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Read,laugh,enjoy,repeat. twisted
Chapter 39:...and you know this how?
Sokka's POV
Chris is such a b*****d. Who the hell would try to eat their own girlfriend just because they thirst for blood? After he left in the general direction of Shu shing I headed to Casey. Poor girl didn't deserve him,and who did? "Hey Casey," I said "Chris left." "Where'd he go? She asked. "I don't know," I replied trying to hide my smile. "Ohh," Casey replied frowning looking down. Then she got up and asked me,"Will you help me look for him?" Chris's bite marks were apparent on her neck, which looked like she had two tar spots on her neck. I tried to say no I honestly tried my hardest to say ,"Casey,No." I just couldn't looking at her. "Sure Casey," I replied finally. "Yay!" She replied happily hugging me. "Where would Chris go?" I asked not hugging her back. "To a bar or he is just around the corner," Casey replied letting go. "What bar would be open at sunrise?" I asked. "A one that Chris forces himself into," Casey replied shrugging.
"No!" Safwon shouted "He'd be at Gan's house!" "Why would he be there?" I asked. "Well I'm not entirly sure but he'd be there!" Safwon replied. "I don't wanna go within fifty feet of Gan," Casey replied crossing her arms and pouting. "Bar it is then," I replied heading toward the forest. "Bye Safwon,bye Parker!" Casey shouted waving good bye.

"Thanks Sokka,I know you don't like Chris and all but it's a nice gesture to me that you're helping me find his little chicken a**," Casey replied to me. I blinked and asked ,"Did you just call Chris a chicken a**?" "Yeah,when he does jerkish stuff I get to call him names as payback," Casey giggled. "Anyway I can get in on this deal?" I smirked. "Well it goes both ways. When I'm being a jerk Chris calls me stuff too," Casey shrugged. "Oh well,no thanks," I heistated. "Kay," Casey replied smiling. Luckily Casey and I didn't have to walk much farther because we found Chris aimlessly stummbling around,or it atleast we thought we did. "Hey Chrissy honey," Casey replied to Chris. The Chris look-a-like pinned Casey to a tree and began strangling her. I began to try and pull the man away. Casey didn't fight for some reason. "You look like someone I think I know," Casey replied her voice strained. "This Chris person?" The man said angerily strangling her more. "No,I don't think so. You have brownish hair like me not like Chris," Casey smiled weakly. The man dropped her immediatly. "I'm so s-sorry,miss," The man said getting on his knees. Casey took a deep breath and replied ,"Why the change of heart?" "Yeah why?" I asked. "Well I just relaized something really important and it involves her,and quite frankly you're gonna think I'm a crazy person," The man smiled. I got a good look at his face. He was pale as snow like he'd never been outside a day in his life,and these peircing golden eyes. "Well I'm crazy too,I won't judge," Casey smiled back. "Well," The man said looking away from Casey "Let's get name out of the way first,my name is Xeipher." "Is that why we think you're crazy?" I asked. "No,I think my parents are crazy for that one," Xeipher laughed.

"Then why do we think you're crazy?" Casey asked. "Well I don't wanna tell you know because if I tell you, then...I'm not sure what will happen," Xeipher said putting his head down. "Wanna find out?" Casey asked. "Too risky," Xeipher replied shaking his head no. "Thanks,well have you seen a guy about you're height with black hair and a scar on his face?" Casey asked. "Since when did D--...urmm no," Xeipher replied. "Well if you do find us," Casey smiled. "Sure thing M--,miss," Xeipher smiled back walking pass us in a hurry. "Casey and Sokka!" Casey shouted to him. "Whatever Winter!" Xeipher shouted back. "Who?" Casey asked turning to me. I shrugged. Xeipher ran out out of site then;not in the direction of camp luckily. Chris sneaked up on Casey and tickled her. "Ah!" Casey shouted laughing. Chris glared at me and then began laughing too. "Chris can ya stop now? I'm happy we found you too but come on,PDA is not okay," Casey giggled softly. "Oh sorry," Chris laughed softly. "People here have really bubbly beer." Casey frowned a little. "Sorry,I know,I'm trying to quit," Chris said sobering up a little. Casey rolled her eyes and patted his shoulder. She began walking back.

"Sorry Sokka," Chris frowned. "I'm no Edward. I don't have a lot of self control, give me some time and two more chances and I'll be fine." I shrugged. He was still a b*****d,but atleast he had a little bit of a conscience. I began to walk away like Casey did. Chris quickly followed. Though I didn't hear anything from him for a long time;no breath,no foot steps not even a peep. Eventully I looked behind and he stopped. "What?" He asked.

I turned around and kept walking towards camp. Safwon,Aang,Lerow,and Polm were in the water. Safwon was splashing Polm and vice versa. Lerow was jumping off a cliff and norrowly missing these rocks at the bottom. Aang I really didn't see what he was doing I just saw his legs above the water. "Kiki!" Lerow said excited coming out of the water. Casey was right infront of her. "Kiki,the water is perfect today! You gotta take a swim," Lerow said and I noticed she didn't have her mask on. I rushed down to see her face,I was really amazed how it really looked. Her face had a scratch on the left side of her face which looked pretty deep. Other than that I saw everything I excepted,including these little white rings underneath her golden eyes. "I don't have a bathing suit,or water proof underwear!" Casey exclaimed. "That's why you're borrowing mine," Lerow replied bearing her teeth. Casey moaned. "Would you rather go naked?" Lerow asked placing a hand on her hip. "No," Casey replied. "Good,now follow me," Lerow said walking into the forest. Chris stripped down to this underpants, that were more like shorts, with this little skull on it.

