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buki's gaia journal
What makes a SPECTACULAR item to you?
Without concering yourself with color matching, what do you think makes a spectacular item to you? Feel free to use examples of existing items that have wow'd you and explain in detail why you feel that way about said item. Please talk among yourselves about it too. 3nodding

In before single/limited # posed '03/'04 MC items because they're versatile and go with everything, etc. blah blah. heart

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Syd Barrett
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 07:05pm
I usually like shining items (like the angelic pendant) and winged items. And capes.
But more than them, I like wigs.
I change my look costantly, so wigs help a lot (I don't have to buy a new hairstyle anytime I change my avatar sweatdrop ).

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 07:18pm
Personally, i like items that permit you make changes on you, like oculus...
fatty is god, maybe more items that change your torso, or the faun legs...

We need more eyes, hair on the legs, muscles, parts and prosthesis... chainsaw arm, gun machine leg, mhhh... we need more nice pets with nice poses...

weapons, but NICE weapons... like the katana, items you can use in your hands and carry.

More mouths...

And well, I love funny items, like the items based on memes... The FAQ hat (But needs be repaired, it always has horrible green lines glitch. The lolcat... Lolcat is wonderful... The paper bags are cool to use...

Items similar to anime mangas... We need akatsuki cloaks... men clothes like ryu of street fighter...

and more poses but logical poses, for example:
poses for hands, for both hands, for hands together, for carry, etc.

faces !!! sexy bodies...

both coco and kitty are nice and very usable...

international clothing would be cool...


other idea would be an item that make you all in B/N, like make any avi in grayscale...

Thanks for ask, in the forum people ask for lots of things and they have cool ideas.


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I am a proud zETA!

Kobal Bauer
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 07:20pm
Generally, it's something I find I can use with a lot of items I already have, or makes me want another item because they will sync well.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 07:36pm
A spectacular item, to me, is one that is well thought out, well drawn ((flattering on an avatar)), with good layering. One example could be the gold mountain vest/shirts.

However, the best bet for a successful item, is something that is in high demand for a decent price, like panda slippers or a nitemare sash. I don't find the panda slippers to be too well drawn, but many people have wanted them since the seals&&penguins came out. Instant popularity.

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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 07:36pm
I'm really liking the trend of poses that create a back-drop for your avi. They don't even have to be complex; I'd love a set of items like portrait drapes...a single color behind you. A lot of the items I like kind of fade into the white background of the forums, and I'd like to make them stand out more.

Also the items with lots of details...whether it's intricate decoration on the Biancamella and Picolitrosso's Urn or carefully working on each pose/position, like the cape of Enchanted Book and the total change in the item when you hold it a certain way (Picolitrosso's Urn) or kneel (Lusty Scoundrel).

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 08:07pm

⌦I've always liked an item that was great in detail. Like the Biancamella, Enchanted Book, Red Riding Hood (Forest Path). Or the filigree [I hope I'm using it right] of Red Riding Hood's hood. How it's just that one touch that makes it beautiful.

I also like bright, bold colors like the Picolit and Rosso's newest evolution [Picolitrosso's Urn]. I really like the tails of the two, how they meld together and remind me of fire and ice.

Another one liked was Alruna's Rose, the final evolution. It really pushed the envelope on Gaia. It's PG-13 but still caters towards the older users. It was sexy without being smutty.

Any item involving skins are nice as well. I like that I can keep my Vampire form, but still get a chance to try out something new. And it's always a plus that the skin is reusable!


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Digital Puppetry
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Azurae Skye
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 08:08pm
The Biancamella came to mind when I thought of a spectacular item...hmmm...why did I think it was spectacular...I think it was because it had many small acessory poses that were easy to match(sorry to mention matching...I won't do it again sweatdrop ), plus a few fabulous big poses, like the wings.
Another thing I find spectacular is wigs. I simply ADORE wigs. I bought the Lusty scoundrel MC just for the wig. Eyes and skins are always good too.
I think the way to make something spectacular is not necessarily have a giant spectacular pose that takes over your avi, but have lots of small things that can add something to any avatar. I think so far the Enchanted book has done a good job on this, with the little birds and rats (you have no idea how glad I was to see little, small animal poses easy to add in an avi), the magical swirls, the crying eyes, the magic wand, the tiara and shoes. It's basically the difference between something you have to make an avi around, and something that is easy to work into an avi you were already making.
However, big poses can be good too...I love all the dresses and the backgrounds that have come with the book...many of them have inspired me to make avi's I wouldn't have otherwise.
And in all honesty...the best way to make a BANG with EI's is to include wings, skins, wigs, or eyes.
"looks back at question...wait...you weren't asking about EI's"
So anyway...an item I find spectacular is one that has wigs, skins, wings, eyes, or small accessory poses I find myself using all the time.
You're a very talented artist, Buki, and I look forward to whatever else you come up with in the future whee . So don't worry too much, ok?
~Azurae Skye

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 08:34pm
Simple. It has to look nice, but it can't be overpowering. To me, a good item is one that I can use in many different outfits.
It also has to "fit". You know, it has to look natural.

