heart Please Don't Take These Doll....It Took Me A Long Time To save Up For Them, If You Want One The Links Are At The Both Of This Page, Please Feel Free To Enjoy Them. Thanks heart

this is the couple that i am collecting dolls and art for,
your welcome to draw them.
that would be awesome and i'll love you forever. XD
just remember that the females skins dark
and the males skins fair, both have green eyes.
that's whats important.

Click To Veiw More.....
<span id="test24225189">. . .</span><br/><div id="post24225189" style="display:none; margin-right:75px;">
.:Avi Art:.
1. Art by Gookii - love this!!
2. Art by Jade13
3. Doll Pixel-ed by swisskiss125
4. Art by kitsunerawrr
5. Art by Turtle-Grl
6. Art by Hazel Wildfire
7. Art by checked-PAIN
8. Art by robot_renegade
9. Art bymay-chu
10. Art by Schallwelle
11. Art by Neko_Bunny
12. Art by Ataner Yennaiv
13. Art by Chibi Azumi
14. Art by Dotty.
15. Art by hello41102
