heart My undeserving and wretched hide was gifted by so many wonderful people this year for Christmas! I was brought to tears this morning as I opened the gifts and witnessed the generosity of the people I know. Its too much! You all went bankrupted I know it! Anybody who wants to let me know who you are, when you do I will thank you properly! heart
Message from Palinor
Don't stab me with it, though...
(Nov 06, 200 cool
~Silver Prince's Rapier – brought me to tears right away.
A note on your present reads:
Here I am, stinky and hungover. Woke up this morning and I found a. . . _From the homeless pervert
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Floppy Clover – brought a huge smile to my face!
A note on your present reads:
May your holidays be filled with love and cheer. ~Candy Cane
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Holly Hairpiece – gave me the warm fuzzies
A note on your present reads:
A quick return to add to the confusion! (: -A Secret SCASer
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Jackie – shocked me with joy
A note on your present reads:
You know you wanted these. =x
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Gino's Underwear – made me laugh.
A note on your present reads:
Oh dear, keep this safe. We wouldn't want things to get even more Scrambled... -Tuxedo Mask
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~White Drome Egg – made me gasp!
A note on your present reads:
So I couldn't find a traditional rose, take this one instead. >->_>->
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Flower Shield made me grin
A note on your present reads:
Enjoy this gift and have a very happy holiday season. The only catch? Do something nice for another SCASer. Pass this on. ~Copycat
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~HIPster Green Tint Shades – I took the message to heart
A note on your present reads:
I want a cup that overflows with love Although it's not enough to fill my heart I want a barrel full of love Although I know it's not enough to fill my heart -The Wandering Elf
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Martian Antennas – Made me thoughtful and also cry a bit
A note on your present reads:
Stashing gifts, does please you. Stashing gifts, whatever you do. Stashing gifts. Stashing gifts. Piles and piles of stashed gifts. Stashing gifts. Stashing gifts. It's this huge pile the talking mirror lifts.
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Blue Octopus (on my head) – made me go XD
A note on your present reads:
Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur, said She Can Act Silly
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Pearl and Sapphire Necklace – also made me gasp!
A note on your present reads:
Don't be sad Seffy, it's not over yet. Mr. E and many other are still on the loose. Why don't I give you a little hint. Mr. E is not a girl. If I were, I would be Ms. E. and that wouldn't make sense. -from a scaser who isn't a girl- Mr. E
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Ginkgo Leaf Hairpin – made me O3O and cry! <3
A note on your present reads:
You speak of my sword as something you'd like, but I must warn you, I am more than likely a dyke. Though artificial, my sword will thrust, into your innards, this is a must.
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Frostbite Blade - For this present you can thrust me any day.
A note on your present reads:
This is a gift from the Aquarium Fishy. Enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~ Newsprint Fro - Made me smile a fishy sort of smile
A note on your present reads:
This is a gift from the Aquarium Fishy. Enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Felicia's Gloves – Made me oooh and ahhh!
A note on your present reads:
I heard you were hungry, so I brought you this food. I tried to hurry, but I seem to be rude, cuz I already ate it... -Blut und Darme
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Empty Aluminum Can – Made me laugh!
A note on your present reads:
~*~ From the Flower Person ~.^ ~*~
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Single Purple Daisy – Bouquet – made me feel really cute and loved
A note on your present reads:
The SCAS Christkindl is still around, and he has deemed you worthy of a gift!
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Piggy Plush – made me “awwwwwe!”
A note on your present reads:
This is me. Aishiteru! -Blut und Darme
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Lump of Black Coal – made me Laugh and caused me to be quite joyful
A note on your present reads:
The Anti-SCAS Christkindl has deemed you unworthy of a gift. For you have been a very naughty girl this year.
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Lump of Black Coal – I must have been bad! LOL!
A note on your present reads:
Dear me, dear my, here's something to deliver I traveled very far to be this gift's giver A mountain, a forest, a cave, and a river Here's my gift, please pardon my wet shiver ~The Marquis
(Dec 12, 200 cool
~Plumeria Headpiece – I gasped and I cried!
Message from Heart Shifter
Merry err... EARLY CHRISTMAS (spent money on u before he blows it all on himself xD)
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~Sentry Security: Franz – Shifty! You shouldn’t have!
Message from agreed not to reveal identity
In a land of bricks, a humble plumber speaks.
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~Slime – brought about a long discussion and hopefully a friend.
A note on your present reads:
They tried to make it seem like an orphanage... But according to that town's Holy Scriptures, it was actually the center of their religion... It's dangerous to go alone, take this! _Henry Townshend
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~Kappa Plush – made my day and also scratch my head
A note on your present reads:
Yes, it's true, I'm here once more. Nobody shows me the door. Talking mirrors never fight. Yet might give you a big fright.
