Current news for January 2, the community has a new vampire minister, for other information please read the Quibbler, written by Xenophilus Lovegood. Just a couple days ago the writers of Quibbler were astonished to find proof of blood drinking in the ministry itself, this find was believed to make Scrimgeor go into panic when he knew and force the Quibbler not to publish the article.
Other News:
We have found several sites that could in the future attack the wizarding world. is giving out a little more information than they should and will expect a conference with several Auroras about it.
Special News Report:
We have received information about some muggles in downtown London who claim to have seen a group of oddly-dressed upstarts riding household broomsticks through the air passing a cruise yacht that they were currently on. They claim that five adults and one teen flew passed the windows at extrem speeds. Luckly the muggle population mostly thinks that it is only a poorly thought out atention grabber put to gether by some lunitic. Muggle reporters are searching for more information on the subject. Until then, the wizarding community are trying their best to keep it on the hush.
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Bunny Report
Just showing whats going on in the wizarding world. Unfortunately, the current minister of magic dosen't want me writing this so it isn't going to be current.
Harry Potter for president!