Okay, this one's going to be a little more confusing than the last, and that's how it's going to be until my brain can handle the complexity...
Paintballing, Paintballing, what a wonderful sport... Making sure your gun is working fine... Making sure your barrel is clean... Fixing up your hopper (assuming it's electric)... All that... and the actual game... Getting shot... Getting welts... How fun? Studley flakes, Nick hates, And me being the one in my own little world of wonderfulness... Isn't it beautiful? Can't you just picture that in your head right now? On the other hand, Pen Spinning, the substitute for the other pen mod worked out fine... But now I'm short one pen... I can't find the retractable one I had... Great... I gotta pack for tomorrow... I hate steak, I hate chicken, I hate life, what else do I hate? Oh yea! I hate my brother and sister, I hate being messy, but that's just me... Anyone else find these hates similar? If so, please comment... I want to see how many people actually read these... If I don't get at least a comment in 5 days then I'm done with this... That's all for now... Bai!!!
xjabberx Community Member |
Community Member
it made sense