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Here's a story I've been working on. It's based off the first game in my favorite series of video games. MOTHER. I'll be updating this as I write more.

Well, where should I begin? I guess the beginning would be best. But maybe I should introduce myself first. Hi, my name is Ninten, I’m from Podunk, a small town in rural America. In the old days, Podunk was called Mothersday. Times have changed since then. Well enough about that, maybe we should just get to the story.


It was the early 1900’s. In my hometown, Podunk. A young couple mysteriously vanished from their home. The mans’ name was George, the womans’ name was Maria. As suddenly as he left, George reappeared 1 year later. He began an odd study all by himself. As for Maria, she never returned. George was accused for the murder of his wife and was banished to Mt. Itoi, on the other side of the continent. But he knew that one day, the people of the world would be sorry for what they had done to him. Maybe not in his lifetime, maybe not even in his sons’, but sometime soon.

Chapter 1
Take a melody…

Here’s where my story begins.
The year is now 1988.

I woke up around 9:00 in the morning. I could smell that my mom was making breakfast. It was a nice day outside and I was just about to go downstairs for breakfast. All of a sudden I noticed that my lamp wasn’t on the desk anymore.
“Huh? Where’d it g-!”
I was immediately hit in the back of the head by something hard. The impact made me fall to the ground. I turned around and saw my lamp floating behind me.
“WHOA!” I yelled, “How did my lamp come to life?”
It hit me again, this time even harder. I knew I had to fight back now. I saw my Louisville Slugger across the room. I ran as fast as a 13 year old kid could to get to my bat.
“Okay lamp, now try to get me.”
It came at me again, but this time I had the upper hand. With an enormous bash, I smashed it to a million pieces.
“Well it’s a good thing that’s finally over.”
“HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLP!!!” I heard my sister; Minnie yell from across the hall.
“I guess I spoke too soon.”
I ran out into the hall and through Minnie’s door. As soon as I entered, the first thing I saw was her doll floating in the air. And the doll wasn’t the only thing floating, the house began to levitate into the sky. You couldn’t understand what it felt like unless you were there to experience it firsthand.
“Minnie, stand back.”
“Minnie, it’ll kill us if we don’t kill it first.”
I rushed forward and jumped into the air, straight for the doll, and destroyed it with all my might. Seeing it fall to the ground made me feel better about this. The house fell back to the ground without making a noise or a movement. It was like it had never happened at all.
“Ninten, why did you kill the dolly that grandma gave me?”
“It was for the best Minnie, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going to find out, no matter what it takes.”
“Then in that case, take some orange juice.”
“Yay! O.J.!”
I suddenly noticed that there was a music box inside the doll.
“Minnie, did that doll play music?”
“No, why?”
I went over to the doll to see the mysterious music box up close. When I picked it up it started playing a song. It sounded familiar for some reason.

I went downstairs to talk to my mom about what jut happened.
“Ninten, you have a call from your father.” My mom said sounding soulless. She was probably still freaked out from what had just happened.
“Hello, Ninten? I jut talked to your mother about what had just happened over there, and the only explanation is a poltergeist. I want you to go into the basement and get your great grandfathers journal, it will explain everything. Also I think you are old enough to know now, you are gifted with a supernatural power called PSI. It can be used for many purposes. The one I want you to use is telepathy. Use it one the dog and read his mind to see what he says.”
I suddenly heard footsteps through the phone in the background.
“I have to go now Ninten, good luck and be good.”
He hung up the phone and I knew what I had to do. So I went outside to the dog and thought about what he may be thinking. Focused on his mind completely, I suddenly heard a voice that I had never heard before.
“Ninten, I can tell what you’re doing, I’ve known about your powers for a long time. I want you to check my doghouse. You’ll find what you are looking for in there.”
“That must have been the dog talking to me.” I thought, “I
Should follow his advice.”
I went over to the doghouse and looked inside. After searching for about five minutes, I saw something almost completely buried in the ground.
“Is this the basement key?”
I went back inside and tried the key on the lock and it immediately opened. After looking through the basement I found the journal. I stepped into the light and read what was inside.
February 18, 1908

I’ve been alone for so long, my so called friends were keeping me held away from my son. I wish my Maria would come back to Earth. That wretch Geigue shall pay for taking her from me. When I was sneaking around the mothership I was able to learn their secrets. Such as the power of PSI. PSI will be my main study from now on. It could save the world one day. I noticed that only one year has passed on this planet, but at least 40 had passed in space. Whoever reads this in the future, preferably my son, please finish reading this journal. The planets fate is up to you.
“Could this all mean me? Am I the one who has to save the planet?”

