Roleplaying Characters
Gaia Username: Gricart
RPC Name: Jared Kane
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 150
Nationality: White
Occupation: Prisoner, arrested for Multiple counts of theivery, most of which Jewels. He had been incarcerated for a mere month before the Cannibal outbreak.
Personality: He's a clever scoundrel who, due to his many crimes of theft, is quick to his feet and fairly hard to trust. But behind his Criminal record, hes really not that bad a guy to get to know.
Weapons: 1 G3A4 Automatic Rifle, 1 MP5 Submachine Gun, and a Wooden Baseball Bat.
Skills/Abilities: Thanks to all the years hes been breaking into buildings for items, Jared is very quick to spot things from a far distance, and can break into buildings, objects, and just about any lock far faster then any other person. He's also quick on his feet from eluding Law enforcements.
Biography: A master theif, atleast he always figured he was. Jared was arrested after making his biggest blunder in his theiving history. After being arrested he was taken to a Prison in Canada. When the first seizures began, it was then he made his escape in the midst of all the confusion. He entered the town of Maplefield in the hopes of living a new life, surviving the canibal attacks, and not freezing his a** off in the weather.

Name: Gricart
Demon: No
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Social Class: Mage Apprentice

Personality: Eager to learn and grow better at magistry, Nice
Story: Ever since he was 14 he had wanted to become a mage, and at 17 he was finnally accepted into the Mages Ranks.
Gaia Name: Gricart
Character Name: Vilton Fiirsoul
element: Fire
race: Human
alignment: Dark
picture or description:

likes: Watching things burn, the feeling of heat.
dislikes: Hero wanna-be's, people of the water element
weapon/s: His hands (conjures fire into weapons such as a flame sword, or lance)
skills and abilities: He can summon a Fire wyvern on which he can ride upon. He also has a wide selection of firespells
biography: Being born from a poor family, Vilton knew at a fairly early age that his social class would make it fairly hard for him to get anywhere in life. But after stumbling upon a magic tomb which had taught him spells of fire, he knew his life would change, and it did. The night he found the book he came home, and unable to control one of his spells he intended to show his family, he accidently killed them. He is forever scared of the event which took place then, and wonders if he will ever be able to use his power for good, instead of just mayhem