Street Samurai
Real Name: Unknown
Alias: Aizakku Furosto
Age: Unknown
Upgraded Version of original starting character for SR4 Aizakku Furosto
Aizakku is about 5' 7'' with a slim athletic and muscular build this might be due to the Muscle Toner and Augmentation. His eyes look like natural human eyes except they have a very deep crimson in color with concentric circles shaded in purple. Even if they look natural the truth is they are Cyber Eyes. He styles his ash-white hair in very long cornrows, which he then ties up in a semi loose pony tail. Aizakku usually has a smirk on his face because he is very confident on his abilities. His demeanor is mostly calm and collected but when he blows his fuse he falls into a fit of uncontrolled wrath and seething rage. He has a slightly tan skin color. His flesh is actually Orthoskin.
As far as Street Samurai goes he is exceptionally tough, strong, durable and capable of shrugging damage and regenerating much of it even by Street Samurai Standards. It doesn't help his opponents that he is frighteningly fast with incredible reflexes. He also possess and uncanny level of magic resistance to both negative and positive magics. Aizakku is a superb tactician as well due to some of the modifications he has undergone having an incredible battle awareness that allows him to adapt quickly to opponent's during combat situations.
Because of his strength, body and agility he is capable of carrying various weapons into combat making him seem like a one man army. His signature blade, styled after a combination between a tonfa and a blade, is in reality a vibro blade. He wields this weapon with incredible surgical precision and due to its vibro quality can cut through practically any material with ease. He also has a shorter blade with the same style and capability. Aizakku prefers to use heavy pistols in combat such as the Ares and because of his Cybereyes, and many of his guns incorporating smart systems, he is an incredibly accurate shooter. He also possess exotic weapons like the Ares S-III, which can be used to deliver powerful toxins directly into his target's bloodstream. If the thing gets rough he relies on the Heavy weaponry such as the Panther XXL, a powerful cannon weapon.
Race: Human
Bod 6[7] +1 Suprathyroid
Agi 6[9] +2 Toner, +1 Suprathyroid
Rea 6[9] +3 Synaptic, +1 Suprathyroid
Str 6[9] +2 Augmentation, +1 Suprathyroid
Cha 5
Int 6
Log 5
Wil 5
Special Attributes:
Essence 1.39
Ini 12[15]
Ini Pass 1[4] +3 Synaptic
Edge 6[7]
Active Skills:
Pistols (Heavy Pistol+2) [Legendary]
Automatic (SMG+2) [Legendary]
Blades (Sword+2) [Legendary]
Exotic Weaponry [Expert]
Heavy Weapons [Expert]
Unarmed Combat [Expert]
Dodge [Expert]
Athletics Skill Group [Expert]
Stealth Skill Group [Veteran]
Perception [Veteran]
Biotech Skills Group [Veteran]
Negotiation [Veteran]
Leadership [Veteran]
Pilot Ground Craft (Bike) [Veteran]
Knowledge Skills:
Firearms Design
Blade Design
Zen Meditation
Safe Houses
Stimulants Knowledge
-Magic Resistance 2
-Biocompatability (Bioware)
-High Pain Tolerance 1
-Addiction (Alcohol, Mild)
-Allergies (Sunlight, Mild)
-SINner (Ex-Convict)
-Incompetent Hacking
-Incompetent Cybercombat
Gear and Lifestyle:
Transys Avalon
Novatech Navi OS
Sim Module (Modified for BTL/hot sin) (Forbidden)
AR Gloves
Vibro Blade (Knife) (Restricted)
Vibro Blade (Sword) (Forbidden)
Ares Predator IV (Restricted) (Smartgun)
Ruger Super Warhawk (Restricted)
Ingram Smartgun X (Restricted) (Smartgun)
HK XM30 (All Modes) (Smartgun)
Ceska Black Scorpion
Ares S-III Super Squirt
Fichetti Pain Inducer
*Grenade Launcher with grenade link
*Underbarrel shotgun
*Compact carbine
*sniper rifle with imaging scope
*Light Machine Gun (LMG)
Stoner-Ares M202 (Forbidden)
Panther XXL (Forbidden)
Regular Ammo (155)
Explosive Rounds Ammo (155)
EX Explosive Rounds (155)
Assault Cannon Ammo (155)
Low Lifestyle (3 months)
DocWagon Contract Super Platinum
Leather Jacket (2/2)
Armor Clothing (4/0)
Camouflage Suit (8/6)
Fake SIN (Rating 3) (Civilian) (Restricted)
Suzuki Mirage (Dark Crimson)
Medkit 1
Trauma Patch 5
Cyberware: -.85 essence [-.76]
Cybereyes (R3) (Delta) [-0.7Es]
- This system offers 20/20 vision for both eyes and includes an image link and an eye recording unit, as well as capacity for various enhancement systems.