Take your Godmother cloak. It's a beautiful item. Absolutely amazing. (Blue isn't my color, but it's still absolutely amazing. XD)
It looks natural (unlike some other cloaks, which look stiff or awkward), and it's versatile enough so that one can use it in a multitude of outfits.

Also, it's a multipose item, which really helps. One pose can make a huge difference in how an item is viewed. XD

Cube B
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Spriteless Girl
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 09:07pm
I like an item that's cutesey I guess, like the Kiki or Kappa plushies. They've both got a lot of good poses, even if it's just one hand and another and on my head. They've also got personality: Kiki can bite, and Kappa is cute exactly the way ship sinking demons aren't.

Aah, but now the only recent character MC is Rock Puppy, who's personality seems to involve urinating gold on me or turning into stony fecal matter. I like some of his poses, though not those. I guess a new plushy in the cash shop would be neat.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 09:43pm
When I think of a "spectacular item", I think of something so absurdly unique, it's truly one of a kind (doesn't have to be a DI).
For an example of a Store item: "Skull Hellmet". It's very immaculate in detail (look at all the microfissures in the bone) and it layers supremely well with most items (it's a hat, so it covers most everything underneath, and lets everything else go above it). It's usually found as a staple in my outfits because of how superb it is.

But most importantly, it doesn't alpha-transparency glitch on me. Which can be an item killer, sadly (though there are items that benefit from it, Aquatica Absynthe bubbles and the Cinderella dress look good from it, albeit a glitch).

On the same token, if an item is useful, I'll most likely use it regardless of its aesthetics. The Used Jock Strap removes sleeves, so I use it to remove bulky sleeves from shirts.

Kiyoske Dante
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 09, 2008 @ 11:11pm
to me, a good item is something that appeals to the eye and has some obvious detail built into it along with the ability to match well with other items... also, i love the items that are random and half-pointless
(i'll use items that arent from 03/04 and are commons to show you what i mean)

User Image everything from that set of the item is a great example of over-detailing an item so that nothing that isn't from the set matches it

User Image this is a good example of an item done right (even if it isn't an MC). the artist made it look great and even added some wrinkles and there are also items that match it in detail

User Image this is another great item (despite the /b/ raid). i like items are a bit goofy and random... another one of the reasons i liked this one was because it made me laugh with the green goo pose XD

a few other things about items that i like that don't fit under these categories:

why?- because thumbnails give you an overall-impression of the item at a quick glance
    User Image thumbnail is too detailed and the color-range is too bright to too (dull?)... although it "pops", it also looks a bit awkward... all of the petals (it's T for flowers right?) have their own individual shading as opposed to the light being from only one direction

    User Image the thumbnail for this one is pretty good... the only complaint about it is that it may be a bit thin in the middle, but that's only a minor thing

User ImageUser Image these are two of my favorite items that have come out recently, they just look gorgeous and well-designed... they end up looking great when equipped and have great difinition

those are all of the things i can think of for now that make an item great to me

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 12:03am

..Sorry, I do love to match things! xD

Anyway, when I think of "perfect items to add to what Gaia already has", I mostly think of things that are small and that can be used with a variety of outfits. Most of the little things in Barton Jewelers are like this - they don't take up a lot of room, and they add a little bit of flash. The only problem there is that there isn't a variety of color to be found - most of it is gold, and the tiny fraction that's left is either silver (NEED MOAR!) or some of the oddly-colored costume jewelery. My personal favorites from those would have to be the genie bangle bracelets, and the natural pendants (which desperately need more colors, especially blue!).

When it comes to poses from MC's like this, I tend to think of Aquatica's hairpiece and bubbles, Winter Rose's petals, the D. Anklets, most of the poses in Gift of the Gods and Goddesses, Watern Zodiac...small items that have a variety of uses for lots of different theme and matching avvies.

EI's like this: Dionaesil (flower hairpin, various poses where the plant is small), Biancamella (pretty much everything), Hermes (headwings..and something else in there, I'm sure), Enchanted Book (slippers, fairy swirls, ect.)

