Now I'm sure you've heard of Atlantis, am I right? A beautiful city that went very very badly. Frankly, you don't know the half of it!
Now I'm also sure you've heard of mermaids, kelphies, and all those other underwater creatures of the deep. Did you know that they were once apart of this lovely city? I'm surprised you haven't. They change to those forms so that they could serve as gaurdians of their sunken eutopia. But that isn't the point of this story, so let's move on.
Well, you see the city was once, as legend states, a beautiful bontiful paradise. It was a center of learning and also the center of magic. No not the magic you see on TV, where it's more of a fake showbuinessy kind of the thing. Yes, magic is real though most people don't really know it. And Atlantis was the only place where you could find control over it. In fact, it was the place where you would gain a power over an element. But that was only for those who worthy of it. Atlantis itself was filled with magic and it a certain room known only to a very select number of people knew where it was. There if you were found to be worthy of having dominance over an element, the magic in that room would form around you and give you the power over it.
One day, however, a man by the name of Hetrah came to the city gain power. However he was not seen worthy of it. He became so angry that he plotted and schemed for many years to try and find way to gain power. Finally, he found out. What he did, no is said to know, but he gained absolute power. In an effort to save the world from this evil that had been unleashed, the citizens sacrificed themselves and their city. They sealed Hetrah away in Atlantis and sent the city into the depths.
The year is now 2008.
"The city of Atlantis is rising out of the depths! This can't be happening? No!" Delihi could feel it. She tried to force it to stay. She couldn't let the city ever rise again, otherwise who knew what would happen? He could get free. What was she going to do? She needed help, but who?
Finding that she had no other choice, she dived down into the depths of the sea...
Okay so basically the city of Atlantis is rising again, which means good old Hetrah is unsealed and the world is in peril and all that. I'm sorry for the cliche, but it really cannot be helped.
Delihi is actually one of the original inhabitants of Atlantis. She is the only living person left who knows all the secrets of this ancient city. When Hetrah comes back though, she soon realizes she is completely outmatched. So she takes the magic of Atlantis and will give it to certain people to give them the power to help her save the world.
Well now everyone else here is basically human. It'll be pretty hard for anyone not to notice the earth shaking and the rising of a huge island farther off the American coast.
Effects of Atlantian Magic
Fast Healing
Power over an element: (this includes: fire, water, air, eath, metal, nature, light, darkness) You can try to get in on other ones, but you'll need a good arguement...
A possible immortality: You can live for an extremely long time. This is why Delihi is still living and never aging for all this time.
Usually when you recieved the power from the room, you would be in the room and stay there for one day and one night. In certain instances that were number to about five in the last 150,000 years there was said to have been ways that when the power of Atlantis entered people who were not in it, and they were teleported to a specific location.
Profile Skeletons
[b]Rp name:[/b](okay just thought I ought to mention that you can have a normal name instead of the weird ones I chose. I chose those because my people are like ancient..)
[b]Gender:[/b] (I will kill you if you have something other than male or female)
[b]Age:[/b](between 14-20 please)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (description or anime pic please.)
[b]Element:[/b](only one please. You don't get this right away but pretty quickly at the very least.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (I would profer it if you had two lines atleast.)
[b]Bio:[/b](please try to put in atleast three lines. I will love you forever f you can put in more than that. you don't really know anything about atlantis and since you are human you most likely don't beleive it exsists.)
[b]Weapon:[/b] (even though this is the present, I would appreciate it if you didn't have guns)
[b]Crush:[/b](You don't need one to start off with, but if you find out that you want one later, PM me and let me know)
[b]Skills:[/b] (anything from tying your shoes to martial arts)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b](atleast 3. can be anything like fears to actual elemental weakness)
[b]Other:[/b](Anything I mght have missed)
[b]Rp name:[/b](okay just thought I ought to mention that you can have a normal name instead of the weird ones I chose. I chose those because my people are like ancient..)
[b]Gender:[/b] (I will kill you if you have something other than male or female)
[b]Age:[/b](between 14-20 please)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (description or anime pic please.)
[b]Element:[/b](only one please. You don't get this right away but pretty quickly at the very least.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (I would profer it if you had two lines atleast.)
[b]Bio:[/b](please try to put in atleast three lines. I will love you forever f you can put in more than that. you don't really know anything about atlantis and since you are human you most likely don't beleive it exsists.)
[b]Weapon:[/b] (even though this is the present, I would appreciate it if you didn't have guns)
[b]Crush:[/b](You don't need one to start off with, but if you find out that you want one later, PM me and let me know)
[b]Skills:[/b] (anything from tying your shoes to martial arts)
[b]Weaknesses:[/b](atleast 3. can be anything like fears to actual elemental weakness)
[b]Other:[/b](Anything I mght have missed)
Username: Ocean Torent
Rp name: Hetrah
Age: Looks 20, but is really more like 200,000 years-old

Element: Darkness that mixes with the other elements, making a distorted form of each. ((I'm sorry if this seems to be going against my own rules, but he's the bad guy and has to be powerful for a reason..))
Personality: Hetrah is cruel and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He enjoys manipluating others and isn't afraid to do his own dirty work. He is fast to anger and only cares about himself. He has a vast hatred towards anyone who helped seal him away.
Bio: He was once human. Actually, he was once a king. He came to Atlantis with the guise that he wanted to gain the power to help his people. What he really wanted though, was to gain the power to rule the world. Good thing the people of Atlantis weren't the ones with the power to give him control over an element so it turned out he wasn't worthy of getting one. Enraged, he researched ways to get power the hard way. He succeeded. He took over the city of Atlantis so he could take control of its power until a few brave souls sealed him in one of the lower rooms away from the city's core. He's been there for centuries, getting more and more powerful and now has broken the enchanment that kept the city below the waves. He wants revenge..

Skills: Deception, disguising, and martial arts and anything to do with combat.
Weaknesses: Having people think him infeiror, his desire for revenge can often make him only focused on that one thing, and you'll find out that how he can be taken down in the rp..
Other: He doesn't really know at first how much time has passed or that Delihi is the only one left of those who sealed him away.
Username: Ocean Torent
Rp name: Delihi
Gender: Female
Age: She looks about sixteen, probably closer to 180,000

Element: Water (all three forms)
Personality: Delihi is calm and coolheaded. After all these years it doesn't take much to surprise, execpt of course having a city rise from the deep. She is slow to anger and is determined to put herself before others. If she does ever get angry, though, you might want to stand back.
Bio: Delihi was once a citizen of Atlantis. She was a guardian and one of the few people who actually know all of the cities secrets, things that even Hetrah doesn't know, one of which being she knows how to take power from the city and send it to those who are worthy of it. When Hetrah first came to the city, she believed what he said and showed him some of the ways of the city. She was desolate when she found out what he had really been planning. Quickly, she had gotten together other gaurdians, each having a diferent element. Together, they sealed Hetrah away. Most, however, died in the attempt even though they succeeded. Delihi was the only one left. When the city sank, she vowed to make sure that the city of Atlantis would remain where it was and Hetrah would never again come into power. She was wrong however and now she has to find people who can help her.
Weapon: Atlantian spear

Skills: Anything to do with combat, singing, remaining unseen, keeping her feelings from showing, and is an amazing acrobat.
Weaknesses: She is weak against earth, afraid of failing or seeing others hurt, and she is ashamed that she had allowed Hetrah to decieve her so easily. She believes this is all her fault.
Other: She wears a necklace around her neck that allows her to carry some of the power of Atlantis with her. She can't use this power, but it will go to others, that means you guys out there...
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