
Name: Haku Imutso
Age: 21
Role: the negotiator
Race: human
Biography: Grew up in Japan in a normal family but unlike most other kids Haku always excelled in school. And had little friends through out his child hood. Haku always seemed to get his way and no one seemed to be able say otherwise. Even though he excelled in his teachings he was never an outgoing or an extrovert person. But he did find himself to be very resourceful and quick-witted when it came to making decisions or creating a suitable outcome that might fit his or someones interests.
Personality: He is quiet and keeps to himself most of the time. very good at sweet talking his way to get what he wants. Can be friendly but most of the time he wont be talking to you unless he is persuading you to do something. he is an excellent listener because of his quiet personality. most people find him to be mysterious and cant seem to be able to learn much about him, which makes people even more curious to learn about him.
Height/weight: 140 pounds 5 feet 10 inches
- shotgun
- katana
- Cats
- Fighting
- Raves
- Music
- Hyper people
- stuck up people
- followers
- father
- mother
- brother
Theme Song: Nemisis by Arch Enemy
Username: XxxDemonic DeathxxX