Simple as can be…

“Okay, have fun!”
So I headed out to go to Podunk, which was just south and down the hill. About half way there, I saw my only neighbor sitting outside of her house crying. So I went p to go talk to her.
“What’s wrong Mrs. L.S.?”
“Oh, Ninten it’s you.” She said still sobbing, “My daughter, Pippi, went missing, I lost her when we went to the cemetery. We were paying respects to her deceased father and she got kidnapped by ZOMBIES!”
“Oh, yeah I heard about the zombie problem in Podunk. I’ll try to save Pippi for you.”
“Thank you Ninten, Please use your PSI powers to save her.”
“Man, does everybody know about my powers?”
“Actually yeah, your mom can’t keep a secret.”
“Okay, anyways, I better be going to Podunk to find Pippi and bring her back home.”
Back on my way to Podunk, I noticed a clearing in the forest just north of the city. There was also a sign that said west to canary village.
“Yeah, right.”
So I realized that if I wanted to save Pippi and the world I needed to get a new weapon.
“The department store in the town should have some bats. I need a new one anyways since I broke my old one when I annihilated that doll.”
In the store I went up to the sports floor and saw that just a wooden bat costs $500. I thought that was a ripoff so I went up a few more floors to see what other places had.
“Why is there a pet store here?”
“Oh, finally a customer.” The man at the counter said, “Would you like to purchase this extremely annoying canary for the low price of $85?”
“Heck no!”
“Okay, how about if it’s free? Do you want it if it’s free? Please take the free canary. Here it’s yours!”
“Okay, okay, jeez.”
Leaving the building I thought to myself, “Hey I saw that sign for a canary village outside of the town. I can dump this bird off there and then get back to the mission at hand.”
After a long trip through the woods, bashing in the heads of hippies, crows and farmers, I finally reached a place that had enormous bird cages all around the area.
“Amazing, there’s big birds everywhere.” I said sarcastically, “Who’s that freaky blue-haired guy over there.”
“’Ello, guv!”
“AAAA! British people!”
“Would you ‘ave ‘appen to ‘ave found the missin’ bird?
“Um, if you mean this one then yeah I found it.”
“Dats’ the one!”
“Okay who do I give it to?”
“Laura, the biggest bird in the village, go find her with your PSI.”
“Did you just say that without an accent?”
“Yeah it was a fake.”
“Okay is she behind the big different colored bird cage?”
“Yeah, but just because of this chapter, there won’t be much humor for the rest of the book.”
“Okay, I have to go to that bird now.”
After traveling to the big different bird cage and discovering how to go behind it, I gave Laura the baby bird and she sang a song for me.

“That sounded like a higher pitched version of the song from the doll.”
February 23, 1908

It’s getting cold, so cold. I feel the day of reckoning may never come for me to see. I am growing older and need to share my studies but no-one dares come near my house. They won’t even let me see my son. Why won’t they let me see my own child? I fear that when Geigue does return to Earth that he will be much stronger than I could ever imagine. And Maria will be no more. I have had suicidal thoughts, but I can’t, because only I can save the world from the alien menaces. I can’t stand it anymore, I need to get out of this house and share my secrets with the world. But I can’t, not yet. I need to study more. I stole so many books from the mothership some even teaching something called “robotics” but mostly PSI. I hope to make the world safe so that we can all join together as a species and destroy those aliens. Please, come back to me Maria.