Most of the issues I have with a lot of the newer items coming out (especially the MC's) is that many/most of the poses are quite bulky, and feel like they need to be slimmed down to take up less room on our avvies. An example of this would be the Holy Gauntlets - every single pose in there is massive, from the shields to the pendant to the arm guard. They take up an absolutely gargantuan amount of space in the avvie box where users want to put in other things. Another example would be the Elemental Hair - I wanted that item soooo bad when I first started on Gaia, but now that I have it, I only use the flaming hair pose, mainly because it goes upwards instead of sideways. I originally fell in love the water pose...until I found out the light spray on the one side pretty much cancelled out Fausto's, and other critters I wanted with it. You have no idea how much I want to take e-scissors and lop that part off! gonk You know, on thinking about it, most of our hair poses seem to veer off to the left (left as in facing the computer screen, not our avvie's left) - I think we need more items that go on the right, and that veer to the right.

A good example using recent MC's would be Lusty Scoundrel - the hair is fairly small, the glistening skin is awesome, the petals are great, and someone's likely found a use for the heated breath (which is great, as then people don't need to buy cloud just for that breath pose).

Here's some thoughts I've had recently on good items to add:

-More backdrops, especially ones that take up the entire avvie box! These are always win! I think we need a starry night pose (with or without a cresent moon), a beach one (preferably an unpopulated beach), a meadow...just lots of nice, natural poses. Another neat item along these lines if Smashing Cities - really, it's a must-have, especially with the forest and forest on faia poses.

- More wigs, and ones that aren't unduly taking up the avvie box! We need some 'up', elaborate styles, particularly one where the hair is piled on top of the head with perhaps some face-framing curls (and some neat acessories to either go with the wig or separately, like Aquatica's hairpiece). A good example are the lunar poses in Mythic Hair.

- More skins (duh). They're always love, and I think an Elemental skin (water, bark/leaves, crystal!) would make a neat item that would be well-loved.

...Dernit, I usually have a ton more ideas kickin' around in my head, but then again, I've already rather verbally vomited all over your journal. xD
I'm going to have to wrangle them together and make a giant SF thread (likely labelled "MC Ideas" wink , and probably bribe someone to do edits! xD

Anyway, thanks for asking, and keep up the great work! heart

Kai-Shan Valandria
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 12:05am
In general, I'd say big items are generally not good. If it does too much on its own, it makes the basic premise of an avatar, customization, moot.

That said, I like things with good color use. The heavenly light from the lotus and the magical pumpkin from the enchanted book are simply fabulous use of color. Items that I think lose a little bit on that regard are a lot of the death whisper weapons, like the axe. It looks a little...milky, for the lack of a better term. Another bad example is the Corallus Egg. It's a very bold green with no shading. It's like a solid line of that green.

Another thing I look at is the shape of the item. A good example would be the Red Riding Hood. The cape has a nice shape to it, and the hood itself has a lot of interest to it. A bad example would be the superpower fists (A lot of that is also that it doesn't look like our avatars are even capable of punching xD).

But most of all, thematic preference. I'm much more likely to use an item like the Mini UFO than I am to use something like the Holy Gauntlets. In that respect, I acknowledge that I'm a minority here on Gaia.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 12:44am
I'd really like to have more things for guys. Like the bicamerlla and your item the Enchanted book are too girly and a lot of the guys I've been hearing from feel neglected because they can use these items that they thought would be really cool.

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pure dark star
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 01:03am

I like one big pose, then separating it out. It makes it versatile. I would love it if you seperated the dress top with the skirt, instead of just the skirt, & I'd love poses that have a similar colour to most Gaia items that are NOT bulky.

Please also make the items in different colours [like instead of gold, make the gold specks black, gold specks blue, etc.]. That would maybe jump up the price for it to 70k-80k.

And same with the crown & slippers.

And same with the fairy godmother cloak.

And a Cinderella wig may be nice, it will be nice, but please add on different colours. [maybe just brown, white, blonde, & black]

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 01:10am
To me, an item is considered ''SPECTACULAR'' if i works with just about every other item, regardless of color.

It can be as simple as a pair of glasses, or as complicated and sophisticated as your Enchanted Book.

Now dont get me wrong, Im not saying that having many poses is a "bad thing". Im just saying that the extra poses can get in the way, especially if it is an item like Furugasa, where the final amount of poses exceeds the page width.

Just because an item has 22 billion poses doesn't mean its specTACular, it just means that it gives the user more variety.

Also, most user-developed items tend to do better because:

a.) The User, when designing it, knows what the general Gaian wants
b.) WE the users vote for the best-looking item.

Also, that question is a loaded and possibly rhetorical, due to the fact that U didnt define what the term "spectacular" meant.

QUESTING Checkered Nightmare 100k/600k
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 01:56am
What makes an item spectacular to me? Well of course something in my personal style. And pink. I will love anything pink put in front of me, unless it's something like a pile of poo. lol But I love most pink items on the site.

I love butterflies. The Prism Butterfly Mantilla is gorgeous. It's so simple and beautiful. And it doesn't take up the front of the avatar or cover up the avatar. Nor is it something that, when added to your look, you have to work around. I personally don't care for items like that.

