Gaia Related Questions:
1. What is the exact date that you started gaia?um... June something 2006
2. Do you consider yourself to be a rich or poor gaian?RICH
3. Which forums do you tend to lurk around?Chatterbox
4. Do you like gaia?yep
5. What is your gaia age?about 3 years
6. How many accounts have you had?1
7. Have you ever had an account be banned? If so why?nope
8. Do you go to towns, play jigsaw, go to rally, etc?i barely go on those...
9. Are you a well-known gaian?nope >.<
10. Have you ever left gaian? If so why?uh for a while because i thought it was boring...
Food Related Questions:
11. Have you had anything to eat recently?Yes at taco bell XD
12. What did you have for breakfast?Grilled cheese sandwich
13. What did you have for lunch?Quesidia (cant spell it)
14. What did you have for dinner?its not dinner yet >.<
15. Do you eat sweets?sometimes...
16. Do you go out to eat a lot?not rilli
17. Are these questions making you hungry?nope (im getting hungry because of these questions!!!)
18. Would you rather have a Big-Mac or a salad?salad
19. Which do you like better tacos or pizza?pizza
20. Are you going to get something to eat now?no(gets some food)
Color Related Questions:
21. Do you like colorful posts?yeah, it looks cool XD
22. What is your favorite color?red,green,black
23. What is your best friend's favorite color?BLUE
24. What colors do you usually use when creating a new look for your avatar?white and black *panda*
25. Does your favorite color change often?not rilli
26. What color is your bedroom?White =(
27. Do you want to change the color of your bedroom?yes RIGHT NOW
28. What color is the shirt you are currently wearing?white... its gana get stained =O
29. What color are your pants?black....
30. What is your natural hair color?dark brown or black
Age Related Questions:
31. What age do you act?the age i am i guess...
32. Are you old enough to drink?nope and never will(i hope)
33. Do you wish you were older than you are?sometimes
34. Do you wish you were younger than you are?yes!change me back ^.^
35. Are you old enough to smoke?nope and dunt wana
36. Are you old enough to drive?Nope...
37. Are you old enough to babysit?i guess...
38. Are you old enough to get married?Nope!
39. Are you old enough to vote?NOOPE
40.What is your actual age?cant say >.<
Relationship Related Questions:
41. Have you ever been dumped?um... long story ^.^
42. Have you ever dumped someone?uh...
43. Do you still have feelings for your ex?uh...
44. Are you currently in a relationship?nope
45. How many friends do you have?alott
46. Have you ever cheated?no
47. Have you ever been cheated on?...
48. When you get dumped, or dump someone, do you cry about it? If so for how long?...
49. Are you married or engaged?none
50. How many relationships have you been in? How long have they lasted?...
Quiz Related Questions:
51. What is the longest quiz you have ever taken?1000 questions
52. Is this the first quiz you have ever taken on gaia?Nopee
53. Do you like taking really long quizzes?if im bored
54. Do you usually finish every quiz you start?uh... most of the time
55. How long should a quiz be?LONG
56. Have you ever created a quiz?yesh...
57. Have you ever helped create a quiz?yepp it was sooooo long
58. Do you want to create a quiz?probly soon
59. Do you think you'll finish this quiz?yes im more than half way ^.^
60. What would you rate this quiz so far? One being the lowest and ten being the highest.8 so far...
Friendship Related Questions:
61. How close are you and your best friend?pretty close~
62. Have you ever had feelings for a friend?yes...
63. How often do you and your friends fight?i dunno...
64. What would you rate your friendship with your best friend? One being the lowest and ten being the highest.9!
65. Have you and your best friend ever fought over a girl or guy? If so who got the girl or guy?never...
67. When one of you moves away do you stay in touch or drift apart?stay of touch... but i need their e-mail XD
68. Was your best friend the one who taught you how to kiss?no...
69. Do you and your best friend hug and kiss each on the cheek?... it depends who ur talking about o.o
70. Do people ever ask if you and your best friend are dating?my girl best friend... yeah alot >.<
Role-playing Related Questions:
71. Do you like to role-play?kinda...
72. Do you even know what role-playing is?yess
73. Do you want to role-play?not now...
74. Do your friends role-play?not anymore
75. Have you ever tried role-playing?yes and didnt turn out that good
76. Do/would you role-play a female or a male?...
77. Do/would you role-play anime or actual people?Anime of corse ^.^
78. If you role-play what type of role-player are, semi-literate, literate, semi adv-literate, adv-literate? If you don't role-play what type of role-play would you want to be?wha o.o
79. What is your option on role-playing?these questions are getting annoying...
80. Do you take role-playing seriously, meaning do you act as if it is real life?never ever
Movie Related Questions:
81. What is the last movie you saw in the theaters?i cant remember...
82. Have you seen the Dark Knight?yepp
83. What is your favorite movie?um... so far drillbit taylor
84. Would you rather see a comedy or a romance?uh... comedy...romance... i duno...
86. Would you rather see a sad movie or a horror movie?both XD
87. How many times do you watch a movie that you really like?once or twice
88. Have you seen Star Wars?yepp
89. Do you usually get movie posters of movies that you enjoyed?nope...never thought about that...
90. Would you rather read a book that a movie is based on or watch the movie that's based off of the book? bassed of book
Mood Related Questions:
91. Are you moody?eh...
92. What mood are you in at the moment? heart
93. How do you feel when told that you are loved?i feel loved XD
94. What feeling does a hug leave you with?
95. How do you feel when someone tells you that they'll call you and then they don't?... dissapointed
96. After a breakup what kind of mood are you in?sad...
97. After a fight what kind of mood are you in?angry or emo XD
98. What feeling do you get when you look at yourself in the mirror?i duno...
99. How do you feel when someone doesn't know who you are?...this...
100. What feeling did this quiz leave you with?boredness now...