One of my recent new hobbies is glomping. I first realized this when I went to an anime expo and say some people jumping and hugging their favorite characters. Now I bet you are wondering what I'm getting at. Well I'm getting to it! I just wanted to share about my 'glomp project' its not much a project as it is just a little something I like to do in my spare time. I love to glomp and be glomped its so fun even when I get hurt but its ok. Also, just in case you don't know what a glomp is I will tell you. A glomp is like a hug except in a glomp you jump and hug the person even going as far as to wrap your legs around then and bring them to the ground. I'm hoping on my next trip to the anime convention that I will get to glomp some of my most favorite anime characters. Have fun trying to glomp god knows I did.

Paloma heart