I have a soft spot for the Elegant set. Mainly because I love French fashion. And it helps being married to a Frenchman. 4laugh French fashion is just so fun! It's all beautiful. Frilled, ribbons, wide lapels, crazy wigs, you name it. It's just so wild.

Wigs are always great items to me. I like changing my hair without losing this hair since I always come back to it anyway. I'd love more long flowy wigs like the Biancamella one.

I also love hairpins. Especially the Bani Clips. They're so cute and simple, and they cover both sides of our heads. Not just one on one side.

But basically, before I ramble on about all my favorite items, spectacular to me is pink, it's frills, it's something that you can add to your avatar, but if you take it away it won't hurt the all around look.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 03:03am
I tend to be really impressed by things that are highly detailed, like the long dresses on the Enchanted Book or the G-LOL gowns. I like things that feel polished, not in terms of clothing style, but in terms of how much effort the artists seem to put into them. To use a negative example, the furisode just didn't look quite done to me. I think it was the shadowing. I was really disappointed by them since they don't seem as nicely done as the old kimonos.

The detail on the edge of the red ridinghood cloaks really makes them awesome to me. I also really like the necromancer pose on the super powers. Some of the energy super powers just look awful to me. They're too cartoonish.

I guess I like the ones that seem like there was a lot of though put into every pixel. I can't quite say I like realistic items, since I adore fantasy elements and I like the manga style of the avatars, but I like the items to look finished.

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 03:26am
Argh, tough but good question. Pixel quality is important. If the shading is lacking or the item looks flat, it detracts from the avatar. For example, the cash card freebies look very poor in my opinion because their detail quality is not like regular store items. They don't jump out at me as Gaia-style.

A spectacular item would need to have impressive quality art, feel Gaia-style, and fill a need no other item does. I mean, the tennis skirts we got last update: Fabulous! We simply hadn't had any short simple skirts in multiple colors since 03 (and those don't match the new Gaia-style/have good pixel quality/plus have ugly shadows).

Layering is also a plus. Like having the slippers from your last update over other shoes allows for tons of creativity. Versatility is something I think all Gaians can appreciate. I mean, what will you use more: a giant tree behind your avatar, or a pair of decent orange shoes?

Well, that's my thoughts, they're probably all wrong and sucky though. emo
If I can make a request: more accessories please. Earrings in more than just gold/silver and gloves of all kinds. Seriously, we get tons of updates for Ian and co but rarely anything for Agatha.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 03:36am
For me...I would say wise shapes. What's that? Your Cape, actually. I will love a darker version to use.
And I really want belts and scarves, that's why I suggested you the magic dust ones before.
And my EPIC item on ALL gaia for me is the caress posse of Guitar Of Angelus. It has that feelinf of something that isn't static and have some kind of life. And something personal that I think not too many users will agree is the hidden balance of it. It's not symethric and despite of that it has the perfect balance.

Don't worry, Buki. So far you're doing great wink (However I'll push for the Magic Dust Belt and Scarf...And the darker version of the Cape)

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 04:44am
Detail and versatility. For example, I love the Biancamella because it has some beautiful detailing and contains many small accessories that work nicely with different kinds of outfits. Another item I love is the Gift of the Goddess, particularly the winged sandals and laurels, because they are beautifully done and really give that special touch to some outfits.

The items don't have to go with everything, of course, but layering under or over other items to create new looks will very likely make me love them. The tavern wenches bustier, for instance. I use them frequently either alone, or to change the overall look of another top or a dress. They're not necessarily overly detailed, but the shading is nice and they complement other items well.

I think subtlety is another important aspect to a truly spectacular item for me. It doesn't have to stand out and say "Hey! Look at me! I'm Item X!" A good example is in the Mythic Hair: the small lunar wig is the most subtle pose in the bunch, and it's easy to work into outfits, so I use it a lot. The venom poses and the gold poses, on the other hand, require very specific outfits to look good, and I don't find them nearly as useful.

Really, the most spectacular items for me aren't items that have to stand on their own. They are well-made items that complement or accessorize other items and outfits that already exist on the site. They are an addition to an outfit rather than the main focus of it much of the time, and beautiful detailing (like the embroidery on Little Red's hood and on your latest Enchanted Book clothing), or things like subtle coloring (like the crystal ball poses on the Radiant Prism) just make them that much more wonderful.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 05:52am
I love items that are different, but can appeal to both genders. All of these EI that have dresses, like the Biancamella were great for one gender (many men wont wear a pink only item... another problem. It needs some color diversity), but what can us males use? Alruna's rose was another example. Most of its poses were geared towards females, with very little love to us males, besides the last few evolutions. I like to see equality, but lately gaia hasn't been to kind about that.

