The Gaia Halloween event has already begun, how exciting. :3 I'm doing pretty well with the Grunny thing, I wonder what'll happen? x3
So, Wednesday I was running a bit late in the morning. We didn't leave home untill 7:07, and I needed to be at school at 7:10. D: I takes fifteen minutes to get there. I had a crapload of stuff with me that I needed to put in my locker, including some gym clothes I didn't want to lug around for the next two periods. There was also alot of stuff I needed to get out of my locker, otherwise I'd be completely unprepared for my first two classes. So, naturally, I went down to my locker as fast as I could, did my thing, and ran back up to the front of the school to try to catch the bus to my secondary school. By the time I got up there it was long gone. D:< I was so frustrated, I threw down my binder, and it burst open. Nothing fell out, thankfully it was really more of a file folder and there was nothing in that pocket. I figured that missing the bus would just mean that I would be a bit late for first period, or just nothing too dramatic. I went to the front office, and they gave me a pass to go study at the Library. D: I wanted to call someone to come take me to school. But instead I went down to the Library and kinda sat around. Seeing as all of my stuff was in my locker, and I had finished my homework the night before (:D!!) I didn't have anything to do. D:
I didn't think it would be a big deal. I was, for once, on time to my second period class. Though, I missed some homework in Japanese, and my grade in there is really hurting from all of these absences. D: I do the homework, it's just not getting counted because I'm sick the next day.
Though today, in sixth period, I was called back up to the office and they gave me a detention slip. I knew that missing the bus counted as being truant, but I wasn't aware that I was going to be punished for it. Something in that just isn't right. So now I have a detention for Nov. 1st. >:C I dislike being punished for things out of my control. My mum is going to try calling the school and see if she can't get this fixed.
Truant. mad That's for when you intentionaly skip class, not for when you try to be prepared.
Leamony · Sat Oct 29, 2005 @ 04:41am · 2 Comments |