this week was the crazyist week i have had in a long time first it was my moms weekend crying and i make that crying face because i hate my mom. She is the most eritating women in the world I like my stepmom more then i like my own mother. Back to y the weekend was crazy right when i get drop off my mom and brother are screamin at each other like a married couple. The whole arrgument was because my brother was knocking over some pennies that my sister was stacking up. I told u my mom was crazy. Then she starts screaming at him and saying she hates him and she kiks my brother out of the house. So when he tries to grab his shoes to leave she wont even let him get his shoes sos hes out in the could with no shirt on or shoes. Then about 2 hours later he comes back to get his stuff and my mom wasnt home at the time so he was trying to hurry up and get all of his stuff. Right when he was about to leave my mom comes home and starts flippin out throwing his stuff on the ground telling him i hate u and all hes trying to do is leave. then she starts takin his stuff in the house and my brother is talkin it all back out so it was back and forth. Then she gets really made and starts punchin him and slapin him in the face and hes a big guy so hes just standing there laughing. then shes pushes him out of the house on the ground so he calls the cops wahmbulance on her and when they get there my mom starts flippin out on them and they took me and my sister to my dads house and my brothers liven at one of his friends house. So if u red all of this comment me on how crazy my mom is.