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Rayne's notebook....
Story's of Love,Life,and Death are only a click away...
Serpents Angel By: Xaiaa
Name| Tenshi (angel in japanese)
Age| 21
Village| Unknown

You sat down uncerimonily at the base of a large tree with an ungraceful thump. Leaning you head back against the tree with closed eyes you panted heavily from the battle you had just, very effectively, won.

On the other side of the tree at your back was a feild of carnage. At least a dozen ANBU and a handful of other Leaf ninja lay in various positions of death, some of them were even in multiple peices scattered among the now red grass.

The 'Demon's Dance' jutsu you had just used to eliminate your persuers was on that infamous 'Forbidden Jutsu' list, which is why you were being chased in the first place. You had only used it perfectly once before, way back when you first left the Village Hidden in the leaves five years ago.

Now at twenty you were nearly five times stronger than you had been then, but the 'Demon's Dance' still took almost everything you had. On the bright side it was stronger than it had been before. A slight smile appeared at that thought as you panting began to slow.

The the sound of a single pair of hands applauding met your ears. You eyes snapped open wide and you got to your feet as quickly as you could, which to say wasn't very fast. You stumbled slightly and had to lean on the tree for support.

"Take it easy. I'm not here to fight" A smooth, amused voice told you as your eyes finally found the speaker as he stepped out of the shadow of a tree, smirking.

Your eyes widened a fraction as you took in his pale complection, long, raven black hair, and snake-like golden eyes. Orochimaru of the Sound Village.

You still didn't let your guard down completely, but you lowered the kunai clenched in your hand ever so slightly. After what he had done to the Village you couldn't completely trust him, but you were torn.

He was like you, but not like you.

He practiced Forbidden Jutsus, but he hurt people in the process. You practiced Forbidden Jutsus, but you left people alone in the process. Yet both of you had been kicked out of the Village and tagged 'Rogue.'

"Then what do you want?" You asked warily as you leaned further on the tree. Your strength was returning rapidly now and you could probably manage to get away, but you weren't going to let Orochimaru know that.

He chuckled again and stepped forward slowly, as if you were a deer that might bolt and run. He stopped with enough space between you and him that you wouldn't feel uncomfotable, smiling all the while, "My dear Tenshi, I want you to come with me and become a Sound Ninja."
Become... A Sound Ninja... To be part of a village again. It wasn't as hard of a decision as you had first thought it was going to be. You wanted some where to belong again, "I will come with you."
~One year later~
Ah... Home at last! Time for some R&R... You decided after dropping your mission report off with Kabuto and heading off to your room. Life was pretty good for you now. You hummed softly as you paced slowly down the hallway, nothing could spoil your mood now.
Or so you thought...
Rounding a corner to walk down a branch corridor off the main hallway you had the unpleasant experience of finding yourself nose to nose with Sasuke Uchiha. You sucked in a quick, surprised breathe and jerked backwards.
"You should watch where you are going" The Uchiha said emotionlessly. You blinked up at him, almost any one else who had the misfortune of crossing him usually found themselves trapped in a genjutsu then left gibbering on the floor.
He'd never done such to you.
"Pardon me, Sasuke-san" You said politely and moved aside so the two of you could pass one another. He blinked and turned his head slightly to watch you walk down the hallway towards your room.
He'd wanted to testyour power since he'd come to Orochimaru, but the Sannin had forbidden him from doing so. Why Sasuke still didn't understand as he watched you turn yet another corner on the way to your room.
How would Orochimaru ever know though? What if he did challenge you? Sasuke could always claim it was just practice if she got hurt. What could Orochimaru do to him any way?
The snake Sannin needed him for his next body. He couldn't afford for any thing to happen him.
"You should be in your room Sasuke" A cold voice stated from the shadow of the connecting hallway.
Turning slowly Sasuke met Orochimaru golden serpentine eyes with his own eyes slightly narrowed. A smart reply died on his tongue seeing the cold anger in the golden depts. Orochimaru might not kill him but he could make life very unpleasant...
"Hn" Sasuke answered before turning and moving silently down the hall away from the Snake Sannin.
Orochimaru watched Sasuke until he rounded a corner and disappeared. Turning the Snake Sannin swept swiftly down the hall in the opposite direction, the same one you had just taken...
Sighing contentedly you flopped onto your bed and stretched out with a small smile on your lips. There wasn't anything in this world better than coming home...
Home... You had a home now. Unconciously you reached up to fiddle with Sound Headband you kept tied around your neck. A larger smile crept onto your face as you recalled memories...
"Kabuto, this is Tenshi. Get her outfitted as a Sound Ninja" Orochimaru told his silver-haired assistant, "She will be a part of the Sound Village now."