I honestly think you should change the step sisters pose (or add on the other pose for the genders), its nice to see them act different, but gaia is trying to uni-sex most of its items. It made me disappointed to hear that it was like that.

I love items with skins, and eyes, maybe a item with different mouths. <3
Also wigs. (I would have loved to have had a wig from Anurla)
(I would love a skin that resembles the cat, or birds). Scarves, capes, and items like the fairly godmothers robe are amazing.
I also love the items that allow you to be what they are turning into. It would be amazing to be the cat, the birds, mouse, the prince, fairy godmother.... ect ect.
Also maybe a few different color options, dark blue, light blue, black. I don't know. Just options, maybe something like pepper tea did with one of the poses from the biancamella. She made a black version of the stole in the urn. Just something that simple makes me happy. = ]

Lately a lot of items have been gender heavy... So I have been disappointed. ._.
I just hope your item pulls out a lot more poses for us guys... = /

Good luck, and thanks for a journal entry like this. It makes me happy to see someone wants to hear ideas about what we like. <3

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 01:44pm
I think some of my favorite items are ones like Chyaku Norisu where it's one piece of clothing, but is used in many different and creative forms. I like when items look like they are made of actual fabric, with natural-looking folds and such.
However, I also love how dynamic they are. Scarves and other items that seem to defy gravity, I love that.
Also, I think subtle shading is wonderful and that big, very bold colors that don't have something to tone them down aren't so hot.

Hm, I really don't like items that layer strangely, or seem to take most anything else off.
Plus, I'm not one for large pets or other people (for the most part) in my avi. Kind of awkward, imo.
Versatility is the key, methinks.

Also, to be redundant, skins and wigs are superb.
They allow users to change their look without paying every time for new skin color, hairstyle, or hair color. Just add a wig or take one off.

*might edit or comment again if she finds something better to say*

(@Luxord Wolf - I think Buki already said that both Step Sister poses will be available in the end for both genders way back when that evolution appeared.)


commentCommented on: Thu Sep 11, 2008 @ 01:53am
Items that have detail, as in every pixel is a different shade and is a different part of say, lace design or a jewel, I think that is beautiful. Like, the giant Orindae frog! It had warts and details that, sure weren't very appealing but I thought it was an amazing item because of what was put into it. I don't think it has to be big either, it can be a little hair pin with intricate detail and I would love it! I also like things that swirl and seem like it is a fabric and not just pixels, so I love your dresses Buki, they are always gorgeous and we need dresses and pretty frilly things....sorry guys but I think we do! Only because they can be so gorgeous haha.

Misplaced TeddyBear
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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 11, 2008 @ 04:49am
What makes it a very special item without even thinking twice and I would just LOVE are those cute angelic type items, like the goti clips - it just looked soo cute, and has really fine detail. Or, items like the hermes moon that is extermely sparkly and pretty, that has a nice colour (I've always loved white and gold). So, my preference is just CUTE. if it's cute, then I love.

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 11, 2008 @ 09:01pm
For me, as you might guess from my avatar, the GO items given out through the OMG/Virtual Lounge widget are among the best in the last year. The headphones in particular really hit the spot for me. The standard pose is great, but you went above and beyond with different colorways, and different effects that still live within the world of the item. This trend continued with the Prom event items, the bowtie in particular.

A good item is all about versatility as well as quality. I could not use one of my most favorite items, the Pilot's Goggles, for literally years because there was never a pair of brown pants or shoes on the site that matched the dark brown in the helmet. But then the Embroidered Jeans came around and I was made in the shade. The pixeling quality on the site has really gone to insane heights in the past year, so quality isn't really as great an issue. It's reaching uniformity. Versatility is the next big step going forward, and I think it's silly to sell unitasker items in the Cash Shop for anything more than a dollar.

On that note I think some of the Celebrity Snare items are pushing it. There's only one pose for the Fangirls, at $2 a pop, while Alruna's Rose had two dozen companion poses. You could have done a lot more, including some disdainful or playful poses to make women seem less like accessories. Celebrity Date and Alruna have gender balance, and the Enchanted Book has differing poses for the women contained within depending on a user's gender. An item valued at 80% of an MC with only one pose seems sloppy. The dogs are valued at 120% of an MC, and they only have three poses. There were so many options available for alternate dog poses. Barking, eating, pooping, licking your face, etc. And the new SD Hoodie doesn't even have a hood-down pose, like nearly every other hooded item on the site. I'd really just like to see a unity of versatility and pricing going forward, particularly in regards to items that are meant for purchase with actual money. When you're selling a product, real or virtual, there's a certain expectation of utility at each price level.

Kunai Jones
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commentCommented on: Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 01:45am
Well I think details like in the dress and shoes and the coat in the latest stage of the enchanted book and the hood for the Little Red MC make an item look spectacular.

