A journal where I actually say things that I mean, and that I have no other way of expressing.
Somewhere in the world at this very moment, there is an beating heart laying all its feelings out, and an exhausted tongue speaking them. The words will be spoken with brutal truth and piercing honest, for the person that speaks them will truly mean what they say. Human beings are so strange. We are the only creatures of the Earth that truly feel love for another being, the only creatures that will entrust their lives to another, and will put their life on the line to save another. We are the only creatures that trust the ones we give our lives to to do the same for us. We have a deep capacity for love, for others, for another close to us, and as humans we act on those feelings. We commit ourselves to those that mean the most to us, and we allow them to hold our lives in their hands. We have the ability to trust others so completely, so much so that we would give them the same amount.
But as humans we are fickle creatures, that is also a part of our nature. We will say things that we don't mean to say, and we will do things that we don't mean to do, and we will say things just to make others happy, and say them without really meaning the words the come out of our mouths. Our moods change, and over time our feelings for those that we once cared about so deeply may change as well.
And it is because of that fickleness that sometimes the ones that we care about and cherish the most will be the ones that hurt us the deepest, because only they have that ability. We posses that ability to betray and harm the soul of those closest to us, with words and actions that cut deeper than any knife or anyone else's words ever will. We can turn away from our friends, our lovers, and those that mean so much to us.
There is so much going on at every moment in every day, that at any time it is possible to be swept from your feet and sent down the wrong path of life. There may not be one set path for everyone, but there are always choices. It is difficult to find the right things to say, because we are so afraid that we may offend someone by those same words the would mean the world to someone else. And so we do not speak. We do not voice our thoughts or concerns, for fear that we may say the wrong thing.
There is only one thing that we can truly do, and that is to get on with our lives, day after day. We can keep moving. We can follow life blindly or we can take it's hand and walk alongside it. There is nothing worth regretting, because each experience creates a new understanding of yourself or others, and there is nothing that should ever make you stop walking that road. Nothing that should let you sink so far down that there is no other way but to end it.
So often it seems like there a dark points in our lives, places where we have gotten so lost that it feels impossible to find your way back onto the road once more. At that point all there is to do is take a breath and remember what it felt like to be in the light. We have to take time to let the shattered pieces of our lives realign themselves. And very often we must accept what has already come to pass. No matter how bad the hurt. When we fall we can pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin to walk again. No matter how severe the pain, we must not let ourselves fall so far.
That there will always be someone else we can turn to for guidance, hope, assistance. That there will be someone to help you when you need it. There will always be another reason to keep walking. Humans truly are extraordinary creatures.
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Journal of random things
random things that I write, sometimes its things that I've typed, other times it's just things I need to get off my chest.
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Humankind is simply a fire. It is useful for creating things and harnessing power but if you leave it alone it will grow and destroy all you've worked for. In the end, that fire will have to be extinguished, just like everything else.

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