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Dr. Franken Stein's Diary
Dissection Time
Chapter 1
First Day of Shibusen

Shibusen is a training facility for Meisters and Weapons. Meisters are students of this school trained in the knowledge and ways to prevent the rebirth of the kishin. With the help of weapons, which have a weapon and human form, this organization was born. The second goal of Shibusen is to craft death scythes. By acquiring ninety-nine kishin eggs and one witch soul, a weapon is imbued with immense power and becomes a Death Scythe. This title certifies them to be able to be used by the God of Death, Shinigami himself. Long ago, Shinigami’s death scythe Spirit Albarn was but a humble skirt chasing student himself. The legend of Franken Stein, the strongest meister, was born along with him. The story of a crazed stitched up boy and perverted scythe shall now be revealed.

Albarn residence

A boy with unkempt red hair awoke in his bed. Posters of woman adorned the walls and clothes were scattered all over the floor. He arose from his bed and looked at a calendar which said “Most Beautiful Meisters”. The boy squinted his eyes as he walked closer and in a little square. It said “First day, Shibusen”. His eyes suddenly widened after a few seconds of standing and quickly got ready. His red hair had to be combed, cologne had to be applied, and his favorite outfit put on.

“SPIRIT HURRY UP OR YOU’LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!” A voice shouted which was his father.

“I KNOW!” Spirit shouted back and put on his pants. He suddenly slipped on a magazine. It was just some porn. Spirit picked up his special belongings and hid them all in a box and slid them under his bed. But, he stopped quickly and picked one out taking a few peeks. The pages unfolded showing woman bear of anything besides a loose article of clothing that should really be called a piece of cloth. The boy ran downstairs quickly and his father stopped him at the door. A man with short red hair looked down at him.

“Go get those girls, son. Remember straight forward approach! Just do it!” He said with a smile

Spirit nodded “Yeah!” He said excited and ran out the door and hopped on a black bicycle and rode off.

In an Insanse Asylum ambulance
A boy with silver-gray hair sat with a straight jacket restricting his movements. A man in white stared into those deep yellow eyes. Those eyes that seemed so calm and yet, just this morning……

Earlier in the Morning in Death City Insane Asylum


“Let them come…until then….” He said and put a gag on the man.

A scalpel in his pale skinned hand, the boy carved away at the man without even knocking him out. His muffled screams filled the dark broom closet. No one would ever find him. His body hacked into pieces would then be dumped into the meat reserves in the kitchen. That would be a funny occurrence when someone found a finger in their sloppy joe. But, then again, no one would panic. Everyone in there was too insane to really care. Except Barry, who saw everything as a talking shrunken head.

Inside an Insane Asylum Ambulance again

“Stein you better behave, or we’ll come back for you.” The man in white garbs said.

“Hehehehe….really? Do you think you could?” The boy said fiddling with his hands.

“Yes we…..when did you get out of that jacket…?” The doctor suddenly had a tinge of fright in his voice.

“Oh…I was always free. I was just humoring your superiority.” Stein said and twirled a scalpel in his hand.

“Shinigami-sama can deal with you. I’m done.” The man said and Stein just twirled his scalpel. This crazed child who felt that everything was a subject for experiment, including himself. He was a scientist and maybe he could be a doctor some day.

Marie and Cosette’s apartment

Two blonde haired girls combed their hair. One with shoulder length hair, dressed in a black skirt and tank top. Her eyes were a deep gold hue. They seemed to radiate life and excitement for the day ahead. But, isn’t everyone always excited for their first day at Shibusen? The other with long hair past her shoulders wore a simple pair of blue jeans and a white t-shirt with “I <3 Death City” in black letters. Beneath her closed eyes were two deep pools of blue. She didn’t come off as….up beat at the moment. But, she was the few who didn’t really care much for school. It was work, work, study, study, hunt evil kishin eggs. Who would want hunt kishin eggs anyway? The girl with shoulder length hair clipped a lightning bolt pin to her skirt and smiled into a mirror.

“I’m so excited! Maybe I’ll meet the man of my dreams there, Cosette!” The shoulder length hair girl shouted loudly.

“Maybe,” Cosette replied and looked at her clock. “and its time to get moving! Lets go!”

The two girls ran out the door, down a flight of stairs and out the building. A school with giant candles sticking out adorned with skulls and red spikes, perfectly symmetrical, was in sight. An establishment, that would be safe-haven for an Insane asylum patient, skirt chaser, Marriage obsessed girl, and her seemingly normal friend.


Spirit walked around with a “Weapon” tag on his shirt. The boy caught a hint of yellow...with black? Maybe they were stripes. Yes, Spirit saw beneath a girl’s black skirt, black and yellow striped panties. His grin grew as he edged closer to the girl he would one day see as a fellow death scythe. A long curved scythe replaced his forearm as he carefully lifted up the girl’s skirt.