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 10:39am
So many great things have been said. I'd just like to add my emphasis to some...

Skins, wigs and eyes are always welcome. Like many others, I love being able to change completely (and I never use the human skintones -- my avvy looks wrong if I do and I shudder everytime I use "unequip all" until I can get a skin back on). My favourite is the Superior Form's metal skin with its beautifully detailed shading, and the Alruna skin's soft tones are lovely.
Like someone else did, I only got the Lusty Scoundrel for the hair. If an item contains a wig, I will get it no matter what. I even have the Biancamella, despite never wearing pink... sweatdrop

Also, backdrops! I love the castle, and the newest one, the forest in Red Ridinghood is gorgeous. "Ground" items that you stand on/in are welcome and versatile too, like the cities and the cloverfield. You can really DO things, get inspiration and be creative with items like that.

Winged Freya
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commentCommented on: Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 05:21pm
What I have shown you is reality...

One of my most favorite items was a simple event item: The Ghost Cape.

I cried with joy when I first saw this item. One - because it was absolutely stunning and Two - Because I actually had a good chance of getting it in the event.

I think this is one of Gaia's best items because of the excellent color and shading work. It has different variants of purple that blend together perfectly and work together well. It also matches with a variety of other colors including different shades of purple, blacks, whites, grays and can even be used with different colors like browns.

But shading aside and color, it was also drawn wonderfully and has a beautiful design. The way it 'whooshes' out from behind your avatar and has that tattered look as well as the shape of the hood. It is also good distance perspective. Not only does it look good from the front but good from the back. There are also few cape items on Gaia so it is a rather fresh item idea and what capes Gaia does have, none or hooded nor look nothing like this one. Epic win from all sides I do say so myself. User Image

What you remember... that is the illusion.

commentCommented on: Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 06:08pm
I really like cute items, or new different items you don't see often. Or items that add in new layering, like layerable gloves or layerable shirts, and some of those skirts that layer with other skirts. One thing I would LOVE would be pants with skirts, that would be soooo amazing. I also like color, not just to match but colors that are appealing and not too bright or too dull(unless that fits the design) like I would love the body dyes if they werent so over saturated and bright, like aliens. I would love if you could use 250 pink and 250 white to make a light pink skin dye, like the gray dye. Or maybe you 250 black and 250 pink to make a darker pink.

I would love more wigs! They don't even have to be crazy just normal wigs and normal eyes items, but with certain flare to set it apart. But I dont like how the eyes have background in the oculus magica, it should have 2 poses, because I LOVE the purple eyes but not the rainbows.

Sorry for super long buki and going off topic, sort of xD heart

Menta Caramel
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 12, 2008 @ 09:16pm
I usually like small -by small I mean something that doesn't take over the avi, or that stands out too much- but very versatile items. Something I can use with almost any outfit, like my Angelic Pendant. Besides shinny is always good^^.

Of course I like miniwings (not just the MC itself, but all items with small cute wings), corsets (I love how they layer over shirts and dresses), wigs (yay for usefulness), head accesories (we need more of these!) like ribbons , hairclips, hairpins, mini tophats, flowers... and basically any kind of accesory like gloves, belts, leg warmers and so.
However being simple and versatile items doesn't mean they can't be detailed or have little touches to make them special (laces, sparks, embroiders...).

Also for me one of the most important things is the layering. The item must have a layering that allows you to wear it with almost anything. I think a lot of the newer items fail at this.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 16, 2008 @ 01:45am
A spectacular item is an item that fills some kind of space another item can't fill. The Alruna is popular, because it pushed the limits and is beyond where other items have gone. The biancamella is my favorite item, because none of the other wigs we have are as elegant. The biancamella is always wonderful, because of the level of artistry. It's just so well-drawn and pretty! I guess a high level of detail, and of course lots of daintiness and a nice shape makes a good item.

Oh, and sparkle is good, too. heart

A Story Worth Telling
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 16, 2008 @ 11:14pm
Anything simple that can go with many outfits. Not things that are too bulky, animals, or lack of presence (like a thing of butter, for instance). I would say the best ones are those that directly affect the avatar's persona (hair, eyes, skins, magic, wings) versus accessories/outfits or weapons.

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 01:01am
I think a good item adds the right touch to your avatar without taking away from the overall effect.

It has to look halfway decent by itself and work with other items.
For example, I love this star hairpin I'm wearing. I can make it go with almost anything, and it adds that nice little touch to make my outfit "complete".

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 01:08am
I'm gonna stop reading what everyone else has posted first, because I totally agree with the first two people... Now I am just gonna look like an agreeable... um... person.

