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& Login 2: The End of the Beginning &

"Chyaaaa!" Naomi yelled as she swung one of her twin swords at the golem. The golem stumbled back a bit, balanced, and swung its fist at Naomi. Konaru and Hiramaku stood only feet away from the battle area. "How long has this been going on now?" Hiramaku asked impatiently.
"Ten minuets now..." Konaru responded. "She's a good fighter...its just she's weak...."
"And that golem is resistant to Twin Blades." Hiramaku retorted.
"Hyaa!" Naomis blades pierced the monsters skin. It toppled back, and rebalanced again.
"Why not try using your skills?!" Konaru shouted. Naomi blushed and looked at the golem.
"Raaah! Sword Dance!" Naomi charged at the golem and attacked it numerous times.
"Sword Dance!"
"Sword Dance!!"
"Tri-Strike!!!" Naomi continued attacking it fiercely with her skills.
"She's gunna use up her Sp like that...." Hiramaku said to himself.
"She doesnt really use her head does she?" Konaru asked.
"No. Reminds me of Zenta-kun when we first met him...Doesnt she?"
"Heh, I guess she does.."
"TRI-STRIKE!!!!" Naomi yelled as she delt the last blow. The monster fell to the ground with a loud 'THUD', turned grey and faded. Konaru and Hiramaku walked up to her. "Well, seems you beat it." Konaru sighed. "Welcome to Team Azure."
"YES!!!!" Naomi jumped in the air excitedly, then returned calm. "Umm...Im happy to be of service." She seemed to have a smile that could not be removed.
"Im gunna go now, ok? E-mail me if anything comes up, ok bye!"
Konaru sighed.
"Why did you let her join?" Hiramaku questioned.
"Because, the match is soon and were running out of options...."
"Whatever..Lets go.."

"Heh...You really think they're Chosen Ones?" A tall slender girl asked.
"Yes...." Replied a man standing next to her.
A screen hovered in front of them. On the screen was Konaru and Hiramaku.
The man was typing in codes while periodically looking at the screen. "Yes...I am very sure...."
"And what about the others? I mean what are the odds of four Epitaph users being so close to each other?"
"The others we should watch for a while.....but soon, we will make contact with those two..." The man smirked.

Konaru and Hiramaku appeared back in Mac Anu with concerned expressions on their face.
"I dont know....I mean it took her quite a while to kill that monster....And she didn't even realize to use her skills...." Hiramaku said worriedly.
"I think she has potential...." Konaru Replied.
"And what leads you to believe this?"
"I don't know....I just feel like she has strong potential....."
A little after they stopped talking Konaru recieved a Flash Mail.

& Meet me at ΔHidden Forbidden Waterfall....And bring your friend. &

Konaru looked at the Mail curiously.
"What'd it say?" Hiramaku asked.
"It told me to meet someone at Delta: Hidden Forbidden Waterfall...And to bring you with me....." Konaru answered, as if he were in a daze.
"They want you to go to the Arche Koeln Waterfall? Thats a strange place....There arent even any monsters there...."
"I think im gonna go....You don't have to follow, but I would apprieciate it if you did..."
Both of them turned back to the Chaos Gate and chose ΔHidden Forbidden Waterfall.

As they warped into the area they saw a young woman, who seemed to be wearing floral themed clothes. She wore two small gauntlets. one on each wrist, that opened up like a rose. Her skirt opened like a rose as well. Her shirt barley covered her midriff and was sleeveless. He hair was let all the way down. She was satring at the waterfalls around her with her arms crossed, as if waiting.
As she heard Konaru and Hiramaku warp she turned around. Her eyes were a light blue, and they seemed to be the only thing out of theme.
"Well it took you two long enough..." She said as she saw them
"Who are you? And how could you have sent me that Flash Mail if you dont have my member address?"
"Just because I don't have it, doesn't mean I don't know it." She smirked.
Both Hiramaku and Konaru looked at her as if she was speaking a different language.
"You two think this is just merely a game, am I right?"
"Well what else could it be!?" Hiramaku asked rhetorically.
"Heh, how simple minded......This is much more than just a game...But, none the less...I called you both to tell you one thing."
"And what would that be?" Konaru asked.
"You both have a dangerous power."
"What? What do you mean by dangerous power?"
"The power it holds can bring either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user....."
"What are you talking about?!" Konaru shouted. "And who are you!?"
"Heh, you will find out soon enough...." The woman smirked and walked up to the warp point. "And when you see your friend Zenta....tell him the same.....It isnt just coincidence that you three met here in 'The World'..."
The woman warped without giving them the chance to say anything else to her.
Hiramaku stomped his foot. "Who the hell was she?!"
"I don't know...But we shouldn't dwell on her words too much...." Konaru closed his eyes for a second. "Come on, lets go.."
Konaru turned back to the warp point and warped.

