I'm bored, and as you may have noticed I have internet again, but unfortunatly it is sorta temporary...
in order to use the internet I have to unplug the t.v. cable and put into the computer modem...
so I can only use it when nobody is here, or when everybody is asleep.
so therefore I can only use the computer early in the mornings like at 6 'O clock to about maybe noon or so... if i'm lucky...
ok so there are a few things I want to put in this journal...
first: I moved to mainstreet like a block away from Mell.
second: when you move you discover many things like... hmm... everything is way heavier than it looks...
third: exept the refigerator(sp?) that is EVERY bit as heavy as it looks omg...
fourth: My dad would make an awesome namer for porn... like a space orgy would be called "Cluster F**k" *My Dad said that not me.*
fifth: always watch out for falling objects...
sixth: ALWAYS!
seventh: I wish my sister would have been a brother so he could help me pick s**t up...
Ok this is where I start learning things after the move.
eighth: *I already knew this, but my dad just likes to remind me*
I am the dumbest idiot on the face of the earth.
ninth: Green tea is almost as good as strawberry milk.
tenth: the Wii is super extra mega fun.
eleventh: I like hentai... I mean like the drawings not the nakedness... well maybe the nakedness too, but like some of the hentai I've seen is also some of the best drawings i've ever seen as well...
twelfth: smashing your finger in a car door is one of the singular most painful things that can happen to you...
but it goes away in like 40 mins so it's cool.
that last one happened just last night after I got out of Rebecca's car haha
I'll put more stuff in a journal entry later. so byebye for now mrgreen
View User's Journal
meke me a sammich fool!

This is me... yeah I know I'm ugly, I only put it so that people know who they're talking to.
you couldn't hurt me if you tried......
I love you Rebecca till the end of forever.
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This is me... yeah I know I'm ugly, I only put it so that people know who they're talking to.
you couldn't hurt me if you tried......
I love you Rebecca till the end of forever.
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![]() xxDying_Angelxx Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
I've done that before. i think it was my pinky i smashed in the car door. it hurt like effing hell.
and wtf, you are no idiot...... idiot.
you are an idiot for thinking you are an idiot....
er... yeah...