Pretty items, but mythical. Sparkly, shiny, glowy, swirly etc... I love the new head string fallen wish pose... because it reminds me of swirly dragonfly antennae.

Dragonflies and christmas beetles are beautiful in real life, and so on gaia I love items that are similar... that kind of iridescence.

I *love* the eyes of the Masterpieces statue... They have a beautiful shading (shading being a huge fave) and look kind of serene. Like the cloak from EB, it has that shading... it looks soft. Texture is fantastic! Things that look like you could reach through the screen and touch it.

Some of my favourite items are the elemental items , the oculus and superior form, items that can change your avi dramatically.

I nearly cried when I saw the elemental wings this year... the zephyr wings... *sigh* and the head case's blue horn thingos... *sigh* Just lovely! *hugs pastels*

Thanks smile

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 12:06pm
Basically an item has to be versatile. Versatile meaning: 1. It can go with several outfits interchangeably. 2. The color is neutral enough that it can go with a lot of other items with little or no problems. 3. Layering should be flexible enough with other items so that it can be equipped with almost anything with no problem and no glitches. 4. Also it's a MUST that the color and quality it has must match with at least a lot of current items so it's not so hard to find matching outfits. 5. Of course, it must be well pixelled 8D and look beautifully 3D or something.


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Jiang Ryudo
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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 17, 2008 @ 01:59pm
surprised There's no such thing as one spectacular item, it's the end result of many many little items (for me). 3nodding

But I do have a thing for Leg Warmers / Felicia's Gloves.

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 02:41am
I didn't realize how difficult a question that would be to answer until I attempted. sweatdrop It basically comes down to how much effort is put into it. If it looks just tossed together I am not a big fan. However if it looks as if someone actually put quite a bit of effort into I usually love it. I seem to be more for smaller items, rather than large bulky ones. It would also need to be something not usually thought of, but not so that it would not be used, just unique. That's about as much as I can narrow it down for you. xP Is this perhaps leading somewhere, hmm? xD

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Double Helix Felix
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commentCommented on: Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 10:54pm
Well, there are three things that make an item SPECTACULAR to me.

The first is originality. A lot of items on Gaia are quite original, but then there are others that make me go, "Really? -.-;; "

The second is color. The color should be unknown, something you rarely see, but still compatible with other colors that are more common.

Which takes me to the third thing. Compatibility. No matter how beautiful an item, if you can't use it collectively with other items, there's no use for it. A good example of beauty and such is the Picolotrosso's Urn. The evolutions are absolutely amazing, but can be difficult to mix and match. Especially those fabulous masks. I'd love to use one, but it's difficult. =/

I think any combination of two of these would make any item almost SPECTACULAR, maybe they'd be at the spectacular level. But for an item to be truly SPECTACULAR, you need all three qualifications.

For me, at least.

Hope that helped! =D


commentCommented on: Wed Sep 24, 2008 @ 12:21am
It has to be something detailed, but simple at the same time. I know for example there's not much you can do with gloves or hair bands, however you can still make it a nice item if you use your creativity. If it's over detailed, then it's going to be difficult to work with the other items since it's so out there already. However if it's too simple then you're finding yourself having to pile on alot of items to compensate for that. Now are simple items bad? No, of course not. Sometimes you need a little this or that. But what I mean is that there needs to be the balance in the item. For example, the Enchanted Book dresses have some nice details, but it wasn't completely overdone with ribbon and sparkle. It was just the right balance between accessorizing and simplicity.

The other thing I don't like are what I call the 'lulz' items in MC's and what not(the next portion will focus most on MC's, EI's and other multi-pose items). For example, the butter and muffin items in the Lusty Scoundrel. They were funny the first time you saw them and read the description, but honestly what are you going to do with them? It was kind of a waste and would have fared better in gold shops for super cheap. If those two poses were used to make male hair and a ripped body pose, that particular MC would have done much better than it did and even though I wouldn't have used them many people I discussed this with said they would. It's all about conveying the idea properly and using the best ideas instead of the fillers. Of course, if your brain is going to explode from thinking so hard from a pose use what you have but try to think 'if I was a user, what would I want from this?' or 'if I was a user, what would I really want?'. If I wanted to make a cat item, I have to think 'what would users want from this?'. Yes I know you can already do some of these things but I'm just trying to make a point. The first think that comes to mind is a skin complete with ears, tail, and whiskers. The second would be a 'crazy cat lady' pose that comes with a wrinkly skin, ears and a tail or that pose also coming with a ton of cats. Another thing would be a big fat Garfield tabby cat, big cute eye contacts (think Puss In Boots from Shrek) and an 'I am cat/kitten' pose. With those alone I don't need much else to expand on it. I've found lately that it isn't the quality that whoever is on a team for certain things (eg. lusty scoundrel, super powers, head case.) is lacking, it's that they're having a problem conveying the idea. That is definitely something to be worked on. If an item is conveyed properly it can be horrible in quality but still succeed(of course I don't recommend making a bad quality item). The Elemental Wings would probably be one of the most successful items if it wasn't for the fact that the attempted effect failed. Again, right idea bad conveying.