When they got back in Mac Anu, Hiramaku turned to Konaru.
"Hey, i'm gonna log off for tonight, i'll see you tommarow." Hiramaku waved before dissapearing.
Konaru looked the the ground.
"The power it holds can bring either salvation or destruction at the whim of the user....What did she mean by that?...."
Konaru sighed one last time before logging off.

"You did a good job Roze." The man behind the monitor said.
"Thank you master." The woman from Arche Koeln bowed.
"I think they took your words to heart, even if they don't show it."
"I believe so too master."
"We will wait and see, though."

The next day Konaru logged into Mac Anu to find Naomi waiting impatiently.
"There you are! What took you so long?" Naomi yelled to him.
"What are you talking about?" Konaru asked.
"The e-mail I sent you, I asked you to meet me here a half hour ago!"
"I didn't get any e-mail..."
Naomi stood still for a bit, before blushing. "Heh, heh...I forgot to press send....heh.."
Konaru sighed. He began to wonder what potential he saw in her.
"Well, what did you want me for?" Konaru asked.
"I wanted to know about the team strategy with me!"
"T-team strategy......s**t!"
Konaru opened his e-mail and sent one to Hiramaku.

& Hira,

We got a problem, we forgot to edit the strategy to include Naomi.....Come to Mac Anu so we can discuss this

Konaru &

Konaru sighed and sent the message. "Since we just accepted you, we didn't think of a strategy yet...Once Hiramaku gets here then we can start planning."
Naomi nodded.

As Hiramaku warped in, Konaru turned to him. "Ready?"
"Yeah, but we should probably go somewhere a bit more private. Shouldn't we?"
"Yeah, we'll head over to the Harbor. No one usually goes over there unless it's for the arena champion ceremony."
Hiramaku and Naomi nodded.

"Ok, so as for the strategy...Were going to have to go full offensive!" Konaru began.
"Fully? But that can risky....." Hiramaku warned.
"Yeah, but we dont have much of a choice, all of our classes only learn arts, not spells. And since we cant use items in the arena, were going to have to fight this way."
"So how exactly is this going to work?" Naomi asked.
"Ok, so the battle will start off as normal, me in the center, Hiramaku on the right, and Naomi taking Zenta's spot on the left. When the battle starts I will immediately start off with a skill. If successful, Naomi will use a skill next, then Hiramaku. If that doesnt kill him, Naomi, you will use a rapid strike type Dual Blade on the leader, and attempt to send him into a Hangeki, got it?"
Both Hiramaku and Naomi nodded.
"Ok then!" Hiramaku said
"Wait! When is the match?" Naomi asked.
"Tomorrow...So be ready!"
Naomi nodded and logged off.
"Im gonna go too, see ya!" Hiramaku said before he logged off.
Konaru sighed and turned around only to see Roze.
"You!" He exclaimed.
"Me? Yes what about me?" She asked.
"Who are you and what exactly do you want with me?"
Roze closed her eyes and smirked. "I want to show you somethi- You know what...no...It can wait...I will contact you when its time...." Roze turned around. "Oh, and good luck with your match tomorrow!" Roze logged out after that.
"Who is she?....."
Konaru sighed. "Can't let some strange woman get to me....It's important that I focus on the match...." Konaru closed his eyes and began to breath deeply, until he noticed someone was pulling on his leg. Konaru looked down to see a small boy about a foot shorter than him tugging on his leg. The boy wore a dark blue shirt, with sleeves that were too big on him. They went passed his hands so that they were completely covered. The shirt was so long on him it was difficult to see that the boy was wearing a pear of light red pants. The most interesting part of the boy too konaru were his eyes. His left eye was blue, like his shirt, and his right was bright red, like his pants.
"Excuse me?....Mister? Can you help me?" The boy asked, one hand in his mouth.
Konaru knelt so that he was eye level with the boy.
"Sure, whats your name?"
"M-my names Futatsu...."
Konaru smiled. "Nice to meet you Futatsu, im Konaru!"
"C-can you help me?"
"Yeah, what do you need?"
"I-i'm looking for an item...its a Grimoire...called Dual 'Sides'"
"A Grimorie, huh? Yeah I can help you find it!"
The boy smiled. "Thank you Mister!!!"
"Ok, im pretty sure someone would have it at a guild shop so lets go search around the central district."
Futatsu smiled and nodded.