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~Caroling Sheet Music – made me want to sing
A note on your present reads:
A small gift from the Aquarium Fishy. Have a Happy Holiday and Great New Year!
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~Basic Fishing Rod – made me giggle! How did you know I gave mine away to someone else who needed it?
A note on your present reads:
Junk, Junk! Who wants this Funk?
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~ Red Matte Floor Tile – I do! <3
A note on your present reads:
Junk, Junk! Who wants this Funk?
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~ Doctors Parabolic Reflector – I was joyful to receive your junk!
A note on your present reads:
Secrets secrets are so fun, unless you never tell anyone. ~Candy Cane
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~ Bouncy Antennae – made me laugh out loud, seriously biggrin
A note on your present reads:
A small gift from Aquarium Fishy, who is chasing a kitty.
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~Recipe: Clutch Rollerblades - I hope you caught your kitty.
A note on your present reads:
Time for a midnight snack? Ok so it's not exactly midnight, but I am getting kinda hungry. Hope this satisfies your appetite. Sakura Megami
(Dec 13, 200 cool
~ Onigiri – I’m terribly satisfied! <3
Message from Shinezilla
Merry SCASmas! :3
(Dec 14, 200 cool
~YHBT Hat – BUH! Oh Frabjous day! *wears with pride*
A note on your present reads:
SCAS Fun Bot gives this to you BAAZZZZ the hand of one that I once knew AAAZZZZGGG if you wonder who it might be TTTAAAAZZZZ I can only tell you, we call him Hooky BBBBBZZZZZTTTT
(Dec 14, 200 cool
~ Hook Hand – Arg! *plays pirate* SWEEET!
A note on your present reads:
And then black, a score. This is it, not much more. This is the might. This is the end. This is the moment I make my stand. May not be much, it is not lots But do stay and connect the dots. Now is when I really give. So do not go but stay and live.
(Dec 14, 200 cool
~ Santa Baby Gloves – oooh! I will wear them all the time!
A note on your present reads:
Happy Holidays~!
(Dec 14, 200 cool
~Ginkgo Leaf Hairpin – this made me tear up and quite happy!
A note on your present reads:
I may be a virgin, but I refuse to be sacrificed. -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Pearl Sparkle Empire Dress – I was surprised by such and elegant and beautiful gift!
A note on your present reads:
Wow... That was.. Uh.. Late. -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~ Blue with White Trim Speedies Bottom – O-O <3
A note on your present reads:
So when someone throws a gift at you, you throw it to the side to find a virgin?! In this day and age!?! -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~ Cool Starter Rocker Girl Capri Jeans – Hell yeah! *didn’t even know this awesome item existed*
A note on your present reads:
*ROFL* It's pronounced waffle right? -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Neutral Starter Urban Girl Top- I thought long and hard about this, most because it wouldn’t leave my brain, and I decided yes, yes it is.
A note on your present reads:
SCAS Smiley knows your pain and will stop messing with your poor brain. Tell Pali Aryn is not SCAS Smiley. -Love, yours truly <3
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Blacklight Tube Top – done and done.
A note on your present reads:
Popcorn? Where?!? Plus, aren't I the only one actually talking to people? -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Cherry Red Polyester Necktie - *gives a bucket full of popcorn, with ten different types* ; 3 ; <3 <3
A note on your present reads:
See, ninja's so copying me >.> But I did not mean to scare it off ToT -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~ Colonial Stockings – I want to have your babies!
A note on your present reads:
Good to know. My goal was not to scare it off... -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Blacklight Punk Sock – one pair closer to owning them ALL!!
A note on your present reads:
I have other colors! D; That was funny and sad all at the same time. Don't choke now, you hear? -SCAS Smiley
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Matcha Tea Time Waitress Dress – Seriously.. your babies I will have them any time!
Dear SCAS Smiley,
Why did you bankrupt yourself with giving? You are a wonderful, hilarious, beautiful person. Please tell me who you are so I can thank you properly for all the joy and wonder you gave me.
A note on your present reads:
Junk, Junk! Who wants this Funk?
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~Gingerbread Man Cookie – I definitely want this!
A note on your present reads:
Who knew clam could be so useful ~zOMG! Ninja
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~ Recipe: Clam Shell Purse - ; 3 ; <3 clam is love!
A note on your present reads:
Would you be offended if I kissed you under the mistletoe? In case you would, how about I give you this gift instead. Warmest of Holiday Wishes. ~ SCAS Spirit
(Dec 15, 200 cool
~ Fortune Egg (Level 1) – 1 million kisses!!!!!