“OH MY GOD YOU PERVERT!” A high pitched voice shouted and Spirit ran for it. Girls ran after him, some waving their transformed body parts. Threats of losing his manhood echoed in the distance, but being an expert skirt chaser, he could run, very fast. Another boy caught his eye though, his outfit was pure white and stitched in a very neat fashion. His silver-gray hair wasn’t unkempt like his hair, but very smooth and taken care of. The Insane Asylum patient was all alone and was obsessing over something in his hands.

“Hehehehe, I wonder what you look like on the inside?” The boy with silver-gray hair said as the scalpel was knocked out of his hand. The mouse then bit the boy’s hand and escaped into a tiny hole in the school.

“What are you doing?! That’s just a tiny poor mouse!” Spirit said making eye contact with the almost pale skinned Meister.

“My name is Stein, Franken Stein, but call me Stein.” Stein said with a monotone voice.

“My name is Spirit, Spirit Albarn.” Spirit said shaking Stein’s hand who didn’t actually stick out his hand.

“Excuse me, I have to find a Meister.” Spirit said walking away and Stein just stared at him and shook his head before sitting back down. His hand sparked a bit with yellow energy.

Spirit walked around and noticed a girl with long blonde hair.The boy smiled and smoothed out his hair before approaching her. What he didn’t realize was that she was standing next to Marie. The same girl he just peeked at in public.

“Hello L---“

“That’s him Cosette! He looked up my skirt!” Marie shouted pulling down her black skirt with a lightning bolt pin on it.

“What? I’m sure he wasn’t---“ Cosette stopped as she felt a hand on her butt. She shivered and bit and turned around. It was pretty normal for fights to start on the first day. Shinigami didn’t mind, they never really hurt themselves. Well, that was until he realized some Meisters had outside experience.

“Marie…..” Cosette said holding out her left hand. Marie smiled and took Cosette’s hand. The girl transformed into a large hammer. Spirit smiled and slowly backed away. But, as he tried to run away he ran straight into that creepy stitched up shirt kid, Stein. The stitched up boy stared at Spirit and sighed pushing him out of the way. The hammer with its crushing qualities suddenly came swinging by Stein’s head. The boy simply ducked and dragged Spirit with him.

“Transform now!” Stein shouted and Spirit just did so. His true form revealed. The long black scythe attached to a black cross. Stein flipped the weapon in one hand with ease. When the hammer came by again Stein blocked the blow with Spirit who wasn’t used to being handled. But, somehow Stein easily fended off the hammer swings. But, as he analyzed the movements, they weren’t random. Rather, the girl was swinging the large weapon quite fast and with a certain pattern? But, in a mirror, a black figure with a very familiar white mask appeared. Shinigami watched the scuffle with much interest. A doctor stood behind him in his quarters.

“That’s him. He may seem calm right now, but we advise you to watch him, Shinigami-sama. His mind….is unstable.” A doctor in pure white garbs advised. Shinigami still watched with excitement.

“That’s alright, I can already tell….” Shinigami said as Stein finally took an offensive stance “he has great potential.”

Stein took the offensive with Spirit quite calm in his grasp.

“Who is this guy? Our souls seem to be perfect together, but we just started fighting. How can he…..” Spirit thought

Stein suddenly ran at Cosette and swung with precise agile movements. Cosette could only block the scythe. It seems she wasn’t the only one who had previous training with her partner. But, she didn’t know Spirit and Stein never fought together. Cosette didn’t feel like she had a choice.

“MARIE! SOUL RESONANCE!” She shouted loudly.

The hammer grew to an unimaginable size and had a giant lightning bolt crest on the flat side. Stein stared at the hammer without fear. He stuck Spirit into the ground who partially transformed back to his human form.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET OUT OF THE WAY!” Spirit shouted before watching the hammer come down. His reaction was to run and he did. But, as he ran farther away he turned around. You didn’t have to be a genius to know what “Soul Resonance” was. It was most likely gonna be very big and destructive. Shinigami watched from his mirror and knew exactly what Stein was doing. The boy’s hands glowed as he placed his palms against the hammer that threatened to crush him. Cosette was surprised, she pushed down more. But, Stein stood and increased his soul wavelength being released through his hands. The hammer released a current of electricity into Stein who cringed a bit. He couldn’t handle this pain forever. The ground around them cracked and Stein suddenly drew back one hand and hit the hammer away. His left hand still releasing some sparks and glowing an ominous yellow, he ran right to Cosette.

“SOUL PURGE!” He shouted and thrust his palm forward striking the girl’s heart. Stein realized his hand connected with something else. Marie’s hammer fist blocked Stein’s palm. But, the boy wasn’t done yet. His right hand came around and struck her in the gut. Marie felt his soul wavelength get injected into her body. She fell to her knees and blood spurted out of her mouth.

“It’s over …..” Stein said as Marie fell over. He knew the feeling as he had tested this technique on many animals and objects. The girl would feel paralyzed as if something expanded her own soul inside of her, tearing her innards. The girl coughed up some more blood and her meister tried comforting her. Stein just smiled and started bursting out laughing. Spirit stared at his…friend…meister….he didn’t know what their relationship was now, but Stein scared him.

