My obsession
Seriously during my depression, my comfort has become DEIDARA. I always was a fangirl, but my love for him had died down. But when suddenly when me n my friend who i call 'SIS' lost our friendship for a while, i was seriously upset and then my beloved boyfriend hurt me so badly, he still hasn't said even a simple sorry. crying Now me n my sis are squared away and friends again, really truth be told i never quit being her friend. During all this Dei has grabbed my affections again and still has it. I had dreams of him, and sudden instances where "What if i could live in his world, i just want to escape the current one" he seemed to apeal to me more and more. People probably just think it's weird or i have issues, but haven't you ever just one day wished that you lived in a different world where anything is almost possible where your dreams and fantasies come true, i know i have, i continue to escape into my dream world.