A note on your present reads:
Journal Entry 1111one!!!111!!!eleventy!!111 ok so Eileen wasn't too happy when I didn't show up to get her..... she also wasn't too happy when she found out I was playing the ps2...... she also wasn't happy when she found I was the one who pushed her o
(Dec 17, 200 cool
~ Green Corallus Egg 2nd gen. – OMG! *flail flail*
A note on your present reads:
Wild blue soap for you lovely blue skin. ~SCAS Bath Fairy
(Dec 17, 200 cool
~ Baby Blue Bar of Soap – I will cherish this always! Whenever I use it I will think of you.
A note on your present reads:
Your in for a shock, for this doesn't cover a clock. The SCAS Fantasy Streaker.
(Dec 17, 200 cool
~Neutral Starter Fantasy Loincloth – how I laughed! JOY!
Message from Izzeyl
thanx. i hadn't heard from you in a while. maybe this will help keep the lines of comunication open. enjoy!
(Dec 18, 200 cool
~ GO Phone - *puts a call through* Hey buddy! We should lay waste to some more animated. Talk to you later yo!
A note on your present reads:
One time, when I was really little, I snuck into a movie theater to find a place to warm up a bit before going back to selling matches. When I was there, I got to see part of a very interesting looking movie that had elves in armor fighting these big scar
(Dec 18, 200 cool
~ Head Bandage – You beautiful darling! I’ll keep you forever! Come live with me!
Message from GCD Elf 245
You need to keep warm this winter! <3
(Dec 18, 200 cool
~ Green Snowflake Scarf - biggrin I promise I will keep warm!
Message from 0greatone
I was going to gift under my gifter name but then you would of found me out. I have two so don't worry about it
(Dec 20, 200 cool
~ mUltipants – I knew what you gave me but it still prought me a smile to open this gift!
A note on your present reads:
Ho HO Ho Merry Christmas from Santa. I see you have been a very good girl in SCAS. Ho HO ho Be sure to enjoy your gift, It gave the elves all sorts of problems, and have a happy new year.
(Dec 20, 200 cool
~ OMG Spirit - *tears up* OMG! I don’t know what to say!!!!
A note on your present reads:
ho HO ho You will never be able to figure out this Santa for he is a secret!! ho HO ho P.S. The elves are recovering nicely from the previous gift. I hope you enjoy it. P.P.S: Drank all the milk. You will have to go to the store later for mor
(Dec 21, 200 cool
~Lunar Hairpin – THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’m sorry I gave you and the Elves trouble!
A note on your present reads:
DeCk ThE hAlLs WiTh LoTs Of GlItChInG~ fA lA lA lA lAaAaAaA! lOvE yOu! ThE SCAS TeStInG BuG
(Dec 21, 200 cool
~ Inverted L Blox – Hilarity ensues! This will be the one Blox I keep!
Message from Archana
Thanks for always getting me something for the holidays=). I hope you like the present=). And Happy holidays=).
(Dec 23, 200 cool
~Blue Sweetheart Teddy – Archana! You are a sweetheart! I LOVE YOU!
From Gaia:
Enchanted Wooden Trunk
~Man Eating Plant
Enchanted Wooden Trunk
~Black Retro Phone
Brown Magical Giftbox
~Hockey Mask
Brown Magical Giftbox
~Hockey Mask
Blue Magical Giftbox
~ Don’t want to open, too awesome as its self, going to keep as is <3
Other gifts I got:
January Birthstone Crown _ from someone awesome!
Long Stem Blue Rose – from someone awesome!
Unibrow _ from Annette <3
Fortune Egg Level 1 – from the generous and beloved SCAS Smiley
I am not sure what I could possibly do to repay the kindness of these souls. I don't think even if I worked at it all year I would be able to even give a fraction of what they gave me in joy. And then there is the fact that they gave so much! I get broken up when I think about it! I would have been just as happy if they had all given me blue cat bands!
So I decided I am going to do what I can to Spread the joy to other people. I am going to spend what gold I have been saving up to buy Newbies in the welcome forum Christmas Gifts. 3nodding Maybe some of them deserve it and maybe they don't. I don't care! I'm gonna try to bring a little joy back!
Wretchedly, Wonderfully, Thankfully,
Edit: Gifts given after I wrote this:
Message from Orion Major
Merry Christmas!
(Dec 24, 200 cool
~Imperial Queen - heart How un-necessary and wonderful!
Message from Orion Major
And a Happy New Year!
(Dec 24, 200 cool
~Blue Sweetheart Teddy - Two gifts?! I don't know what to say!!!
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