*Protective Covers (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- These can protect both cyber and normal eyes, and confer both Ballistic and Impact armor. Available in transparent or one-way reflective versions.
*Eye Recording Unit (Cybereyes Enhancement)
-The eye recording unit connects to the user’s optical nerves and records all data directly into attached storage (accessible by the user’s PAN). Storage accessible only by personal SIM module.
*Flare Compensation (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This protects the user from blinding flashes of light as well as simple glare. Flare compensation also protects users with thermographic vision from heat flashes and glare from infrared lighting.
*Image Link (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- The image link either displays visual information (text, pictures, movies) in the field of vision or projects it onto the user’s retina with a laser. Visual data is typically AR data received by the user’s PAN, but other input is also accepted.
*Low-Light Vision (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This accessory allows the user to see normally in light levels as low as starlight. Total darkness still renders the user as blind as an unmodified person.
*Smartlink (Restricted) (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This accessory interacts with a smartgun system to project the weapon’s angle of fire into the user’s vision, centering red cross hairs where the user is pointing and highlighting perceived targets. The smartgun’s laser rangefinder also calculates and displays the distance to the target. Additional data from the weapon, such as the ammunition level, heat buildup, and stress can also be displayed. Requires an image link.
*Thermographic Vision (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This enhancement enables vision in the infrared portion of the spectrum, enabling the user to see heat patterns. Thermographic vision is a very practical way to spot living beings in areas of total darkness (even though it’s difficult to fully determine their type and appearance), to check if a motor or machine has been running lately, and to track heat footprints.
*Vision Ehancement (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- Vision enhancement gives the user sharper vision.
*Vision Magnification (Cybereyes Enhancement)
- This zoom function magnifies vision by up to 50 times, allowing distant targets to be seen clearly. It is available as both an optical (ideal for spell casting at distant targets) or electronic (with real-time image correction) enhancement.
Biomonitor (Delta) [-0.15Es]
- This implant acts as a compact device that measures life signs—heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and so on.
Bioware: -2.31 essence [-2.08]
Symbiotes (R3) (Delta) [-0.3Es]
- These tailored microorganisms introduced into the user's bloodstream greatly enhance its regenerative functions. Regenerates damage suffered by the user.
Suprathyroid Gland (Delta) [-.35Es]
- Placed on top of an individual's existing thyroid gland, the suprathyroid gland supersedes the metabolic functions of the thyroid, optimizing catabolism and anabolism. The altered metabolism produces more energy and effectively supercharges the recipient. Increases strength, agility, reaction and body.
Platalet Factories (Delta) [-0.1Es]
- Increases the body's ability to handle damage by accelerating the production of platalets within bone marrow, thus lessening the trauma from large wounds and quickly stopping bleeding. Reduces damage suffered by the user.
Muscle Augmentation (Restricted) (R2) (Delta) [-0.2Es]
- Using a biological weaving treatment, special vat-grown muscle cables are braided into existing muscle fibers, enhancing the muscle's mass and performance. Increases strength of the user.
Muscle Toner (Restricted) (R2) (Delta) [-0.2Es]
- This treatment incorporates vat-grown elastic muscle fibers into existing muscle tissue, increasing muscle tension and flexibility. Increases agility of the user.
Synaptic Booster (Restricted) (R3) (Delta) [-0.75es]
- With this bioware, the nerve cells making up the spinal cord are encouraged to replicate and lengthen, providing a wider "datapath" for the transmission of impulses and decreasing the amount of time required for the signal to traverse the distance. Increases reaction and initiative.