"What's Aang doing?" I asked Katara. "He's having a how long can you hold you breath underwater contest with Parker," Katara replied. "Where's Parker then?" I asked. "He got to the point where he couldn't stand on his hands and he fell," Katara replied. "Ah," I said nodding. I heard Chris gasp and then sort of this whimpering noise. I looked over. "Poor Casey," I thought.

Lerow dragged her out in a bathing suit similar to Kataras only...well...let's just say it was too small for her. "No Lerow! Please?" Casey begged. "That's all I got Kiki," Lerow replied. "But I'm practicly naked!" Casey cried trying to run. "Kiki stop! You're going to ruin the top!" Lerow said gripping on the top. "No!" Casey shouted and continued running. "It's going to rip off!" Lerow yelled. "Casey please! I'd really hate to see you topless infront of...five guys that aren't me," Chris said. Casey stopped. "Good girl,let's go jump off a cliff," Lerow smiled letting go. "Uhh Lerow,I really don't like the sense of falling," Casey giggled slightly. "Too Bad!" Lerow smiled and dragged her to the top of the cliff.

Lerow's POV
It's always funny watching Kiki squerm when you drag her into something bigger than what she can handle. Mom said it's because she passed some of her kitsune kyyubi thing to me. I just think it's because Kiki makes these hillarious faces. "Lerow please don't!" She shouted. "Come on Kiki it's fun!" I laughed as we got to the cliff. "You're right it looks fun," Kiki said looking down at the ocean. She got up and turned to face me and gave a worried look. I ran toward her and kicked her off the cliff. "I'm queen of the castle!" I laughed. I made sure she didn't hurt herself on the way down. She has gotten herself hurt a lot lately with Gan and Chris being around. First when Gan took almost took her,then when Chris bit her,then when she asked Zuko to burn her,and when Gan almost killed her,and most recently when Chris bit her...Again!

I honestly don't like Chris that much. I know she loves him and all but,it's too twilighty. Though it was two human's who fell in love it turned into something straight from Twilight only with a meaner Edward,who couldn't control themselves for all the blood in the world. He was pretty hot though. I'll give Kiki that.

Kiki came bounding up the cliff. "Well hello miss Kiki," I smiled. She looked at me like she was ready to get her firebending on and kick my a**. She picked me up and threw me down off the cliff. I felt my hair to come out of it's bun and I felt a twinge of my ears flickering and come out of my hair. "No! No! No!" I shouted covering my fox ears. I looked up at Kiki,who had reached after me apperantly. My left hip hit a rock at the bottom,and spun into the water. I got out quickly,not bothering to hide my ears anymore. Chris's left eye was twitching,Sokka and Katara were just staring,and mom...mom wasn't there anymore. I frowned a little,and got back on the cliff. "Sorry Lerow,You okay?" Casey asked."Yeah," I sighed a little depressed and sitting down. She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder,"That doesn't sound like some who is okay." "I know Kiki,you know where mom went?" I asked hopefully. "No,but Katara might," She replied happily. I smiled back and patted her back.

I went back down the cliff. "Hey Katara," I smiled. "Hey Lerow,nice ears," She replied with a little bit of weakness in her voice. "Oh thanks,you know where my mom went?" I asked politly trying not to scare her. "She said something about getting a friend of hers to help with Gan," She replied. "We have a [bleep] load of people already. Why exactly do we need more?" Chris asked. "We already have like eleven people and Gan is only trying to kill 4." Katara looked at him , "I thought he was only in it to kill Casey." "No, He wants Nina,Lerow,and Polm out of the picture too. The only reason he's not going after them is because they can protect themselves better than Casey can herself," Chris replied with a lot of hurt in his voice. I really wasn't worried, what Gan was thinking was one-hundred percent true. I had my poison,Polm had her arrows and water bending,and mom...her fire,lightning, and her swords. "Why do we need more people?" I asked Katara.

"Gan is getting...more voilent...Chris is too weak after Ty lee's punching too move and Ms Teels said she knew someone with no pressure points," Katara said and I knew exactly who she was talking about. "My cousin Xeipher is good at that and all but he does have one," I replied. "Your cousin?" Sokka and Chris asked unison. "Yup,my moms sister had like pfft...seven kids and he's the oldest," I said rolling my eyes. "Damn I feel sorry for her," Chris said. "She had twins three of the four times she gave birth," I replied. Chris got up and went to go with Casey, probably tell her about my aunt Winter...oh well. I smiled and went to go see who was winning in the hold your breath contest. I waded out to Aang and Parker.

I looked under the water,Parkers' face had turned purple and Aang's was only blue. I pulled them both up from under the water. "Aang is the champion!" I yelled. Parker took a long gasp for air. "Wha whoo!" Aang shouted. "I feel like my lungs are bleeding," Parker gasped. "That's normal after you hold your breath for three minutes or so," I smiled. Then I saw something out of the corner my eye Chris had jumped off the cliff and straight into the rocks. I turned to the cliff,Chris was still on top getting ready to jump. "No!" I shouted. "Suicide isn't the anwser!" Chris jumped anyway. "Oh wait he can't kill himself like that anyway," I thought. He jumped straight into the rocks and kind of laid there. "What suicide?" Chris asked loudly. "Show off!" I shouted.

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