So I just took a whole bunch of Death Note quizzes. And apparently....
Which Death Note Character Are You?
My Results:
 L Although you act, sit, and gesture like no one and are above and beyond out of the ordinary, you have an amazing mind. You are intelligent and could solve almost any problem/investigation. You have an analytical mind.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AND APPARENTLY.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
You Scored as Light Yagami
You are Light Yagami [Kira] . You want to create a world with no evil and you are very smart.
Light Yagami 80% Rem 60% Misa Amane 50% L 40% Ryuk 40%
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= AND YET AGAIN =D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

The more I think about it, the more I'm beginning to dislike Ryuk more and more. He wrote down Light's name, which in turn, killed him.
Though I absolutely adore Matsuda, I'm mad that he shot Light. AND THE LAST ONE-
I guess I should really hate Near for coming up with the idea of switching Mikami's notebook, it was Gevanni who tailed Mikami and did the dirty deed to switch the real notebook, in the vault, with the fake. If the notebook had never been switched, Mikami would have killed the Japanese Task Force and the SPK members.
And I also think Kyosuke Higuchi looks like a gorilla ;3
Hai Kono · Sat Feb 07, 2009 @ 06:18am · 0 Comments |