Also, my 23rd birthday approaches! A few have already begun to ask, so here's a wishlist of sorts, even though a simple 'Happy Birthday' PM is always a wonderful gift. heart
Ye Olde Wishlist
-Pet Art
Kieran Reference 1
Kieran Reference 2 - Clothes Ahoy!
Krishna Reference
Sekani Reference (In case of KrishnaxSekani pic)
Humanized Krishna and Sekani
(If you want to do pet art and need more specific infos, fling me a PM, yus? *didn't want to make this entry HUGEAMONGOUS*)
-Avi Art (of any of the avis below~)

-Any items from my wish list.
-Color Combinations I like:
-Lavendar, Mauve, Silver
-Teal, Brown, Gray (with or without orange)
-Cream, Brown, and Green
-Purple, Silver, and Blue
Colors I like: Purple, Gray/Silver, Blue, Green, Brown, most shades of orange, most shades of yellow, Burgundy
Colors I don't like: Neon Colors, most shades of pink, red and black together
-Patterns/Edits I like:
-Art Noveau
-Wings (feathered, butterfly, or dragonfly)
-Natural markings
-Unique Markings
Valentines Sent: 70. More to come? ninja
Snow Feather and Jacket from Lady O! Thank you dear. ;o;
ALSO: I must lul at her description for the Jacket. xD
"Naughty thing. Happy V-Day right back. Wear this on our honeymoon? *Bats eyelashes at*" rofl heart heart
Teal and Black Cyber Wig, Yellow and Black Cyber Wig, Black Flip Wig, Brown Flip Wig, and Teal Fascinator from Foalen! WHY DO YOU SPOIL ME SO?
Skunk Plushie and Hawt Guy: ILU Uriel! &3

A verreh pink sweety face! xD Thank you, Love Pirate!

THANK YOU SUKKU! ;o; Socute.

KRISHNAxSEKANI BABIES. Not technically a V-day or B-day gift, but came in February and I'm so, so excited! Thank you Syrie! ;o; heart (Blue guy = Brahma; Rainbow boi = Kafele and belongs to Aqua Drageen~)

Adoreable cow from Syrcaid! Thanks dear. &3

Another moo-moo from Enki! Thank you sweet!

Plushie invasion! ;o; Sankyuu Foalen. heart

Something mysteriously delicious from Hugo!

D'aw, thank you for the pretty pony, Syr! ;o;

Aw, Lady O you are teh sweet! Such spoiling.

Oh mah god, Sukkuluff = awesome artist kk? *melts into a puddle at the cuteness* Thank you so much, dear! ;o;