Total Value: 444,245 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mythrill Halo
Elegant Veil
Holy Gauntlets
Elegant Veil
Hakuun Haori
Hakuun Hakama
Hakuun Kosode
Gift of the Goddess

Total Value: 539,101 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Alruna's Rose 3rd Gen
Dark Cape
Oculus Mythica
Death Whisper (3rd gen)
Dark Halo
Blood Gothic Bat Shirt
Burned Apocaripped Scarf
Blood Gothic Bat Trousers
Blood Gothic Bat Boots
Blood Gothic Bat Gauntlets
Elemental Wings

Total Value: 80,408 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Benkei's Trousers Red
Benkei's Vest Red
Buddhist Monk's Rosary Red
Buddhist Monk's Rosary Red
Gift of the Goddess
Buttoned Down Feather Boots
Satin Red Pajama Shirt
Kinzie the Scottie Plushie
Red Scott Hat

Total Value: 112,685 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
#0000FF Complex Shirt M
Grizzly Hoodie
Team Durem Tennis Shorts
Team Durem Tennis Shoes
Red Heartbreaker Jacket
Red Gaia Feet Stockings
Those Black 90s Gloves

Total Value: 803,268 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Nano-C 7th Gen
Kuro Kosode
Kuro Hakama
Blue Alien Tattoo
Anima Adamantea
Donations greatly accepted and will be acknowledged.