Written By Me (Neji-Kun) and my best friends, Andrew and Melody 3nodding
Pictures by DeviantART.com 3nodding
This is Close Anime Picture of Andrew (Sonic?)

This is a Close Anime Picture of Me (Shadow?)

This is a close Anime Picture of Violet biggrin

First Sonic Couple -

Sonic and Amy the Hedgehogs (SonicxAmy)
Sonic's Age - 16
Amy's Age - 15/16
Reason for pairing? ~
Amy is a sweet hedgehog that loves Sonic.She shows it A LOT Sonic probably has some feelings for her. XP
~ From Andrew
A few years ago...
Amy the Hedgehog loves Sonic the Hedgehog.She shows it in...special ways XD . But Sonic seems to be annoyed by her.Amy now thinks that Sonic doesn't like her,or hates her.
Amy : Does Sonic Hate me....I dunno anymore...
The pink hedgehog was at Tails's Shack. (Sonic X or Sonic Adventure2)
Tails : It's Ok Amy.Sonic Doesn't hate you...
Amy : I dunno about that...ooh...
She started crying more.Suddenly, Tails's door opened.A blue hedgehog approached Amy.
Sonic : Amy....
Amy : Sonic...?
Sonic handed Amy a rose.

Sonic : I...I'm Sorry Amy...
Amy : Sonic?Sorry for what?
Sonic : Sorry for the pain your feeling...I don't hate you...
Amy : You...Don't?
Sonic : No....

Tails : S-sonic?! O_o
Sonic Kissed the hedgehog and blushed.Amy blushed.
Sonic : I don't...I love you Amy...I just couldn't find a way to show it like you do... redface
Amy : Oh Sonic... smile

Sonic : Are you feeling better now?
Amy : Uh huh...
Sonic : Well,I feel like that I owe you something.
Amy : What do you mean?
Sonic : All I gave you was a kiss.You always showed your love in many different ways. sweatdrop It's my turn now.Come on Amy.Do you want to go out with me? mrgreen
Amy : A Date?! Yes!!Yes,yes,yes!! blaugh heart
Sonic : Haha,Calm down!Let's go then! mrgreen
Sonic grabbed her hand.
Amy : Yay!! redface heart
They left Tails's Shack...
Tails : eek Wha?
~ FIN ~
Written by Violet ~ Part of Melody's Sonic Love Stories heart
Second Sonic Couple ~

Shadow and Cream mrgreen
Shadow age: 17
Cream's age : 15/16
Reason for pairing? ~ To Shadow,Cream is like Maria. Shadow and Cream became fast friends.Shadow needs to be Happy.That's where Cream came in.Cream has a small crush on Shadow.
~From Melody
About a month after Sonic and Amy started going out....
Shadow : ....
Cream : Hey Shadow!!
Shadow : Cream...? smile
Cream : Hey Shadow! You ready to take me home again? sweatdrop
Shadow : Heh,Ok then...Let's go...
Walking on the Beach...
Cream : Ooh!Shadow look!
Shadow : Huh?
Cream pointed at the Sunset.
Cream : Isn't it beautiful...
Shadow : Yeah,it is... smile
Cream : Heh. -hugs Shadow-
Shadow : Cream...-Hugs Cream -
Cream : Hey Shadow? -looks up at Shadow-
Shadow : What is it?
Cream : Why...were you sad?
Shadow : Sad?
Cream : You used to be sad before.Mad at everyone...Why?
Shadow : It was the humans fault....years ago...the humans killed my closest friend,Maria...I wanted revenge...
Cream : But Fighting isn't always the Answer Shadow.It wasn't thier fault that she died.They probably had no choice.They were good on the inside.People are never evil...
Shadow : Cream...you remind me so much of her...you are so sweet like her and you never think about yourself...you visited me for a few months now,and just knowing that someone cares about me,makes me happy...
Cream : Ooh Shadow...Thank You...hey...
Cream blushed a little.
Shadow : .....
Cream : The sun looks so romantic...
Shadow : I suppose...
Cream : Hey Shadow....
Cream approached closer to Shadow's face...
Shadow : Uh... redface
Cream kissed Shadow in the lips.
Then she stopped.She smiled at the ruby eyed hedgehog.
Shadow : C-cream...
Cream : Shadow...You've got a lover...
Shadow : What do you mean...
Cream : I mean...I love you Shadow...
Shadow smiled at her.Then He picked her up and carried her in his arms.
Cream : Woah!
Shadow kissed her in the cheek...
Shadow : Thanks...
Cream : Shadow...come on.Carry me home ^^ heart
Shadow : Heh... biggrin heart
Written by Melody.This is part of Violet's Sonic Love Stories.^^
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