Orthoskin (Restricted) (R3) (Delta) [-0.36]
- Weaves an energy-diffusing material just beneath the skin that provides the equivalent of personal armor, while being virtually indistinguishable from augmented skin.
Reflex Recorder (Dodge) (Delta) [-0.05Es]
- With this enhancement, extra neural material is grown in small clusters around the thirtyone pairs of spinal nerves to allow memorization of certain “learned” motor reflexes. Enhances evasion in combat situations.
Nanoware: -0.87 essence
Nanohive (R5) [-.87Es] (Delta)
- A nanohive is a nanocybernetic implant designed to support and coordinate nanoware in a living body long-term. Nanohives not only contain the hardware and software necessary to aid the functions of multiple nanoware colonies, but they also provide a safe environment for nanoware systems to repair, replicate and resupply. Nanohives themselves replace and repair nanites that are excreted or damaged by the body, maintaining nanite populations at a normal level and even restoring depleted levels after injury.
Anti-Rad (R6)
- This freefloating system scours the body via the lymphatic system for tell-tale isotope traces, free radicals, and radiation damaged cells. Anti-rad nanites bind the contaminants in a solvent cage. In the case of cells, anti-rad nanites inject damaged or mutated cells with a compound that induces cyto-death, reigning in further division and mutation. The antirad nanites then attach to the waste and transport it to the nearest lymph node to be processed and evacuated normally.
Nanosymbiotes (R3)
- Nanosymbiotes are hybrid colonies of specialized nanites that permeate the user's anatomy. Once they have fully deployed, they adopt specialized functions appropriate to their location. These are all focused on returning the subject to a healthy physiological baseline. Nanosymbiotes adjust body chemistry, assist cell formation, and even mimic certain cell functions themselves, acting to speed clotting and healing. Functioning nanosymbiotes allows the user to heal and recover from wounds faster.
O-Cells (R9)
- Unlike natural lymphocytes, which only store memories of previous infections (or inoculations), O-cell soft nanites come equipped with broad-spectrum pharmacological microdoses and an inbuilt “library” of responses to a wide array of common pathogens. O-cell nanoware reduces the efficiency of any viral or bacterial pathogens that infect the host and is often used as protection against bioweapons and diseases.
Universal Nantidotes (R9)
- These nantidotes are designed to counter a broad spectrum of toxins rather then one specific compound. They carry active charcoal, tannic acid, magnesium and other chemicals to absorb toxins from the digestive tract and bloodstream, and also enhance the body's natural detoxification processes. They can also protect against the effects of alcohol, nicotine and caffeine.
Implant Medics (Orthoskin) (R6)
- This nanoware system is installed along with specific bioware or cyberware implant. The free-floating nanites in this system are designed to monitor the health and well-being of that implant, and to immediately act to repair it if any malfunction or damage occurs. If the nanites detect a problem, they will work to restore the implant to its standard operating parameters by rejoining neural connections, seal fractures, repairing circuitry, stabilizing chemical levels, removing damaged tissue, and so on.
Transgenics: -0.9 essence
Enhanced Protein Exchange (Adapsin) (Cyberware only) [-.2Es]
- Adapasin is a catchphrase for two proteins that can reduce the impact of non-biological implants to an organism. True adapsin is an immunoprotein that limits bio-stress upon implantation of cybernetics by down-regulating inflammatory response. The second protein produces a secreted polysaccharides that coats the implant with a bio-film, making the body believe that it is a normal organ, thus limiting xeno-rejection and immune response in the long term.
Enhanced Protein Exchange (Reakt) [-.4Es]
- Reakt is a transgenic neurohormone released by the pituitary gland during stress, enhancing perception to the degree that movements are perceived as if in slow motion, making it easier to react to situations or incoming dangers.
Enhanced Protein Exchange (Synch) [-.3Es]
- Synch is a nootropic protein that affects cognitive abilities in the brain cells of the visual cortex. This enhances intuitive comprehension and pattern recognition abilities. In addition recipients accustomed to combat situation develop a battle awareness based on fighting styles and moves, which allows them to respond and adapt quickly to their opponent’s fighting style.
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Aizakku Furosto
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