Konaru looked around at the guild shops. "I cant tell if any of them have the item...." Konaru sighed. "I guess we will have to search all of them..."
Futatsu looked up at Konaru and smiled. "Thank you Konaru nii-san!!"
Konaru smiled softly and looked down at Futatsu. "Welcome."
"Nii-san? Never thought of my self as a brother...." Konaru thought to himself.
Konaru and Futatsu turned to check out the 'Solar Shadow' guild store. The player working the store smiled and greeted them. "Hello! And welcome to the Solar
Shadow guild store. If we don't have the item your looking for then get out!"
Konaru frowned. "Thats not a real good motto, you know...."
The merchant gave a dirty look to Konaru. "Deal with it, Guild Master Xenon-sama made it up...I just have to say it..." The merchant smiled and changed his mood. "Now, what are you looking for?" He said happily.
The strange mood swing startled Konaru. Futatsu looked up at the merchant. "I'm looking for a weapon called Dual Sides!"
The merchant looked down at Futatsu. "Sorry kid...Just sold the last one we had..." He said depressingly.
"To who?!" Konaru said quickly.
The merchant pointed to a woman in red. "Her...but I don't see why you need to know...she probably wont trade it...."
Before the merchant finished Konaru had already ran off towards the woman.
Konaru yelled. "Hey!! Miss!!"
The woman, and a few other people, turned around instinctivley and looked at Konaru.
She pointed to herself and asked "Who? Me?"
Konaru ran up to the girl and stopped. "Yes, please, we need to ask you something."
The woman smiled. "Well, your a cutie. I'll listen, whad'ya want?"
"The item you just bought from that guild store it was a Grimorie, called 'Dual Sides', right?"
"Yeah. What about it?"
"Are you willing to trade it?" Konaru asked.
"Sorry hun..It's an item I really want."
"Please, I will trade just about anything!"
The woman eyed him for a second. "How about you, hun?" She smiled.
"M-me?" Konaru gained a shocked expression. "How about somthing else? Heh...Heh..."
"Sorry, hun. Theres nothing I really want....Well.....maybe...How about your Pheonix Down?"
"Ah!! My Pheonix Down?! Are you sure there's nothing else?..."
"Nope sorry...."
Futatsu pulled on Konaru's leg. "Pwease Konaru nii-chan...I really want it!..."
Konaru sighed. "Fine...Here...Take it......"
< Konaru handed ove the Pheonix Down. >

"He he! And here you go!"
< Konaru Received 'Dual Sides' >

"Thanks, hun!" With that the woman logged out.
Futatsu smiled widely. "Thank you Konaru nii-chan!!"
Konaru smiled back and gave Futatsu the item.
"oh and this is for you too Konaru nii-chan!"
< Konaru received Futatsu's Member Address! >

"I hope we can go on many adventures!!" Futatsu said loudly. "But I must go now, bye bye! Konaru nii-chan!! See you!!" Futatsu logged off.
Konaru sighed. "Well, im glad I was able to help him out..." Konaru looked at the time. "Ahh!! I can't believe how late it is!! I gotta get some sleep! My match is tomorrow!!" Konaru sighed and logged off.

"HELLOOOOOOO LUMINIA CLOTH!!!!!!!!!" The announcer yelled as the crowed roared.
Konaru smirked. He could hear the announcer from inside the waiting room. He looked at Hiramaku and Naomi. Hiramaku seemed to be completely relaxed, while Naomi looked like a nervous wreck. Konaru walked up to Naomi and put his hand on her shoulder. She lifted her head from the ground and looked at him.
Konaru looked at her. "You'll do great...I have faith in you!"
Naomi blushed slightly and looked away. "Th-thanks...Konaru-san...."
Hiramaku who was watching laughed to himself quietly.
The room 'pinged' and a voice said somthing. "Team Azure, please get ready, your match is about to begin."
Konaru took his hand off her shoulder and looked at the door. Naomi sighed and placed her hand on her chest. Hiramaku walked up to Konaru. "Ready?"
The two of them smiled devilishly and walked out, Noami following.

"And here they are!!!!! TEAAAAAAAAMMMMM AZUREEE!!!!!" The announcer shouted as they appeared in the arena. Naomi looked around the arena and began panting. "Uhhh.....G-guys.......I-I don't feel so good....."
Hiramaku looked at her angerly. "How could you have stage fright at a time like this?!? I mean were online for god sakes!!!" Naomi wrapped her arms around her stomach and fell to her knees..... "Ughhh....."
Konaru turned to her and pulled her up. "Look, you will do great. Even if we dont win, it doesn't matter....Even if you mess up, it wont matter. All thats important is that you try your best, Naomi-chan."
Naomi blushed slightly and smiled. She pulled out her dual swords. "I wont mess up!!"
Konaru smiled and turned forward. Hiramaku turned to him and smirked. "You certanly have a way with words, dont you?"
"No. People are just easy to fool." Konaru said as he pulled out his scythe.

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