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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 25, 2008 @ 06:42pm
I'm not good at explaining myself and there's probably other reasons I might find an item spectacular, but I'll write down the first thing I thought of.

I like items that are well fitted to our avatars' bodies, or fit my idea of well shaped.

I'll give you an example of an item I would love and wear if it was shaped differently: the SP Work Jaket. (A recent item in the si-fi update)

What I like: The way the opening of the jacket is short and curves around. The fact that the sleeves are longer. The white and black detailing. Nice colors.

What I don't like: The shoulders and shape of the sleeves. Now, on a male avatar, the jacket looks great, but on my female avvie, the shoulders are too straight and squared. She looks kinda like a box up there.

The male avatar's arms are curved forward and the jacket sleeves are curved with their arms. This is the well fitted/shaped look I was talking about. The female avvie's arms don't match the shape of the sleeves. The sleeves look bulky and too big for the female's arms.

The SP Work Jacket is a great example of what I feel makes a great item. It shows both what I like (on the male) and what I dislike (on the female).

The shape of (clothing) items is important to me. There are more items on the site that I like, except for the shape and so will not use. In fact, I dislike almost all of the shoes on the site because they are not shaped well, in my opinion.

There, I tried to come up with something better than "it looks pretty to me." xd

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 12:10am
A really good item:
Its proportionate and realistic (Love the Wild Things Tiger pose) (Despised the Four Horsemen)

Combines with many items.

Layers correctly ( The horns from Faunzy's Flute don't layer well)

Might have a touch of humor (dead rat hat)

Lupas Deva
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 29, 2008 @ 07:37am
Coloring aside, I really love items that layer well with other items, especially the wench corsets, waist-cinchers, etc. I do like it when items of similar colors are shaded similarly, because it makes it easier to match things. I'm not going to say anything else about that :X But I think it's important that items are shaded similarly, or at least similar to the in-store items.

I don't like big bulky items that don't layer with anything, because it makes it really hard to create a unique look with them. They don't even have to have a ton of poses. Incidentally, though, I really do love all the pose options with the Heartstring, even though I can't make it work with every outfit. (I totally would if I could, though)

I also really wish there was an option to have shoes layer under or over pants, though sad There are some great boots I'd love to have layer over pants, when they go under.. and vice versa.

I guess what I'm getting at is that items that are absolutely amazing and spectacular to me layer well with common clothing. There's nothing worse than thinking X item would match awesomely with X item, and having one unequip the other when you wouldn't think they'd be on the same layer

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 25, 2009 @ 04:59am
A Spectacular item to me?

Well, a spectacular item to me, is one that can be used in many different ways.
Able to layer in ways that really let you 'think outside the box'.
And detailed. Small = Good.

If were talking about EI's? Well thought out, dont rush! Even though there's pressure on you to push out amazing every week... time should be taken on the smaller beginning evo's so that later once it's all revealed you can enjoy once again the amazing poses from long past. And incorporate them into your avatar. Really build it up into something. Nothing can remain strong without a proper well planned and thought out foundation.

Take the Gimpi for instance.. it seemed like it took FOREVER for that thing to do anything... so long that I forgot how amazing the first poses were. And once it was done, I quickly remade my avatar (Thanks to your layering on the Dander) To incorporate FINALLY the avatar I've been searching now for weeks to find just that little 'something'. Though it's still lacking.. something... but it's much better than it was.

If your talking about MC's? Detail Detail Detail. Anything Shiny = Spectacular to me.
But these poses are going to lose their luster quickly.. they need something to be able to retain the awesome for longer.. since they dont change continually adding more poses, it needs to be spectacular right out of the box.

I'm really liking how the 09 MC's started out this year. I think more than just myself have renewed faith in MC's for our gaian future.

But again, able to incorporate the item in many ways. I think we really need more items for the lower section of the avatar. Gaia is seriously lacking in that department. I like how the new skins and backgrounds are coming out, and I LOVE that we are finally getting more cloaks and capes, one of my favorite staples of gaia. But the lower section of the avatar is still going unnoticed. I'd really like to see more like the Dust cloud that shrouds your avatar giving you more than just one area to work with, but still be able to layer and work well with many items.

Your great! Good Job and THANK YOU!

Artimus The Renowned
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commentCommented on: Mon Oct 05, 2009 @ 04:31pm
I would love to see an animated shiny item! like sparkly eyes. If it is made possible it'll be the next most popular item on gaia! eek 3nodding

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