This story takes place long ago in the treetop village of Veiyon! A clan of assassins they were and born amongst to them, an abomination of sorts, as so they thought, little Vixie. Born completely blind, she was instantly at the top of the disgrace list. Now normally a baby born of this quality would be set out to the woods to fend for itself without even been given a second glance, but her parents loved her so much, they could not bring themselves to do so. So out of their love for their daughter they took her deep into the forest where the Farlorne clan lived, and begged and pleaded with them to take her. They agreed and so Vixie would live the next 18 years of her life her with the clan.
The Farlorne clan were a peaceful clan who prided themselves on their great magical abilities amongst other ones! They used their powers mostly for healing purposes and the betterment of their fellow wolves and allies alike, and so Vixie was raised with these same notions of peace! Being in the clan she always felt sort of out of place. To her everything between her and her family was different, like something was always missing or not right at all. Don't get me wrong she loved her family with all of her heart, but this feeling she had just would not leave her. So on her 18th birthday she decided to leave the clan in search of the things that would make her feel whole for once in her life.
Wandering through the woods not too sure which way she should go, She heard the singing of what sounded like a young man, faint non-the-less, but still she could hear it, so having no other options she destined toward it until she came upon a clearing where standing there before her was a very alarmed young skunk. Although she could not see him she could tell he was there. For a few seconds not a word was spoken and then a melodious voice asked, " Excuse me, but are you lost or something, because if you are I can try direct you..."He paused a moment looking around and pointing, and eventually figuring out that he really had no idea where anywhere was either. She softly replied, "Well I'm not lost exactly, just,...well I don't really know, where I'm really going,...just going. I heard someone singing this direction and the voice just beckoned me to follow it. Was that you singing?" He Blushes and then replies" Uh..yeah that was me I'm glad you liked it so much...I'm out here by myself so I sing to you know sort of make it feel as though someone else is here with me....kind of weird huh?"
Vixie giggles, "Oh no not all it's actually kind of sweet. Oh I'm so sorry I completely forgot, my name is Vixie" He reaches out his hand to shake hers, "I'm Leore,...."He looks more closely at her eyes," Excuse me for prying but are you...?" "Blind? Yes... I am, have been since birth I guess or so that's what my parents told me anyway." Leore smiles and exclaims, "You almost can't tell, but being a master swordsman such as myself, I notice more things that most people wouldn't...Do you..fight? With swords I mean?" Vixie looks kind of embarassed and blurts out "Well I did once but I don't really like to talk about it...I really hurt someone...I guess I was just too quick for her....she was one of my best friends." "Was? You mean?" Vixie looks down out of sheer guilt, "Let's just say it was a very, undignified splitting of the ties" Leore pauses for a moment not really knowing quite what to say and then stammers, "Well this may be the wrong thing to ask you now but, would you like to learn how to weild a sword properly?" He grabs her hand and puts a glorious sword in it and let's go. She holds it up to the sky, getting a feel for it and answers, " I'm not sure if this is even a sensible thing to do but, this sword seems to hold some power over me, and compells me to weild it so, answer, yes! I would very much!" "Well then I guess we better get started then shant we?"
After that day Leore trained Vixie in the best ways he knew how, until a year had all but nearly passed by without either even noticing. Being around each other so much I guess they had truely lost all sense of the outside world. Vixie was also growing up more by the day and feeling the strangest feelings she had never felt before, one of them being love. Though she did love Leore she kept it to herself, but she never knew she would never get the chance to tell him. A year had gone by and she had truelly become a true warrior, some would say even an assassin. One day Leore left early in the morning to go out looking for food, and came across something that clearly wasn't food, I was an assassin from Vixie's biological clan and he was looking for a fight. Leore having nothing but a freshly picked white rose in his hand, stood no chance of winning the battle where-as his opponent had a weapon in each hand. The assasin moved in quick laying but a single blow, slicing Leore's throat. As blood ran down the rose Leore fell to the ground, never to rise again. Vixie getting worried decided to venture after him, using his sent and nothing else she found his lifeless body grasping the very white rose he was picking to bring back to her. Engulfed in sorrow and rage Vixie wept and wailed, holding Leore's lifeless body in her arms! She then caught a wiff of the sent of the attacker, but for Leore's sake she put it aside for now and carried him back to their hut on her back. When she reached their home she laid him on a bed of roses a little further from the clearing, and there she left him to rest in peace, amongst the flowers he had loved so much! She then kissed him goodbye with tears flooding her eyes, and as she embraced her face against his, she wimpered the words" I Love you,...I always will,...I'll never let you go again"! She then gathered her sword and set out to track the scent of his killer!
The scent brought her upon Veiyon and with great rage she set out to find the person that belonged to that scent, slaughtering any and all that came in her path. She finally came upon him, standing there as he drew his daggers. A brief pause and then the weapons clashed for what seemed like forever in the fit of it all and then blood spurted across her face, Vixie with an accomplished look on her face, stood there as her oponent's blood ran down his body, but if she had any idea at all who she had just slaughtered, she wouldn't have felt quite so satisfied, for you see the fox she slaughtered,...was her own father. Having ended up slaughtering everyone she had found in the village, she would never know for now there was really no one to tell her so! Bloody and strained, she ventured home, having accomplished not only avenging her love's death, but filling the void she had had her whole life! She then forth became known as the Bleeding Rose, the assassin of love. And it just goes to show you that just because someone has a defect or a flaw, doesn't mean it is a handicap!
This is Vixie's back story and there will be more to come for many of the characters! So just keep checking back XD!
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My Pink Moose Chronicles
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