The Castle began its history in Blood
That legacy continues.
Restless Spirits meander the halls
Some Haunt for Fun
Some Haunt for Revenge
Others have Nothing better to do...

Then came Scientists and the Ghost Hunters
Humans seeking answers and cheap thrills
Ghosts more than happy to supply some answers and some thrills
That is...
Until Scientists kidnapped them...
...Experiment on them...
...Torture them...
Now they seek a revenge against these humans who will not leave them be.
Worst of all, demons not belonging on this plane have come to 'assist' in the pest problem at the castle.
What will become of the Hunters and the Scientists?
And as this internal conflict wages, people still flock to the Castle to explore the grounds on guided tours
Hoping to catch a glimpse of old Jacques Direrain, or even better... His son, Caleb Direrain.