll be sending out an invite like I did to my gaiananniversary auction last April ^^
Shi will also be opening another avi-art store *nod* though for the time shi'll be living in the exchange sweatdrop Come visit shi! Please! T__T
anyway, thank-you all for taking part!
(If anyone feels that they have been overlooked please feel free to pm me--I havent been on gaia for almost a week >.< wink
ladyshi <3
Sadly, this is the end of our christmas thread *sniffles* ... *already wants to host another one* ...*twitch* No! I must resist!
Unfortunatly our writing contest had to be posponed *nod* That will be around easter (hopefully) or eairler if possiable.
Our banner-contest did not recieve enough entrys to qualify for prizes, however I'm giving one out anyway ^^ The winners of all the contests are as follows:
Banner (3k but altering to 5k ^^) joe_joe_511
Avi contest (10k) Dream_the_Endless
Bump contest (10k) Minion`
Awards(10k each) Tsukiyomi Morningstar Steve The Garden Hose Bellevi Tomb robber Bakura
Over 105k given out this time around ^^
Trades will be sent to winners over the next 4 hours *nod*
Unfortunatly, untill Shi has completed her quest for smexey-d-tail-goodness, Shi will not be hosting any more charities...however, if shi's calculations for the amount of time it will take shi to achieve the d-tail are correct, shi should cave in sometime withing the next month or three and host another charity ^^
Shi is however hosting a birthday thread for her 17th in the exchange (man, isnt that sad? ;- wink Please feel free to come by ^^ pm me for a link if you're interested, or if already on my friendslist, I'll be sending out an invite like I did to my gaiananniversary auction last April ^^
Shi will also be opening another avi-art store *nod* though for the time shi'll be living in the exchange sweatdrop Come visit shi! Please! T__T
anyway, thank-you all for taking part!
(If anyone feels that they have been overlooked please feel free to pm me--I havent been on gaia for almost a week >.< wink
ladyshi <3

(over 1mil given between quests)