Give it some words and…

I decided that I needed to leave the canary village and rescue Pippi if I wanted to get any further. So I ventured back to Podunk to get more info on Pippis’ disappearance.
“Okay, finally back in the city!” I said winded from the long voyage, “I should ask that person standing alone over there if he knows anything.”
“Are you a zombie?” The guy asked in a low voice, I couldn’t see his face at all because of his hood.
“Um, no. I’m not a zombie.”
“THEN I WILL MAKE YOU ONE!” The man yelled as he turned around and revealed himself to be a zombie.
He almost bit me, but I jumped out of the way just in time. I pulled a strong stick off of a nearby bush and stabbed it at his head. It went right through and he disintegrated.
“So there really are zombies…” a man behind me said as soon as I had just destroyed it.
“Yeah, and now I have something to go discuss with the mayor.”
And I kept that battle in mind as I waited in the waiting room of town hall.
“Come inside.” The secretary said from the mayors office.
“Mayor Pirkle, there has been a kidnapping of a small girl because of the recent zombie infestation.”
“I am well aware of this, and I have officers stationed outside of the city in case the zombies come back with her.”
“That doesn’t make any sense!” I exclaimed, “The zombies won’t return her, they’ll keep her!”
“Well then, I guess it’s up to you to save her. Since my plans don’t make any sense to you at all.”
“You know what? I will, and you’re gonna have to pay me somehow so I don’t sue you for child labor.” I said as I stormed out of the office.
I left the city limits and saw the graveyard ahead, but I decided it would be best to rest up first after that zombie incident. I looked around for about three minutes and noticed a large house.
“Maybe there’s someone in there.”
So I walked over there and let myself inside. It was okay in there, the only things inside were a man, a phone and a bed.
“Take a nap here if you like, it must be scary out there with the zombies, but it’ll be worse after dark.” He said calmly.
“Yeah, it’s getting pretty dark out there now, it might be a good idea to sleep for the night”
So I slept there for the night, and it was the most terrifying night I had ever experienced. There was moaning and scratching at the walls all through the night. I had barely gotten a wink of sleep before the morning came. Before the homeowner could wake up, I already left, knowing that the zombie invasion couldn’t be nearly as bad in the morning. Luckily I was right, there were some zombies, but due to my silence and discreetness, I only had to fight a few.
“Good, now I can see a hole in the ground over there. That may be where the zombies are hiding Pippi.”
So I entered the decrepit underground tunnel in hopes that I would find the child. There were five caskets, Pippi would only be in one of them, so I had to choose carefully.
“Maybe there’s some way I can tell which one she’s in.” I whispered quietly while looking for clues on the floor.
I saw several footprints on the floor, much too large for a small girl and started to think that maybe she wasn’t in this tomb. Then I noticed signs of a struggle on the floor, and scratch marks, it lead to a coffin on the far side of the room, and I hoped that this would be the one. I slowly opened it, careful to keep any limbs away in case there was a zombie.
“You’ve finally come to save me?”
“Oh, Pippi, you almost gave me a heart attack when you jumped out of that coffin. By the way, keep your voice down, you can’t wake the zombies.”
“Oh, sorry. Let’s get out of here, you have no idea how much I’ve suffered.”
So we left the tomb and headed back to Podunk. Surprisingly, there weren’t any more zombies anywhere. I saw town hall up ahead, so I decided to go rub it in the mayors’ face that I got Pippi back.
“The mayor will see you now.” The secretary said.
“Hey, mayor guy!” I shouted, “Look who I got back and the police couldn’t!”
“Oh, so you found Pippi, well I guess I should reward you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pass to the Podunk zoo.
“You’re giving me a lame pass to a zoo?”
“Yes, but I warn you, the place has recently had a few… troubles.”
“Okay, well I’ll go check it out I guess.”
Pippi suddenly interrupted and said, “Oh, Ninten, since you saved me, take this with you.” She pulled out a pin with a bolt of lightning going across it and a picture of the Earth behind that.
“What is it?”
“It’s called the Franklin badge, they say it was used by Ben Franklin during his experiments with electricity. It apparently has the power to deflect lightning and beams of some sort.”
“Well I’m sure it’ll turn out useful, thanks Pippi.” I left the room and began walking northwest to where I thought the zoo was, I had only been there once before when I was 3 so I don’t remember much of it.
“I think I’m here, there’s some big gates that say ‘zoo’ on them. Hey, why is that monkey out of it’s cage?”
“Kee koo ko kee kee ko! (I’m gonna steal that pass from you!)”
“Agh! That monkey jumped me and stole my zoo pass!” So I ran in the gates, chasing after him and immediately stopped when an elephant blocked my path. I looked around and saw that every cage around was completely broken, letting the animals escape.
“So this is what the mayor meant by some troubles.” By that point I knew I had to maneuver my way around all the animals if I wanted to stay alive. So I ran around all the escaped elephants, alligators, snakes, and gorillas until I found the central offices in the zoo.
“Good, maybe I can find something in here that could help me put the animals back.” I went inside the yellow building, “There’s nothing in here but rats and bugs.”
I continued through the place and went through all the doors and staircases. I eventually found the door that had something of interest.
“A flying pill is in the middle of the room. Hey, is there anyone in there?” I asked as I knocked on the top.
“I am a Starman junior, a part of master Geigues’ army. I am the lowest form of the Starman race.”
“Geigue, that name sounds familiar.” I pulled out my grandpas’ diary and saw the name, “So you’re in Geigues army huh? Then I guess you’ll have to pay for kidnapping my great grandma.”
“You will pay for challenging the great master Geigue. PK Beam Gamma!” A beam shot at me from his hands and I thought I would meet my doom. It suddenly bounced off of me and stunned him momentarily.
“It must have been this badge Pippi gave me. Okay, Now face the wrath of my hand!” I repeatedly punched him until he started to fizzle and turned into nothing but vapor.
“That’s what happens when you mess with me.” I went back out side to see if the coast was clear. There were no more animals running loose. They were all back in their cages.
“Maybe I can find that monkey that stole my pass, I guess I can get the pass back and give it to Minnie.” I went just a bit north and I noticed the monkey in it’s cage, with a sign that said the incredible singing monkey.
“So the monkey can sing huh?, hey monkey show me how good you are.”

“That wasn’t exactly worth going all this way just to see, it sounded like a normal monkey screeching, I did enjoy how he changed to different tones though… Hm, that may sound good with the other songs I’ve heard recently…” I began to hum out the notes of the song and began thinking of times past.

February 29, 1908
It’s too late for me, I feel that I may be fading fast. If anyone is ever to read this journal, please make sure it is given to my youngest grandson. Maria, I hope that I can save you someday, I know that time goes much faster on their planet than Earths, and I may never see you again but I will do whatever I can to rescue you my love.

Chimera the ultimate
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Chimera the ultimate
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  • 11/30/08 to 11/23/08 (1)

  • User Comments: [3]
    Community Member

    Tue Nov 25, 2008 @ 02:53am

    xD You included my birthday. Probably on accident, but.... PACHOW!

    Community Member

    Thu Nov 27, 2008 @ 10:46pm

    i liked it 3nodding

    Chimera the ultimate
    Community Member

    Thu Nov 27, 2008 @ 10:49pm

    It's not over yet!

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