Well I havent been posting in my journal lately so to make that up I'm going to tell you guys about SANTA!!! Yesh Santa, the guy we love and depend him to get our presents. OK one thing Santa has been stalking us ever since we were born. He knows when we are bad and good, he knows when you are sleeping and awake, plus he knows where we live. NEXT THING you it, he might know when you are making a piss or a terd. YEAH I KNOW Santa is a horrible guy. WE ALL NEED OUR PRIVATY!!!!!!! Oh yeah Santa is a pimp too because he keeps saying " Ho Ho Ho!!!" Well he always say that to everyone which means he is calling us all Hoes. Yeah I think we should never depend on this little fat a** here. I hope you have a good Christmas!!!!!!

P.S. Since this is Christmas eve today, dont give Santa kookies, he is on a diet x3 BUH BAI NOW!!!!!! :3
C0fUs3D-T3ddii-B3aR · Wed Dec 24, 2008 @ 03:59pm · 3 Comments |