“Hello!” Shinigami finally said revealing himself in the open….well on his mirror. The masked figure didn’t get a response due to everyone paying attention to the scuffle between the experienced Meister, Cosette and the talented Stein. Shinigami had to wait quit awhile before someone shouted loudly “SHINIGAMI-SAMA!”. Stein and Spirit stood with eachother, quietly, while Cosette and Marie went to the infirmary inside the school. Stein watched the two and also left the ceremony. Spirit seemed flustered as he watched Stein walk away. He somehow felt connected to stitch boy already and just followed after him. The two walked together, stalking the injured pair. Spirit badgered Stein quietly as they walked. He wondered why the hell Stein would stalk the Meister and her injured weapon. Cosette waited outside the nurse’s office. They were always prepared for such events on the introductory ceremony to Shibusen. She looked at the two boys and walked up to Stein who just stared back at her.

The girl has tears forming in her eyes and as Stein opened his mouth a fist came in contact with his face. Spirit watched Stein take the hit and stand there before rubbing his face. He rubbed the place where the fist made contact and as he tried to speak again, he got a fist to the gut. The boy fell over and quickly got up. Cosette didn’t even say anything, but Stein looked into the air as Cosette pulled back her fist again, Stein was ready. His pale hand grabbed her fist as he moved closer to her. His other hand held her open hand as he kissed her lips lightly. Cosette didn’t push back, pull away, or even move. She just stood with eyes opened wide and enjoyed the few seconds that ticked by. The collision of that kiss made her body rose a few degrees. Stein had moved his right arm around the girl’s waist while still holding Cosette’s hand in his left. How could an Insane Asylum patient be such a damn good kisser? Well, some of the patients needed a little…..material to get them through the day. Stein happened to be a line between these needy people in order to receive his dissection material. Curiosity led him to gain the knowledge of kissing and tid bits about “Intercourse”. He never needed to concern himself with this though. Believing only in the process of dissecting, studying, and experimenting. Of course, this kissing experience was just…..an experiment.

The act that Stein took upon himself seemed so sweet. As one could tell seeing as how Cosette’s face turned a bright red. Spirit being shocked, appalled, and slightly turned on gasped at this sight. But, the matter of the fact was, Stein didn’t know about love, but he knew one thing. Spontaneous acts of what could be affection make girls stop dead in their tracks. It acted as a temporary mental block that connected their body to their brains.

“I’m sorry.” He said centimeters away from her face and walked away, returning his arms to his side. Spirit gawked and looked Cosette who was blushing madly. Her arms went limp as Spirit continued to stand and ran after Stein.

“Nice one!” Spirit said patting Stein on the back.

“Nice…one? I did that to make her stop hitting me.” Stein said as they continued walking.

“You mean that didn’t mean anything?! Dude! That’s even nicer! Scoring a kiss and you don’t even like her!” Spirit continued, but Stein knew the social rules of life. He had predicted what this kiss might do to him in the future. But, having a person fall for him instead of hating him wasn’t so bad. Cosette was still standing outside the nurse’s office. It seemed Marie’s injury only needed some medicine and little medical attention. She had been standing by the window of the door the entire time. Marie couldn’t believe the Cosette kissed that guy! Who the hell would want to touch the creepy stitch boy? With his pure white outfit, beautiful yellow eyes, and.....he was so dreamy. Marie suddenly sat down in a chair. How could she think of that guy in such a manner.

“Are you ok Marie?” Cosette asked stepping in as Marie quickly scrambled into a bed which confused the nurse.

“Oh yeah! So…..I was up and….uhhh…..how was it?” She asked and Cosette knew exactly what she was talking about.

“Um….it…was…really nice! Wait…where’s my gum?” She thought curiously and Marie shrugged. Then they both realized and Cosette just blushed while Marie could only shout.



“Hey Stein, can I have some gum?” Spirit asked and thought about that question. When did Stein get that gum? “YOU TOTALLY FRENCHED HER!” Spirit shouted so loudly that Stein couldn’t help, but slap Spirt’s head with his palm as he chewed.

“Frenched? No…I just partook of some of her gum with my tongue which happened to be where her tongue was.” Stein said chewing all the while with a bored face. His eyes seemed so…..lazy. Not as if they were drooping, but like he wasn’t thinking. His new friend, Spirit, stood there with a smile. He was glad to make a friend, as weird as Stein might be. It wasn’t like he was gonna cut him open…..right? The skirt chasing weapon had met an equally masterful Meister. A pair that would go down in history had come together. One would become a Death Scythe and the other the strongest Meister to ever graduate from Shibusen. This was also the beginning of a very faulty relationship

User Comments: [1]
Supiritto Aruban
Community Member

Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 12:43am

Haha! *claps* Very nice.
The gum part made me laugh big time!
I didn't know you had it in ya, Stein.

User Comments: [1]
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