"Yes Lord Orochimaru" Kabuto answered with a bow as his master turned and departed down the hall, "Tenshi was it?"

You nodded in reply, still breatheless and tingly from excitement. Kabuto smiled then and beconed for you to fallow, "Come with me then, we'll have to get you a headband and a uniform."

"Thank you" You replied fallowing Kabuto down another hallway. You glanced once over your shoulder at the way Orochimaru had gone and did a double take. For a moment, just a moment, it looked as if a pair of golden eyes were suspended in the darkness...

You frowned now as you stared up at the ceiling. Had that really been Lord Orochimaru? If it had, why had he been watching? To make sure you didn't attack Kabuto?
You smiled and sighed as you settled more comfortably on your bed. Yes, that must have been it. You were still new then and he probably wanted to make sure you were loyal. There was no doubt of your loyalty now of course, but you had been new back then.
Sighing contently you turned onto your side as your eyes began to drift close. A good night's sleep was just what you needed...
A soft knock at your door jolted you fully awake just before your eyes fully closed. You jerked slightly and sat up quickly before swinging your feet to the floor and standing. Walking to the door you opened it with one hand while covering a yawn with the other.
Focusing your attention on your visitor you blinked with surprise as a blush quickly made it's way to your face. You dropped your hand quickly and stepped back, "M-my Lord Orochimaru! Forgive me, I-"
A finger pressed to your lips silenced you instantly and you went cross-eyed while trying to look at it. A short laugh escaped the Snake Sannin at your expression, looking back up at him your blush darkened at the amused smile playing on his lips.
"No need Tenshi, I did startle you after all" He stepped forward as he spoke, causing you to step backwards to avoid becoming to close to him.
He had also shut the door.
He dropped his hand then and gave you and assessing look. Whatever he was looking for he obviously found it as his beautiful golden eyes returned to your face and he smiled again, "Sasuke didn'tgive you any trouble?"
"No my Lord... Um, why would he?" You dared to ask. The expression of anger mingled with some thing you couldn't identify flashed across his face as his lips thinned with the anger.
Orochimaru didn't answer for a long time as he stared into your eyes. Then, giving you plenty of time to pull away he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours.
Your eyes widened in shock before shuttering closed as you leaned into him. One of his hand pressed in the small of your back, drawing you closer while the other traced up your spine to the base of your neck to play with your hair.
Your hands were also busy. One hand caressed his check gently while the other tangled itself in his silky black hair. You relaxed against him, smiling against his lips. Happiness didn't even begin to cover the feeling when he smiled too.
The need for air finally drove the two of you apart. Leaning your head against his chest you panted with happiness as you listened to his heart race, keeping pace with your own. Finally with a bit of your breathe caught you spoke, "M-my Lord Or-"
"No more title Tenshi-hime" Orochimaru interrupter you as he stroked your hair, "You are my only weak point, and Sasuke knows it."
He sighed resting his chin on the top of your head. You hugged him back tightly.

"Does it matter? Together we are unstoppable" You replied snuggling again him.
"No" Orochimaru answered, smiling against your hair, "No it doesn't"
Then a cool finger under your chin tilted your face towards his as his lips covered yours. A smile curled your lips up as you felt him smile in return...
Not my best ending... But I still like this a lot. ^_^
Thanks for the request 'ninja!! I had fun with it!! ^_^

No, I didn't write this but it's another example of what I can do...My good friend Xaiaa made it for me on quizilla...We have the same writing styles...

Ellos! I Love to RP, click the 'x' and you can see my characters! PM me if you ever want to RP![/color:5a2c590a24][/align:5a2c590a24]

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