Through much turmoil of thought, I've decided to buy the cube version of Twilight Princess over the Wii. As soon as the employees mentioned that Link is no longer left handed on the Wii, it was practically game over for that version. I know I'm missing out on fancy Wii-specific features, but all that is insignificant if Link is not left handed.
Ok, I accept that this is a funny reason to pick a game over another, but it's the truth; I couldn't play a Zelda game with a right handed Link. I basically attribute this to the fact that every girl I've dated, spare for the one I dated back in 04, was left handed. I suppose I have a thing for lefties? Heck, even the girl I wouldn't mind dating is a leftie. I wonder if this is a strange coincidence...
Anyway, so I did get Twilight Princes, and as I was there, I had to decide quickly whether I wanted to spend my money on that OR the Collectors Edition that also contained the first two Zeldas (the second being my favorite). I was in the store for forty-five minutes talking to the staff about the pros and cons of each purchase in hopes to narrow it down for me (because there was also Animal Crossing and other DS games that I'd have also enjoyed too). I'm sure I spent a bit longer than I needed to in there though, because there is a really tall cute girl that works that Gamestop, and I can't help but linger in hopes of speaking to her one of these days... Which I did actually, because it turns out she's a Zelda fan too! ^.^
Anyway, through much lallygagging I bought the game. So I was totally stoked to play it when I got home, as you can imagine. Right when I get home, I pop out Wind Waker and chuck this badboy in the Wii, but right as I begin to play, everyone needs me. O.O I mean, my brother came up and asked me to help cut his hair--he's 21 and in the armed forces. Naturally, I have to oblige him, because I can't say now to his widdle frowny face! razz That takes some time to get done, and I was left wondering why he even needed it at all--I had helped him shave the sides of his head the night before. That obstacle aside, I was ready to become immersed in a game of pure awesome! However, the person who let the dogs out didn't want that to happen... =_= I was trampled by three 150lbs dogs, who do nothing but slobber. Yeah, gross. Then I had to do the dishes so everyone could eat dinner--which I thankfully didn't have to cook tonight, but after all of the struggle and work, I was beat... I didn't get to play the game in the end. T~T
I actually just work up from a nightmare, but I'm almost well rested enough to beat the game today, so I'm thinking about giving it a shot. The nightmare kind of shook me though, because it's almost slightly Zelda related, as in the subject of the nightmare was a huge Zelda fan... Need I say more? >.<; Anyway, now the depression from that dream is washing away, so now I can get something to eat and jump in the game! However, I'll be playing it alone... And that's also as depressing as people hating me forever. =_=
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Reluctant Protagonists
We walk on two legs, not on four. To walk on four legs breaks the law. What happens when we break the law? What happens when the rules aren't fair? We all know where we go from there; back to the house of pain...
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