How Much You Wanna Bet....
he's in a rally right now showing off his new girl toy. Calling her "baby" and telling people to "back off cause she's my girl". that's probably why it takes him so long to reply to my much you wanna bet i don't really give a s**t anymore?i've been through enough with him to know that he could never love. he's too cold hearted.but why do i get the sick feeling in my stomach everytime i think about ********, i mean, come on. how stupid can i be? he's done it once. what's to say he won't do it again and leave me a train wreck? this is the reason why i have a "no attachment" rule.if they don't get attached, then i won't hurt as much.i won't have reasons to hurt myself because i can't stand the emotional's beginning to be rediculous.boys are so stupid sometimes.i mean, seriously.all it is really is a science hypothosis.IF a girl loves a guy enough to put her life on hold for him, THEN the guy won't break her heart. I'm sorry your hypothosis was rejected because guys never change. EXACTLY MY POINT!no guy changes just because you love them. i should have learned with vince, but i didn't.guys are cold hearted.who's to say they'll change for anyone?i mean seriously. come on me a guy who isn't cold hearted and absolutly ignorant then i'll dub myself wrong.until that day comes, Apherditie,i will NEVER EVER believe another "I Love You" from ANY guy[[except Kevin because he's an exception]].i'm so sick of being hurt by these douches.they need to go die ********' a, man.GROW UP!