The Queen of the "Never seen Empire"
Total Value: 189,764 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Pink Belly Gem
Lionfish Tail
[I'll quest this soon heart (I'm accepting donations ^^)]
heart - donated
4laugh - bought
wahmbulance - Questing
Total Value: 189,764 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Gold Bangle Bracelets
Lovely Genie Pink Belly Gem
Lionfish Tail
[I'll quest this soon heart (I'm accepting donations ^^)]
heart - donated
4laugh - bought
wahmbulance - Questing