My Grandpa's death....=(......... We will miss you..
My Grandfather from my mom's side died on Nov. 2nd 2005
crying cry . Words really cannot express how I felt when I found out. It's just so sad
cry . The last time I heard my grandpa was on my birthday when he called from India and said Happy birthday to me
3nodding . At the time I was happy but I never knew that he would have died a month later
cry crying crying crying .

A Plege to my grandpa...
I promise I will work hard so that at least while you are watching over me. i know that I did the right thing by working hard for you
3nodding . I hope you are happy up there watching over us and don't worry. Knowing that you were always there. iam very thankful. Thankyou sooo much
smile cry .

. Mom everything will be alright. Grandpa is in a happy place full of flowers. He would be even more sad if he knew everyone else is sad because he died
3nodding . So don't fret because memories will always be there. No matter what.......
heart .
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