Four men two women walked down a road talking to each other laughing then BANG! Gunshots were being fired everywhere and a man jumping back

"If you shoot be prepared to be shot!" He shouted and with a symbel known as Geauss on his eye activated

and then more spontaneous explosions knocked down a building
killing the 6 civilions. "Damn..." the man said backing up a little then running into a building the man shouting "Kallen there's too many! We have to get out of here now!" "LeLouch!?" Kallen gasped "We need to get out now!" LeLouch and Kallen ran off

into the darkness.
While destruction happened in a place, nothing happened in the other. A man named Suzaku

and Locke

sat bored Locke tapping his foot "Prologues suck" Locke said. Suzaku stood up "Well let's find LeLouch and Kallen before they get themselves killed."